I sat in front of my desk, unfinished drawings messily occupy.
It's eleven in the evening, my brother and mother are both fast asleep. If my father was here, I would have been scolded by now but he wasn't.
Somehow, you popped into my head. Thinking back on the day of a grand event celebrating Jesus, you looked a bit... off.
We were the fifth to present a dance. As the rain poured heavily, we rushed to find shelter. While our fellow dance-mates mingle amongst each other, church-mate or of another church. Talking about how it's the last time we'll see each other's faces without even getting to know our names.
You crouched down, head hung low, the flag you were tasked to hold tight in your grip. But as we stood on the ramp, you quickly erased your gloomy disposition.
A few days after that, I asked for help on a certain plate to which you encouraged me afterwards.
[you] ... while I'm over here almost failing
[me] you're failing, you can still climb up though
[me] i'm the one who failed
[you] Hahahaha don't say that
[me] but it's true, though, i failed in my midterms
[you] Hahahahah same
[you] Let's just do better during finals
[me] yeah, that's the plan
When we practiced for the cotillion, you were now back to your happy, goofy self. Or is that how you usually are? And it just so happens that you were tired that day.
That was supposed to be a happy day.
Then again, I'm not that close enough to you to understand your feelings. I guess I'm back to being my delusional self.
... which is dangerous. Gotta hurry and delete these.