The police are after you. How do you evade arrest around the town where you reside, when law enforcement isn't on your side?
My response was to wish upon a star for a miracle...
... and my wish was granted when a costumed "André the Giant Panda" wrestler came to town.
Okay, author @decafsoda, let's say you and I "break down the fourth wall" and recap what you've written:
1. I met a lovely man named "Quickie," and
2. A supervillain named "Boer Boar" attacked my beloved Quickie. Quickie wasn't able to use his power of enhanced speed to escape, since Boer Boar had a mask that neutralized Quickie's powers, and
3. In defending Quickie, my lower legs came close to Boer Boar's mask and I lost some of my superhero invulnerability and strength in that area of my body, (we needed foreshadowing), and
4. A senior citizen superhero named "60-something Samurai Salamander" attacked Quickie, and
5. He knocked Quickie into a coma, hurt my Achilles tendon, so I knocked him into a coma, and
6. As part of my law practice, I made my way to my city's courthouse, to argue my so-called "cosplayer case," and
7. Right before I was to argue my case, the mayor of the city where I live was threatened, and
8. A weirdo hero known as "Siphonetic," managed to make me, the mayor, plus himself, become speechless, and
9. Once Samurai Salamander woke from his coma, he said he'd been hypnotized, by a supervillain named "School Marm," and
10. Siphonetic agreed that this supervillain hypnotized him to attack me, and
11. I, and another superbeing, were sequestered so we wouldn't be hypnotized. I tied her up and escaped.
See, with work, @decafsoda, we turned seven chapters into eleven bullet points.
To continue:
I trekked to Siphonetic's hospital room to learn about his speech-disrupting gun. Siphonetic didn't know much about his own invention. Maybe due to us using an unofficial sign language.
Then I walked to the city's police department, and smashed into the evidence room in order to grab Boer Boar's mask. The cops had taken this from where he'd first attacked Quickie, my lover.
I immediately lost my powers. I shrunk from more-than six, to less-than six, feet tall. I put the mask in my backpack, walked through the hole I'd made, as chaos reigned in the police station.
What's the miracle I got? The station was on a skeleton crew due to a traveling wrestler troupe performing in town. One wrestler was dressed in a panda suit. A lot of cops had been dispatched for riot control. The favorite pastime of some local residents is wrestling, while the favorite pastime of some local college kids is protesting symbolic animal cruelty.
My favorite pastime is watching action movies with lame-o lines like: "I've come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum." So, supervillain School Marm, y'all better hope I buy some "Bubblicious" right soon.