Sky let go of the hand that was stroking the young man's back , placed the glass in the sink , and proceeded to the bedroom , ignoring the jealous man who forbids his thoughts , as if he wanted to own in every sense , let Sky only think of Praphai. But did Praphai listen to his words?
The young boy had disappeared from sight , leaving only one person who had lost his mind. Or is Sky liking someone who is younger?
The idea of that if his brother and sister heard this , they would say at the same time that this Sky is clearly a tiger!
While the person outside the room was unable to think to the point of wanting to change his hair to look younger , the person escaping into the bathroom was putting his back against the door
Both hands lifted up to cover his face , obscuring the flushed cheeks and lips that could barely hold back a smile
"You're crazy , Sky."
Yes , he must have gone made for his heart to tremble like this. Regarding why he's like this , Sky just realized recently that he loves...loves the serious look of his lover
Its not that he doesn't like Praphai playful , good natured demeanor , he loves to the point of loving this man who always tries to make him smile. But phi Phai had never realized that when he shakes off his playfulness and keeps his face still , it make Sky heart tremble like crazy
Whether it was a low voice or a dark eyebrow that drew together. Every time he saw it , Sky had to try to hold back his smile , and he wanted to tell phi Praphai so stop being cool. That will make him fall more in love with but what does he have to say to make phi Praphai understand his heart?
This time , let's just keep this as his little secret
Sky thought of last night when phi Phai intervened to help them. Whether it was the solemn face , the professional voice , and the care that phi Phai conveyed without hiding it , it made him realize how valuable he was in this person's eyes
The more he is with phi Phai , the more the thought he used to think that he is worthless no longer exists
"A little more handsome , phi Phai."
Regarding phi Graf? Sky can admit that he was deliberately making him jealous.
"Well , phi you're cute." The shy man sighed in his throat before slipping out into a wide smile.
This kind of trembling matter? Let's keep it a little secret from him first.
"Phi Phai...."
After taking a shower and changing into comfortable home clothes. Sky appeared in the empty living room. Two legs walekd through the office on the other side , and a handsome face emerged from the edge of the door , looking at big man sitting behind a large office desk
This is another matter that he can't tell himself. He falls more in love when phi Phai wears glasses
Now the tall man wears only long pants at home , comfortable , the shirt is folded up to the elbow while releasing the button to see the thick chest , full of muscles and skin. In his hand were some work papers that needed to be cleared up but above all were glasses... the thin rimmed glasses adoring the sharp face made this person even more charming like a working adult
And its not that phi Phai is short sighted but last year's workload was too much. When working on the computer screen , Sky would always hear khun Praphai complain about his eyes hurting but he refuses to do anything about it until Sky dragged him to an eyeglass shop , and ordered glasses for him
At first , phi Phai refused to wear it but when Sky was so worried about it , it was now his equipment. Regarding Kai , well he likes it but don't tell him , or someone will abuse this info and wear the glasses to keep him in constant state arousal
"Phi Phai , you wont take a break , you didn't sleep last night." However the serious look that indicated that he had been sitting behind the desk for along time made Sky worried
But the big guy?
He turned around for a moment and then turned back to work. If Sky was here , he would say that he knew from any word that he was touching.
"I have to clear the workload." Praphai said in calm voice
"You didn't clear last night , did you?" Asked Sky with smile
The guy who told Rain this morning that he was up all night because of him was a complete lie because , by the time the event was over. Phi Phai had to come back and finish the paperwork for the previous meeting. It was Sky who was sitting next to him to help him sort documents until phi Phai sent an email to phi Nam. Who was the secretary at almost six o clock in the morning and by then it was time to go out to meet phi Phakin
His face was pale because he hadn't slept but the Architect Boy had gotten used to not being able to sleep. Skye was worried about Praphai working all night , going to races , and dropping by for a long stay
Regarding the said job , he wanted to tease Rain. Okay , he can be confused . Sky thought as he walked over but then busy man didn't even look at him so he put his hands on both shoulders and gently messaged them
"Take a nap and then continue."
"Sky , go to sleep , you haven't sleep all night , you're tired."
"Phi Phai , you haven't sleep."
"Just this , i am very comfortable." The big man glanced over then turned to continue reading the document , his finger tips pushed the glasses frame to the front , ignoring the warm touch that was placed on his broad shoulders
It was then that Sky wrapped both his hand around his neck , and dropped his head to his shoulders , then the person who used to not express his feelings spoke in a low voice
"I dont want to sleep alone na...."
"Once im finished , i will follow you to bed."
"Phi Phai..." A clear voice whispered close to his broad shoulders , just a soft whisper would make the listener's heart soften
"Sky , go to bed first. Once i finish here , i really will follow." But Praphai still stiffened as he pulled a small hand that was covered in scars from the cutter and gently kissed his palm
"Is this a new wound?"
"Yes , the other day , i didn't notice , and got a paper cut."
Even though it was a paper cut wound that the members of the faculty liked to call a wound of honor , Praphai tenderly pressed a kiss , gently squeezing it as if his lover was still hurting
"Phi Phai..."
"How much do i have to beg , for you to agree to sleep with me?"
It was then that the young man rolled his eyes and looked into sharp eyes. And Praphai hadn't imagined that Sky was clearly begging ,a s the touch of his palm moved to his chest , which the big man honestly said he liked every time he touched it like this.
He was already addicted to Sky touched
"I dont know." But the bass still said that
In the past when we weren't dating it was easy to get into his bed but when he was his boyfriend , sometimes Sky was a bit afraid to touch him. The thought immediately flew out of his head , as the shy man sat down on his lap. Two hands supported the sharp face , finger tips lightly touched through the rough beard before the finger tips landed on the corners of the soft mouth
"I am sleepy , phi Phai."
A soft touch touched his mouth , light like a butterfly , spreading it wings but so firm in the heart of the big man that he put down the document and hugged the small body tightly.
"Oh , if you do this phi then i am weakened."
"I haven't done anything wrong."
"Complimenting other man in front of me isn't that wrong?"
"I was just talking."
"You compliment me that he was more handsome than me."
"I didn't say a word of that."
Sky laughed back and laughed until his cheeks hurt because someone clearly intended to slander him
"Wont you make it up to me?"
"And now im not making up to you?" Sky straightened up to look at the young man's face , finding that his stern face was once again adorned with an attractive smile. He knows that someone won't be sulking anymore
"You make it up to me with just this?"
"And how much does phi want me to make it up to him?" Th slim figure asks jokingly
"Here." Praphai pointed to the lips
The younger man looked at the sly man and frowned at him but...
A warm touch quickly touched his lips but it seemed like Praphai wasn't satisfied with that.
"Here too." Praphai inflated one cheek
The little boy put his nose on the cheek but then
"On the other side too." Praphai still requested
the other party agrees to press a quick kiss on the other cheek
Chu! Chu!
But this time Praphai didn't have to beg because the person in his embrace pressed a kiss on the lover's forehead , then pressed the eyebrows that had previously been furrowed together , and ended up warming his lips again. Its not touching and pulling away but pushing and leaving the touch...still..still..for a long time...and then slowly pulling away.
"Even if i compliment anyone , phi Phai , you're already the most handsome because my feeling for you ar emore than anyone else."
Totally lost in love
This could very well describe what happened to Praphai right now , he lost in love with a man in his embrace , you can say that he is completely out of shape. So , the man who intended to be a mean person wanted to make the person reconcile a little more , blaming for complimenting the other man , pulled Sky up and let him back to the bedroom by hand
The warm touch that fits snugly on the wrist makes the smaller person smile. He really loved phi Phai's touch. Phi Phai never held him hard , it quickly showed how much the other party cared for him. The large hand swept the blanket over the two of them , and the young man moved effortlessly into his embrace , filling his lungs with the fresh fragrance Praphai used to fill his lungs with
"Sky , you smell so good."
"Well , i've just taken a shower." Sky sighed ,allowing the tip of Praphai nose to tuck into his throat and he began to spread acros the white's shoulders. H didn't tell Praphai that he wore such a wide necked shirt because he wanted to make it up to him and he knew that someone would play with skin like this.
"You are so tasty that i want to bite you till you are marked." Praphai said as he is still busy playing with his skin
"Phi Phai , you can do it."
"I don't want to hurt Skye , i just need to suck it up." Praphai raised his head and said with a smile that the person who was listening had to hold both cheeks
"Phi Phai , you will never hurt me."
Two pairs of eyes met , and the big mand smiled
"I know."
It was a word with only two parts but made so much sense to the person who was listening. Phi Phai never hurt him. Unlike an ex who always hurt him , phi Phai always checks if he's ready or not. Sometimes even asking if he could hug Sky. Even thought his heart has given in since he met this pair of sharp eyes , would it be called too cherishing? Probably right.
The shy person thought , averted his gaze , and said in low voice
"Phi Phai , do you wnat to take off yoru glasses first?"
"Oh , is this it? No need , im used to it." Praphai lifted his hand over his glasses fram before shrugging his shoulders , pulling the boy's boyfriend back to sleep on his chest again , and pulling the blanket up to cover his chest with his other hand
"Go to sleep. I haven't sleep all night , im so sleepy."
"Well , phi Phai , you sleep." Skye replied with his eyes closed. He didn't think abut it anymore because , to be hoenst , the stress of being summoned to go to phi Phakin's house made him tired. But how could they answer an invite like that? They owe Phi Chai who had helped with his ex boyfriend , which means they owe phi Phakin. If that person calls you have to go
The little man was breathing evenly , getting ready to fall asleep at any time , unlike the big man who was still looking at him with a happy smile
A large hand pushed the frame of the glasses up to the bridge of the nose and smiled broadly
"I know you too"
And yes , Praphai wore glasses to work even when he did not need to stare at the screen because he know , Praphai knew from the satar that someone feel into more arousal when he put on the glasses
Let's just say that he knew from the first moment in the glasses shop , someoen put a frame on him. But because he knew again that if he said it , Sky would be embarrassed.
He knew from the beginning that Skye loved him in glasses for sure
The idea made Praphai chuckle , other people might think he was a striped tiger but in fact , he was the one who gave up his stripes himself. Well , if it made this boyfriend happy , why wouldn't he agree?
Praphai thought as he tightened his warm body closer to his chest. He had no idea that other than the glasses , Sky's heart trembled as he held his face still. Well , perhaps the heart throbbing secret should continue to be little secret in the heart...It's not wrong