I have seen a lot.
Many species had came and went and I have always struggled hard to give them what they want. Shelter, food, my wealth. Throughout times I had undergo many changes in order to improve myself, to ameliorate lives of everything that existed.
For many, many years I had been happy. We've all lived together, in peace and helped one another. Many different species had walked in my forests, drank my water and fed from my gardens. I had to part with some good friends in order to prosper.
And then they came.
They walked on two legs, developed an ability to communicate and learned to use my natural wealth in order to produce for themselves. They were called humans, and were the most intelligent beings I had seen on my surface. They were my most advanced children.
As the time passed, they have changed me, shaped my appearance in order to thrive and facilitate their lives. They heated the wood and created fire, they built tall buildings and made metal birds. Humans developed a way to communicate with one another, no matter which part of my surface they occupied. They had compassion, ability to show love and help each other. They were all different in their appearances, culture and language, and yet essentially all humans were same. I was happy, thrilled that they benefited from everything I have offered.
But they have lost their way.
Greed has poisoned their souls, stopped spreading goodness and kindness and instead preached only hate. They made me reach the peak and continued improving, only to turn against each other. My children developed ways to unite in all the ways, and yet brutally rejected to accept equality. They wanted more, therefore created chaos.
For many years they goose-stepped into bloodshed. They abused me and one another, created machinery that had the ability to destroy. Evil man risen and talked about peace while performing the opposite, fooled themselves into believing they had power to give or take life. They polluted my air, my oceans; destroyed my forests and gardens; hunted and killed my other children. They created everything only to forget the reasons why, and piece by piece they were destroying me as well.
I sent many warnings. I shook them, splashed them with cold water and erupted into fire in order to help them see, but no avail. They were blinded by selfishness and greed, they only spread bitterness, hate and intolerance. They threatened my existence forgetting that if I disappear so will everything else.
But to all my children I say, do not despair. I, the Earth, am a survivor. I have survived many battles, wars, destructions, holes in my Ozone and violation of my natural balance. Human beings will remember their true natures. They want to live by each others happiness - not by each others misery. They don't want to hate and despise one another, but to love and accept everyone. On my surface there is room for everyone, they will learn to share me again and prosper together.
To all my children I say, have hope. You are all survivors. You will survive again.
I, the Earth, will survive again.