I was at my daughter’s dance class. She was doing so good and she was getting better. Daydream was my whole world and the poor girl was just like her daddy side. Soft like putty but I didn’t wanna change her because my daughter was a sweetheart. She just had a hard time making friends but it’s an older girl in dance class that she became close to Zuri. I loved that for her.
“Mommy can I spend the night at Zuri house.” Day Dream asked me.
”D I don’t know her parents.” I said.
”Her daddy is over there.” She pointed and it was Zahseem. We walked over and my daughter was talking a mile a minute to Zahseem. Once she calmed down. He looked up at me.
”I didn’t know Day was your daughter. Zuri talks about her all the time.”
”Yeah. My little ballerina.”
”Wanna go out and get some pizza?” He asked.
“I can eat. What about you D?” I asked.
”Yes.” She said.
We were out at this arcade and the girls were out playing where we could see them. Kahseem was sitting next to me talking my ear off. I didn’t mind it though because it was nice. He was telling me about his daughter and how she looks at my daughter like a little sister.
”Your daughter helped my daughter when those girls were picking on her. Zuri is my girl.” I said. It’s crazy how we knew each others kids before all of this. I don’t know but all four of us felt good together.
“Zuri has been suspended for fighting 3 time already and honestly I can even be mad at her. She gonna defend herself and her friends. Day is the complete opposite of you.” He said getting closer.
”What do you mean?” I asked.
”Daja you’re rough and I like that don’t think I’m complaining because I’m not. Your daughter she so sweet and sees the brighter things in life. She’s like a ray of sunshine.”
”Yeah she gets that’s optimistic shit from her dad. Life hasn’t ruined her yet and if I have anything to do with it it won’t. I’ll go to war over my daughter. She’s my little butterfly cloud.” I said. He put his arm around me and laughed.
It was Sunday dinner and me my two fbrother Diesl and Danger sat down along with my daddy Donny. I had cooked away the day as my brothers and daddy played with my daughter. We were all eating when Diesl mentioned Kahseem.
”Mommy Zuri daddy is your boyfriend. I can not wait to tell her.” She said.
”Diesl what are you talking about.”
”Sissy don’t play with me. I seen you.” Diesl said.
“So what your sister is seeing somebody.”
”Pop it’s God.” Danger said.
”His brother is in the streets not him. Shit your sister hasn’t had a man since Daydreams dad. Let your sister live.” Daddy said.
”Thank you daddy.”
”Next Sunday bring him by.” Daddy said.
”Daddy he is not like us and we aren’t even official.” I protested.
”I don’t care the fact that you are protecting tells me I need to meet this young man.” Daddy said. I just nodded my head as I agreed with him.