Hey guys, 801tman (the writer) here. I’m sad to say that someone has copied and pasted this story and is trying to sell it online for money. (although just a dollar) At first, I decided to discontinue the story until the situation is resolved, but there’s very little I can do about it as of now, since it’s not copyrighted, and I really enjoy this story. So I came up with a new decision, to continue with the story and not let one person ruin a good story. Now, if the person who did steal my work is reading this, I request that you take it down and stop it. Come up with a storyline on your own instead of trying to steal the work of others. Thank you guys for listening to the rant/announcement, and I hope you enjoy the story. Your support means a lot to me.
Phillip collapsed on a bench in the dining area. A large plate filled with various foods was presented to Phillip. Quickly taking a fork, Phillip began gobbling down the meal. “That was some fight.”
Phillip quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and turned to the direction of the voice. “Maurice!”
“So how did it feel? To be in the ring, fighting for survival?”
“Different than training I can tell you that. I got so caught up in trying to find an opening that I forgot how much offensive power I had. Once I realized what was going on, I was able to turn the match around.”
“Good, that’s an important thing to realize. Dual wielding can provide some defensive techniques, but primarily, it’s to overwhelm your opponent. That was clearly shown at the end.”
Phillip took a few more quick bites of food. “So, I’ve been meaning to ask, how do you get out of group one?”
Maurice sat down next to him. “Well, there’s two ways. First method, the top eight fighters of the group, at the end of the year, participate in a tournament. Those who get past the first round move on to the next group. However, the winner gets what is called a ‘luxurious item from the outside world.’ Barring internet and cellular access, you are basically granted one item that you want within reason. You can’t be asking for a top of the line TV, but maybe a portable gaming system.”
“I…see…how do they determine the top fighters?”
“First, by record and winning percentage. If you fought say forty fights and won ninety percent of them, you’d probably be one of the top eight. However, if you fought eight fights and won all of them, you won’t be selected. After all, even though you may have a perfect record, you haven’t had enough fights to deem you worthy of entering. Lucky for you, the tournament for this group is just far away enough for you to participate if you do well.”
Phillip nodded as he finished the last of the food. “Well, I plan on participating. I don’t plan on losing.”
“And you never planned on being here to begin with. Confidence is great, but don’t become cocky either. I’ve seen many great fighters who would have probably saved everyone get cocky and get killed by an angry rival in a fight they had no business losing. The second method is a member of the group ahead of you dying, and the tip ranked fighter at the time is automatically promoted. They then kidnap another poor soul and place them at group one. That way, they never run low on fighters.”
The entrance to the dining hall opened, revealing an older teenage girl entering the room. Maurice cleared his throat and got up. “I’m gonna get going. Need to watch the rest of the fights for tonight. See you bright and early tomorrow.”
Maruice waved and walked out of the dining room. Phillip picked up his plate and put in in the wash bin. As he left the dining room, he noticed Martha leaning against the wall opposite the doors. Looking up, she looked at Phillip and walked towards him. “How were you able to do it?”
“Do what?”
“Turn that fight around. I was winning that fight until you went wild with the swords.”
“When I first chose the dual wielding swords, I was told that they provide a tremendous offensive boost, but at the expense of defensive abilities. During the beginning of the fight, I was timid, wanting to find an opening. However, when I remembered what dual wielding was about, I played to its strength instead of its weakness. That’s how I turned the match around.”
Martha sighed. “I…I see…I guess I’m just no good then…”
“You were my third fight. I was told by the announcer that I’ve improved…by my trainer told me that my improvement has been minimal at best. I just can’t seem to get the balance between using a sword and shield. You can’t change either. I’ve checked.”
“It was only your third fight. I know you know a lot more about battling than I do, after just one fight. You’ll get the hang of it. Just keep trying…and as a word of advice, your footwork needs improvement.”
“My master stressed the importance of the basics, especially footwork and basic attacks. If your footwork is off, your entire fighting style is off balanced. I was thinking about that as I ate.”
“I see…w-would you help me then?”
“Help you with what?”
“With my footwork. My master has stressed trying to get the balance between sword and shield, but if what you said about my footwork is true…that’s the root of the problem. Can you teach me what you know about footwork?”
Phillip nodded. “I’d be glad to. It gives you a better chance of surviving hell on earth.”
Marth grinned. “Thank you! I’m usually done with mandatory training right before lunch. What time would be good for you?”
“About an hour afterwards. Gives the food a bit to settle before more training.”
Martha nodded. “Alright, I’ll be waiting in the dining hall. Just don’t forget.”
Phillip chuckled. “No guarantees.”