A single scroll slipped from Sinno’s sleeve right into her right hand, one that was quickly thrown open to then reveal a picture of a scythe. Her left arm rose, her hand slamming straight into the paper; though rather than rip through, her sand simply vanished inside. The paper bled, black ink dripping onto the ground as she gave a heave. In seconds a metal pole was pulled out, a black one with a dark red rotating pattern spinning around the sides, five lines in total. The handle, made of a leather-like substance with foam grips. Another tug pulled out another length, revealing a slight arch in the middle with another grip just above, the pattern continuing.
One final tug and the head of a scythe ripped out, swinging to the left with her arm fully held out. The blade slammed down, as thick as a four-hundred page book. The blade work was painted, painted sapphire with black blade edges and the same red pattern on the top etched in. The heel arched itself, extending a certain point, bending back towards the snath at an arch of its own. At the bottom of the snath there was a click, a hidden blade launching out and quickly curving into a sickle-like end. A similar occurrence at once happened up top with a pike shooting out.
“Hoh? Blitzkrieg eh? You’re getting vamped up for this now aren’t you, Sinno. Heh heh, right right, I’m more than happy to get it on,” Satori chuckled.
“This girl is so cocky. Satori, shall we just annihilate this entire bloody team already? I’m so ready to just utterly rampage and slaughter them all.”
“Relax Carbon, it’ll happen. Let ‘em come at us first for the heck of it.”
Without another word Donavin stepped forward with weapon in hand, grumbling, “Ugh, they’re just standing over there mocking us. Come on boss, let’s just tear their freakin’ heads off already eh?”
“Be careful Donavin. Satori by himself is a fairly skilled warrior. And as for that Carbon guy, I don’t know a thing about him.”
“Which is why you’ll need us as backup,” came the reply of Shurren who then stepped up alongside Sinno, Ellie approaching on the other side as well, both then stopping right in line.
“I’m pretty sure I told you both to help Shawn and the rest.”
“Sorry boss but come on, a mindless monster that’s strong or two probably just as powerful guys that can think. You threw us all on the monster so it’d go down fast so we could back you up, right? Or at the very least so you could take a peak at how strong that other guy is,” Ellie replied.
“Heh,” Sinno mumbled back with a smirk, “You noticed eh?”
“You have our support,” Shurren concluded, “With Shawn in charge that thing will die quick either way. It’d be stupid to take those guys on without proper backup.”
“HEY! We’re right here, dumbass!” Razor spat.
“Calm down Razor, we’re just Black Ops Soldiers. Without powers like them we can’t keep up if this turns ugly.”Divided They Stand
“Meh, I suppose you’re right.”
“Shawn, this alright with you then?” Sinno called back, her head turning just slightly to allow a glance back with her eyes.
“Hell, don’t worry about it. I’ve been devising a few new strategies that would go great with some of my new abilities. Just make sure you don’t lose before we wrap this beast up with a little bow tie and a little garlic butter sauce, eh?”
“Heh, of course of course.”
“Are you finished stratergizing then?” came the call of Carbon, now on the approach.
“Sorry to have kept you waiting!” Sinno spat taking charge forward, the scythe slicing through the land behind as it was drug.
“So this is it then, the weapon you use to change everything. Tell me though, just another scythe? Heh… that last one snapped against the Emperor Mamba’s hide, what’ll this one do. Bend? Haha!”
“Heh, keep talking Satori, I’ll be happy to show you!”
With little wasted movement the blade ripped from the ground and was swung forward, slicing through the air swiftly right to the point where the two warriors stood. Both had shot back, the eyes visible behind Satori’s mask narrowed while those of Carbon were wide and wild. Behind and before Shawn’s group the Emperor Mamba shrieked out, its legs carrying its charging girth. With the roar came acid spraying from the two side heads towards the group, coming down as a rain.
“Scatter!” Shawn shouted, his arms flailing out unleashing a gust of winds that immediately slapped the acid back.
Carbon chuckled, eyes locked to Sinno as she shot forward, “This would be about as good a time as any, wouldn’t you say Satori my friend?”
“Aiye, it most certainly would be. Time to end this farce,” he replied.
As Sinno shot through the air, as her backup pursued, a loud bang came from behind. Rock and debris rained down all around, a loud inhuman shriek penetrating the air. Flaps heard moving, claws heard scraping; Sinno’s eyes shot back to see yet another creature emerging from the ground that shot right at Shawn and the others.
A swishing spiked tail that ended with a large blade, a gator-like body with lengthy legs like a scorpion’s coated with metal. Three sets of claws per each back foot, five for the front, the claws metallic like blades. The body stood out as very machine, much like a metal Scorupi Mamba’s crossed with an alligator's body. Large folded metal wings with thin flaps of some sort of material were visible, a large protruding neck, and then the head that perfectly resembled a cross between a crocodile and a crow though made out of mostly metal.
Sinno’s eyes widened, “{Ngh- a cyborg Scorupi Hybrid of some sort?!} Shawn watch out!”
Shawn’s motion stopped, his body quickly swiveling around just as the creature came down at him, its mouth wide open. Lightning at once surged up around Shawn, lightning that slammed straight into the creature. It’s roar echoed, its body launching back at once though not for long. Across the ground it drug, its claws slamming into the ground striking hold, its mouth curving into a grin as it did so.
“Dammit, another noisy newcomer joins the party eh? Thanks Sinno!”
Ground crumbled behind Shawn this time, his back turning once more, “The Emperor! Sinno!” he barked out.
Sinno turned at once, her feet grinding to a halt. In the air moving straight over Shawn the Emperor Mamba had taken flight heading straight down at her now. Behind her now turned back came a chuckle from Satori, “Heh heh heh, as if I’d give you guys the time of day to carry out anything close to a plan. Our twin experiments are going to dance around your bones and devour your flesh, hahaha!”
“Heh I have to hand it to you Satori you brilliant madman, this is perfect. Now Sinno, be gone!”638Please respect copyright.PENANAlbYuOvcSVn
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“Suppose we should assist, Xerneas?”
“Perhaps Shiro, though this IS Shadow Squadron. I’d say they’ve got this handled.
Not far off from the battle stood two figures with flowing fabrics. The female, Shiro, stood in a white kimono with fur around the collar and at the ends of the sleeves near her hands. A katana rested at her side, a raven atop her shoulder, her white hair flowing before her sky blue eyes. The man beside her, Xerneas, stood in white pants and silver armor, gauntlets on both arms ending with claws, a large standard sword at his side. His hair black and waving, his eyes purple, shoulder guards in place with a black cape on his back.
“Let’s see how this goes, eh, Shiro?”
“If you insist.”638Please respect copyright.PENANAWPLfMVv1Tb
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The ground could be heard shattering, cracks spreading out in all directions.
“What the hell-”
“Did that just-”
A chatter of surprise flooded the area, the cyborg stopping in place before Shawn to turn back. Shawn stumbled back, Ellie and Shurren both leaping back and skidding, many of the soldiers looking on in awe. Carbon stood, his jaw hanging, Satori’s eyes enraged.
Tails fell off in a variety of directions, seven flying passed into the group stationed around Frankie, some rolling towards Sinno’s support, some even flipping up and over Carbon and Satori. Claws and arms dropped to the ground, blood gushing out everywhere. The lower half of the Scorupi Emperor fell to its side, organs and blood gushing out while just behind the upper torso fell straight back with arms and claws flailing in all directions. Screams left the two heads, the main one somersaulting through the air landing with a crash just behind Sinno.
Her scythe stuck into the ground, the blade dripping with blood, guts piling atop it and the snath. With little effort she quickly ripped it back with only one hand, the blade flipping around. The wide mouth of the back swung down, slamming straight into the back of the Emperor Scorupi through the middle. The two heads were cut off, both flopping down as did its remaining arms and claws. Without another word, her foot on the torso, the scythe was ripped from the back and flipped once more. Her steps echoed, turning back with eyes locked to the two assailants.
“It-it can’t be. The Emperor’s Hide is as tough as a plate of titanium!” Carbon spat out in shock.
“How the hell did she do that?!” Satori barked.
Behind Frankie stumbled back, head turning quickly, “Warrior Shawn, just- just what sort of weapon is that? What did she do?”
“Heh,” Shawn chuckled, “I had forgotten how strong that thing is. Her scythe is special to order, made from Etonium.”
“Etonium?” Nani mumbled, “I haven’t heard of that before. How does it stack up to Titanium?”
“It’s a super rare mineral valued at fourty-seven point eight million credits for just under half a kilogram. Five times as durable as platinum with an even finer edge when made into a blade, and about half its weight. Her weapon in particular is probably worth just under a billion credits.”
“How in the name of-”
“Supposedly it was left to her by her parents, which is why she hates using it. That weapon has so many hidden features and she can so effortlessly swing it around. It’s remarkable considering the weight, almost as if it’s part of her.”
At a distance away the two assailants had become visible angered by stance alone. Carbon growled, his head turning to his side, “Grr- Satori, she just up and butchered the emperor with that thing-”
“Why haven’t I seen her use that thing before. Is it that she’s that determined to bring us down finally?”
“Well we’re now involved in a potential threat to the entire Celeste Empire so I’m sure she’s about as determined to capture or do away with us as we are determined to cut her down.”
“Dammit to hell!”
“Well guys, are you ready for this? Round two starts now!”638Please respect copyright.PENANAVv27L8LW6v