Here are my nicknames:
Ketchup - Due to my red hair and my complaining about my period, my friend decided to call me Ketchup.
Red Rover - ... Same as last nickname, actually.
Lonely Pterodactyl - Back in 6th grade, I had a crush on a guy who my friend called "Lonely Brontosaurus", so she decided to call me the Lonely Pterodactyl.
Millie Bobby Brown\Mills - My friends think since I'm such a good actress that I'm Millie Bobby Brown, so... they call me Millie Bobby Brown\Mills. Also my pen name is Mills.
Windmill - ... No comment.
Mill-Mill - My music teacher calls everyone by the first syllable of their name twice. For example, if there were someone named Ryan, she would call them Ry Ry. If there were someone named Raymond, she would call them Ray Ray.
Mouse - ...
The reason I wrote my nicknames, is because you can't just ask people for random nicknames and hope they tell you a good one. There has to be a good story behind it.