"You know, Teff, You didn't have to help me. I didn't have a lot of stuff in the first place, so there's not much to carry," said Kei as he set one box down in front of the elevator.
"Nah, my best bud in the whole wide world is finally moving out of the nest, I feel so proud!" Teff sighed and adjusted the two boxes he was currently carrying. He was pretty sure all of it comprised of sweaters. Kei always wore sweaters.
Kei rolled his eyes and pressed the up button on the elevator, "Of course... I'm pretty sure you just wanted to see what Ritsu's room looked like."
Teff stuck his tongue out, "You got me right there!"
Walking closer, Kei was about to pick up the box until he saw something on Teff's face, "What's that..." he moved in closer, seeing that just at the tip of Teff's curly bangs was a speck of a... crumb.
"K-Kei... what are you doing?" stuttered Teff who was surprised at the sudden close proximity.
"Hold on," Kei picked the crumb out of his hair and threw it away somewhere, "You had a crumb in your bangs, how does that even happen." the sound of the elevator door opening reached their ears, "Come on." Kei picked up the box and walked inside.
Nodding, Teff followed along with him. He cleared his throat and waited or the elevator to reach to Ritsu's floor.
Teff observed Kei, trying to note every single difference and change that was on his form. He was still wearing his usual face expression: blank eyes and his lips formed to something akin to a pout. It was adorable, actually. For some reason, Teff has never once seen Kei wear anything other than his usual sweaters, even during the SUMMER he would just wear thin long-sleeves.
The elevator made a dying, and soon they were walking outside. "His room is just over here." stopping in front of a door, Kei put down the boxes once again and knocked on the door. "Ritsu!"
Soon, the door swung open to reveal a grinning Ritsu, "Hey guys, nice to see you finally arrived! Here, let me carry that for you." the bespectacled man took the boxes that Kei was holding and brought them inside of the room. "Make yourself at home."
"Ritsu, where's your bathroom?" asked Kei who was looking around.
"It's connected to my room, just go inside, you'll see." Ritsu set the boxes down right behind the couch, so Teff placed the ones he was holding there too. "Are these really all of his stuff? There are only four boxes."
Shrugging, Teff said, "There is still two other boxes back inside of his dorm room, they're only filled with books though." he watched as Kei made his way to Ritu's bathroom.
After being inside of the hotel for a month, Ritsu was able to get a decent apartment by himself. It wasn't as fancy as the hotel was, of course, but it was still enough for two people to live inside. It was nice, it was decent, and most of all, there were a lot of pillows. Ah, Ritsu wished that had lived inside of that cushy hotel a little while longer, it was such a luxury.
Ritsu smiled, but... he was feeling an evil presence. A little uneasy, he looked behind him to see Teff giving him a smile. A smile that was just a little too sweet. "Uh, Teff? Is there something wrong?"
"Oh, no, no, no, no not at all. I was just admiring your glasses. I notice that they're new?" said Teff in his usual jolly manner, although this time it felt as if it was more forced than usual.
"These... I got my new glasses a few months ago, Teff." Ritsu rubbed the back of his neck. "You're not still mad at me, are you?" because that would already be way past immature for someone already in college.
"Nope, not at all. I'm happy for Kei, also you. Must be nice to have your best friend near you at all times, doesn't it? Like when I was still in the dorms and Kei was just a few steps away."
"What are you guys talking about, aren't we going to go back for my books," Kei said with a bland look on his face. His weak eyes were glancing back and forth from Teff to Ritsu. "Let's go, Teff." he said with a sigh.
"Sure, sure!" Teff said with a skip in his step. "Just two more boxes to go, right?"
"Yeah, so hurry up," Kei grumbled as he opened the door.
Ritsu watched them exit his new home with his observing eyes. That went well, he supposed. At least Kei was in higher spirits, but Teff could use some work. Well, it's not like it was his job to make Teff like him anyways, he came here on a mission and he had already completed it. With added bonus too.
With Kei around him as much as possible, he would be able to look after him. No longer will he be suffering through the night alone. No longer would he be trying to go through everything afraid of every single sign that reminded him of Freya. His friend was cursed... cursed with her image.
He wasn't what you would call an expert in things like that, after all, he didn't go to medical school. He was an engineer. However, that doesn't mean that he was clueless to the point where he wasn't able to tell between a joke and a real mental illness that should be taken seriously.
For years he had been living in guilt... it was always biting at his conscious. Telling him that he was being a horrible person.
"Aren't you glad? She's dead now ... so she can't be with Kei, can she?"
"What a nice guy, abandoning your friend at the times when he needs you the most."
"You loved her even though you knew that she would never be yours. Scum."
"She's gone now, and yet you try to ignore that fact."
It wasn't what you would call... 'fun'.
But things have changed. He came back. He was here now. He will make things up and return everything to how it should be. Teff or not, he was going to make his friend happy again. That guy could just go visit another fast food restaurant or something.
Ritsu sighed. He had already tried to make friends with him at the start, but if things were going to go like this, fine. It was Teff's choice, not his.
It was getting hot now a days, and he didn't want to waste any electricity by turning on the air con. Ritsu groaned and opened his fridge, trying to see if the popsicles that he left inside was still there. He blinked, realizing that the fridge lights weren't on.
Oh. He had forgotten to plug the fridge.
Well, there goes all of the popsicles that he had been saving for himself. He groaned once again and rummaged behind the fridge, trying to get it to connect with the power. When he was able to accomplish his feat, the fridge had started working, although his popsicles were already melted.
He stared at the popsicles... he could sort of relate to them in a way. Wow, that sounded stupid.
He had left the popsicles, not thinking at all what would happen once he left. He thought that everything was alright, he thought that the popsicles were alright where they were, and thought that they wouldn't need any help or any checking. With the time passed, only when he felt like getting a popsicle did he finally noticed that everything wasn't alright. They've already melted.
Ritsu scoffed at himself. Getting emotional over a couple of melted popsicles.
However... he was here now, wasn't he? It might take a little more time, but he can freeze them again. With a smile, he closed the fridge.
"You know, Teff, if you hadn't forced me to stop by that snack shop we wouldn't be struggling with the time." Kei grumbled as he knocked on the door waiting for Ritsu to open it. He had forgotten to ask for the spare keys.
Truth was, Teff was trying to lag the time, hoping that they wouldn't arrive. "Sorry about that! I just really wanted to try out the food there!"
After knocking, Kei whispered, "It's a miracle that you're not obese."
"Hey! I work out sometimes!" at Kei's shocked face, he twitched, "I don't just sit around all day eating you know..."
Their attention was caught by the sound of the door opening. With a click, they were met with Ritsu giving the a bright, toothy grin, in one hand were two frozen popsicles, and in his other was a half eaten one.
"Want some?" He asked happily.
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I'm back! I'm still alive! Been a long time, but here have another chapter. Shorter compared to the rest, but oh well. Hey, guess what? SOMEONE MADE FANART OF TEFF. OANEEOUNOAGNEOGNOKAGNAKOGNOAEGNKEOAG sadly I can't show it here because I have no idea how to work out this URL, if someone can teach me that would be very nice of you.
However, you can check it out on DeviantArt through the artist GraysonZalishqi with the piece titled: "Colored Ver. Teff"