Leaning against a wall waiting in Austin station, Dara scrolls through his phone anxiously, while keep looking at the time.
Suddenly, he could feel someone tapping his shoulder, he turned to see Minna.
Minna braided her hair in a twisted crown braid style, while wearing arabian jasmine on her hair.
"You look .... beautiful."
"Do I not look beautiful other days?" Minna smiled.
"Um, I mean-"
"I was just messing with you." Minna laughed. "So, where we going?"
"Highest place in Hong Kong, where you belong because you fell from the heaven!"
In Sky 100 Observation deck, both of them stand close to the glass windows.
Dara pointed, "You see that? It is The Peak!"
"On the right side of IFC, in the mountains."
"I think I see it now, have you been to there?"
“I remember once? But I dont think I got to there by tram which sounds pretty cool nor had I entered the Madame Tussauds at The Peak, maybe we can go to there one day."
Leaving Sky 100 back to Elements, Dara said, "You down for ice skating?"
"Oh! I haven't done it for years, let's see if I am rusty or not!"
"Great! I have no experience, you could teach me." Dara laughed.
After buying gloves and borrowing ice skates, Minna hold Dara's hand and tell him, "Just try to walk."
Dara quickly fell and he grabbed Minna in panic too, both of them fell on the ground and laughed.
"First thing first, don't grab me when you fall! Second, you need to walk with you weight forward in you body, not walking with you heels."
Having experience with running, knowing the difference between midfoot and heel strike, Dara starts to understand.
After falling a few more times, Dara managed to walk on ice finally.
"Now you need to imagine yourself running, but do the action slow, try to glide on ice."
While Dara practicing on the side, Minna keep zooming around the rink in circles.
Dara got annoyed and tried to keep up, yet it ended up with him falling even more. Eventually, he is able to skate, just not as fast.
A few hours past and the sun just set, they left Elements and walk towards Tsim Sha Tsui along the seaside.
At Harbour City entrance/bus stop, they could hear someone singing. They stand in the crowd listening to the singer perform 'Never Be Alone' by Dear Jane.
Whether it is the tiredness or the song's influence, Dara could feel a burning passion. He leans his head close against Minna's head, slowly inching towards her lips. At this moment, time felt slower than usual for Dara, as his heart beats frantically.
"Boom!" Explosion of fireworks startled the couple.
Above them different colored and shapes of fireworks are being released, everyone are absorbed by the spectacle.
Dara said, "Oh! I forgot, I got this for you." He pulled a mood ring out of his pocket, "Let's see if this fit you." Minna put out her right hand, and Dara placed it on her ring finger.
"It just fits! I will be waiting for you to put on the ring on my other hand too!" Minna blushed. "I also have a gift for you, it is a watch, it might help you in your running journey."
As the last firework explode in the skies, it is also time for departure.