A/n: Alright everyone because of a suggestion of a fellow writer I'm doing something new. I will be posting the bio, info, harem list (if any), any other bits of information and the first chapter of various stories I'm working on. I have no schedule, so until I do, updates will be sporadic. For some it could be a week, for others a couple of weeks, but also sometimes a few a week. I would also like to add some stories might receive more updates than others, depending on my mood, if I'm getting into it, or ideas for that series. So these first few bits of information and chapters are to give you a taste of what's to come. This message will be only on the first chapter of each new story. Hope you enjoy this testing phase I'm doing and the stories I write. Don't worry, no story will be abandoned, regardless of how many I make. If anything, maybe temporary hiatus.
* Now onto the story, shall we.
163Please respect copyright.PENANATuKJoAiw4L
Shiny Chariots Performance
??? 1: "ha, we got you surrounded, dork!"
??? 2: "yeah, It's time we teach you a lesson, jerk!"
??? 3: "let's get'em, boys!"
Y/n: "hehe, you can surely try, but you won't succeed, losers."
163Please respect copyright.PENANA2QwAzhEwUk
The first boy, who appears to be the leader, rushed towards the boy named Y/n and tries to take a swing at him but said boy easily dodges it by ducking down just as the first boy tries to punch him. Then, Y/n sweeps at the boys legs, causing him to fall down, but before he could hit the ground. Y/n was already standing up and with his legs already high in the air. Just before the punk makes contact with the hard concrete ground, Y/n forms a cocky smile before, then, stomping his foot down right on the punks back. This hard impact caused the punk to cough up saliva and nearly pass out from the pain. Seeing their leader hurt, the other 2 boys rushes towards Y/n, but the boy was ready. While his foot was still on the first punks back, he stands up and turns on his heel. This causes his heel to dig into the punks back, causing him to scream in pain. Using the momentum of his turn and twisting his body, gave him enough force to kick the second punk square on the face. The force of which caused him to get sent skidding back and into the third punk, which causes the pair to fall in comedic fashion.
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Y/n: "here, catch!"
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When the 2 punks finally get up and look at Y/n, they saw him grab the so-called leader by the back of his collar and his pants. The boy then lifts him up and spins around, before then tossing him right at his friends. They just barely manage to catch their friend, but the force of the throw causes them to stumble and fall all over again.
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Y/n: "do you guys want anymore because I'm just getting warmed up?" he then cracks his knuckles and neck.
Punk 1: "nah, we're good!"
Punk 2: "let's get out of here!"
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With that being said, the 3 punks ran with their tails between their legs. This leaves Y/n to just stand there proudly and scoff at them with a cocky grin on his face...... however-
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Y/n: "hu-urghhhh!"
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Suddenly, a blue and white blur tackled the poor boy to the ground, causing him to grunt in pain. When he gets up, he rubs the back of his head, saying 'ow' repeatedly. When he looks at who just tackled him, he sees a little girl, around his age, rubbing her face against his chest. She had short brown hair, a dark blue cap, a pink dress and a white witches hat.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAsRqp320ZSw
Y/n: "geez Akko. What was that for?"
Akko: looks up at him and practically beaming with excitement and energy, "come on, come on! You're going to miss it!"
Y/n: raises an eyebrow, "miss what?"
Akko: "Shiny Chariots performance, silly! Now come on!" she then grabs his hand and practically drags him along
Y/n: she then runs with him in tow, "h-hey!/ geez. Honestly, I can never keep up with her." causing him to let out a small chuckle.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAVCX4oOpzLc
As the young girl drags the boy along, he couldn't help but smile alongside her. These 2 kids have been childhood friends for as long as they can remember. This is because their parents were friends in high school and manged to move into beside each other when they became adults. At first, Y/n really didn't care for nor did he want anything to do with her. This was do to her overly friend and super energetic personality, when he was more of an introverted type. It just annoyed him when she constantly tries to cling to him or get all up in his face. However, this all changed when she came to his defense when a bunch of bullies began beating him up for something stupid. She rushed to his aid but only got hurt in the end as these boys were just too big and strong for her. Thanks to her loud mouth, she managed to attract the attention of a nearby teacher. This teacher did something rare for these type of situations..... they actually did their job and stop the fight before anything more could happen. Thanks to her coming to his defense, Y/n managed to come out of this with a mere slap on the wrist, while the dumbasses got fully expelled. This, one incident, led to the pair becoming close friends. It's actually thanks to her energetic personality, that he has now grown to love, that he was able to grow out of his shell. This gave him new inspiration to grow stronger, so he can protect her. So he would often train every day, well when he can that is. do to his young age, he was limited in what he could learn, but that didn't stop him from learning different forms of martial arts. Now, he's grown strong enough to take on multiple punks at once, but he can still only take on kids around his age and weight class, but that doesn't stop him from trying to take on bigger opponents.
Akko is a friendly and energetic girl with a love for all things magic, who dreams of one day becoming a witch herself. When she heard that a famous witch named Shiny Chariot was preforming in her town, she couldn't wait to see her in action. She had to practically bug her parents every day to bring her to Chariots concert. This was also the perfect opportunity to get her closest and best friend Y/n into the magic world as well. Unlike her, he doesn't really care for magic all that much. It's just something that doesn't interest him. Hell, the only reason he's coming with her is because she nonstop pestered him for days, until he had not choice but to give in and agree to go with her.
When the pair finally arrived to the concert, they saw their respective parents waiting for them. When the pair reached their parents, their respective fathers picked them up and put them on their shoulders. Then they walked off to where they'll be sitting while watching the whole performance.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAX5lzwbimCR
Akkos Father: "you ready for the show, Akko?"
Akko: shoots her arms into the air, "yeahhhh!" this causes him to chuckle.
F/n: "and what about you, Y/n?"
Y/n: shrugs his shoulders, "meh. I'm only here because Akko wouldn't leave me alone." causing his father to nervously chuckle while Akko playful sticks out her tongue.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAcjNqJpUaRB
As the crowd of people converse amongst themselves, a glowing bird flies over the crowd. As the bird begins to fly around and lands onto the stage. It suddenly transforms into a young woman with a bright smile on her face.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAUPCYnb2bD8
Chariot: "welcome to the land of magic! Now reach out-" she then outreaches her hand and summons a strange looking wand/staff thing, "and let your story begin!"
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She then slams her wand down, causing a large title wave of water to rush towards them and splash all over them, all the while she rides the wave on top of her broom. People then hold their breath, only for said water to fade away. When they opened their eyes, they saw they are now in some kind of starry plain. Everyone looks on in pure wonderment, all the while she flies around on her broom, still standing on it like she was surfing a wave. She then flies close to the stage and launches high into the sky like a rocket ship. She then crashes down behind them, causing a large explosion of green energy before, she then bursts out of it, but now her arms are transformed into wings. As she flies around, she transforms into a centaur. Running through the sky like it was nothing. Everyone cheers her on as gold lights begin to float into the air.
Akko, joins in on the cheer, but then notices a golden light forming from her chest. When she looks, the light comes out of her and turns into a glowing golden fairy. She smiles at laughs as it flies up into the sky with the others. When she looked, she saw the same thing happened to Y/n but instead of a fairy, his was a baby dragon. It too then flew into the air and joined the fairy. The pair looked at each other before dancing in the air, causing the other golden lights to dance around them. Despite what he said, earlier, even he couldn't help but smile at all that's happening. When Akko looks at him and sees his face, she couldn't help but form a cheeky smile. When he sees her, he looks away with a small blush on his face.
As Chariot continues her show, strange cub like objects begin to fly by and form a mouth. It then begins to devour the other golden creatures. This causes everyone to gasp in fear, but then the dragon pushes the fairy out of the way before punching the mouth thing away. This did daze it but not stop it from its rampage, eventually turning into a large 4 legged dog like creature.
People then began to panic as the creature roars at the crowd, but Chariot sees this and throws her witches hat into the air. Then the hat turned into a large shining bird creature, that she then runs towards and jumps onto its back before then spin her wand.
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Chariot: "Noctu Orfei! Aude Fraetor!" green energy begins to surround the wand before it then becomes a bow and arrow, causing her to then draw it back, "Shiny Arc!"
163Please respect copyright.PENANAEsEQQAshBx
She then fires her arrow right at the creature and into its gapping mouth. When it closed it, the creatures body begins to bulge more and more, as if tiny explosions were going on, until it finally bursts into a large explosion. This finally releases the golden creatures that it had eaten earlier. Everyone looked on in pure awe at what she has just done. With her back still facing the crowd, she takes her bow and aims high into the sky. She then draws back a new arrow and launches it into the air. Once it reached the desired height, it explodes.
When it clears, a large portal is formed in its place. When Chariot turns to her side and looks at the crowd, particles begin to get sucked into the portal she had just created.
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Chariot: "and never forget. It's your belief in yourself that makes up your magic!"
163Please respect copyright.PENANANtbOPlpjT9
The portal like thing then explodes in a bright green light, forcing the people to cover their eyes due to how bright it was. When they could finally open their eyes, they see a large green pillar of energy shooting into the sky. When they looked around, they can see they are now back at the concert they were before. The people then cheer in pure amazement at what they just witnessed, all the while Akko is starstruck. The pair of kids then look at each other with smiles on their faces, before the holding each others hand. The camera then begins to slowly zoom in on their hands before it then fades to black.
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[Timeskip | 3 Months Later]
163Please respect copyright.PENANAqqVTpaf3LA
Akko: "no no no! Don't go!"
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We now see as Akko was hugging Y/ns chest while crying her eyes out. The boy looked down at her with an equally saddened look on his face, holding back his own tears.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAfAshhzYZ6r
Y/n: "I'm sorry, Akko, but I don't have a choice here."
Akko: "no no noooo! Please stay here!" she looks up with tears streaming down her face, "please... don't go!"
Y/n: "I don't want to go either, Akko, but dad got promoted. He was tasked to lead their new site."
Akko: "wait, why don't you just stay with me? You can hide in the basement! I don't know how, but we can figure this out. Just please don't go!"
Y/n: shakes his head slowly, "as much as I want to stay with you, it just won't work." she begins to cry more into his chest some more, but he then grabbed her hand, causing her to look up at him, "I promise you. That, when I get older, not matter what. I will find you, no matter who or what gets in my way."
Akko: she looks up while sniffling, "y-you promise?"
Y/n: "I promise on my honor as a man and a warrior."
Akko: holds out her pinky, "p-pinky swear?"
Y/n: causing him to chuckle while doing the same, "pinky swear."
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She then forms a weak but still saddened smile before then wrapping her pinky around his. The pair then shakes their hands before hugging each other one final time.
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[Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Akko and a chibi Y/n Y/n holding hands while looking up at the sunset]
[10 years later]
163Please respect copyright.PENANAG3esnV5bQE
We now see a rather nice looking, high-priced looking neighborhood. As the camera begins to pan around, we focus on one house in particular. As we get a closer look at it, an owl is seen flying by the camera before then landing at the front door. When we get a better look at this owl, we can see it had a letter in its mouth. The owl then drops it at its feet and begins to peck at the door.
On the inside of this specific house, we can get a good look at it. It was well maintained, clean and with fancy but expensive looking furniture. In the living room, we can see F/c sitting on his recliner while reading the daily newspaper. In the kitchen, we can see M/n, who is humming to herself while cooking something for lunch. As the camera continue to pan around, we get a look into the garage. As we get a better look at it, we can see that the entire space was converted into a make shift gym, complete with different types of work out equipment one would expect in the typical professional gym. As well as martial arts gear one would see in the typical dojo.
163Please respect copyright.PENANARaeKmtaq7n
???: "hyahhh!"
163Please respect copyright.PENANARquafJFN7g
As the camera pans in the direction of the yell, we can see an older looking Y/n, wearing nothing more than a white tank top and sweatpants. On his head was a pair of headphones and on his heads were bandages to acts as a type of protection while he punches the punching bag in front of him. However, what was most noticeable about him was his more muscular frame that can easily be seen through his tank top. The boy takes on last powerful punch to the punching back before the whipping the sweat off of his head. He then walks over to the nearby chair, before then grabbing the towel on it to wipe off more sweat off of his head and neck. He then takes a water bottle and walks into the kitchen.
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Y/n: "hey mom, what's for lunch today?"
M/n: "hehe, sorry, but I'm not telling."
Y/n: pouts, "tease..." looks around, "huh?"
M/n: "what is it sweety?"
Y/n: "I'm not sure.... do you hear tapping?"
M/n: looks around, "sorry no....." then looks at the living room, "wait, I think I do."
Y/n: "ok, so I'm not going crazy." looks at the front door, "wait, I think it's coming from the front door."
163Please respect copyright.PENANAN6Zje5UtTv
The boy then walks towards the front door and opens it. He looks around but doesn't see anything. Shrugging his shoulders, he was about to close it, but then hears a hoot from below him. He stops and looks down with a raised eyebrow. When he does, he can see an owl looking up at him with a letter at its feet.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAL2Zg3YUnFM
Y/n: "the fuck? What are you doing here little buddy, and what's with that letter you got there?"
163Please respect copyright.PENANAU1rq6IvM5E
The boy then crouches down and pets the bird, causing it to lean into it while letting out a soft hoot like sound. He then stops and grabs the letter. The owl lets out one final hoot before then flying off into the sky. The boy watches it fly off and shrugs his shoulders, before then walking back inside and shutting the door.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAPGwNjk26gz
M/n: walks out of the kitchen with a towel in her hands, "so what was it?"
Y/n: "huuuh, it was an owl with a letter."
M/n: "an owl?"
F/n: lowers the paper, "what's this about an owl?"
M/n: "Y/n said there was an owl at the front door, and it was carrying a letter."
F/n: raises an eyebrow, "...... like a carrier pigeon? Hu, didn't think people still did that."
Y/n: "I guess some still do."
M/n: "so who's it addressed to?"
Y/n: "mmmm?" looks at it, "it's addressed to...... me?"
F/n: "well, don't leave us in suspense. Go on, open it."
163Please respect copyright.PENANAzhsCRjPJB1
The boy then nods at his father, before grabbing a letter opener and uses it to open it. When it pulls paper out of it, he sees one of them is a map and another is a paper with some writing on it. He puts down the envelope and maps and begins to read the note, but then stops with a confused look on his face.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAh2t8j8eKDH
F/n: "sooo?"
M/n: "come on, what is it?"
Y/n: "Wait. This has to be a mistake or some kind of joke."
F/n: "ok, now you got me curious."
Y/n: "I've........ I've somehow been accepted........ into Luna Nova Academy for witches?!"
F/n & M/n: froze, "........." looks utterly and comedically shocked, "WHAAAAAAAAAT?!"
F/n: sits back down, "............" forms a smug smirk, "nice."
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M/n instantly looks at him and smacks her husband on the back of his head, but he seemed completely unfazed by it.
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Y/n: "I....... I don't understand. I didn't sign up for it, hell I didn't even know it existed until now and even if I did, I don't come from any witch family....... that I'm aware of." looks at his parents who both just shake their heads, "lets also not ignore the fact it's a school for girls."163Please respect copyright.PENANAsW0uOWgDR5
M/n: "I-I'm sure it was just some kind of mistake, and if it wasn't...... maybe you can still learn something. I mean, if it was on purpose, then there has to be a reason for it."
F/n: forms a smug smirk, "oh....... he'll be learning something alright. Anatomy........ biiiiiiology."
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F/n: "oh, and don't forget about health class. I'm sure it will be....... informative. Hehe"
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F/n: "oh, and most importantly, don't forget to bring some protection and energy supplements. You'll be a very busy boy, and who knows how much energy a witch has." this causes a massive blush to form on Y/ns face.
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163Please respect copyright.PENANASs1bp1EhSf
F/n: "ok, I actually felt that last one."
M/n: "good, you damn pervert! Don't go telling your son about that stuff. He's still too young to be thinking about that."
F/n: "........." quickly looks at her, "what are you talking about? We did it at his age. Hell, we even got kinky with it."
M/n: "............." her entire face turns red from both embarrassment and anger.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAVQg1yCWhud
163Please respect copyright.PENANAANGCG3B7v2
F/n: "OWWW!!"
M/n: "I'm glad that hurt, you deserve it, you damn pervert!"
Y/n: "okaaaaaaay. I'm leaving now!"
M/n: "wait, before you go. Let me get you some money for your school supplies."
F/n: with a visible handprint on his face, "oh and don't forget, you definitely need-"
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163Please respect copyright.PENANA25j0zHKNUO
M/n: "don't you make me bring out the switch!"
F/n: with 2 handprints on his face, but still smirks, "now is that a promise or a threat?"
M/n: practically fuming, "THAT'S IT!! I'M BRINING OUT MY WHIP!!!"
F/n: begins to run but still not taking any of this serious, "ohhhh now you're talking my language. Make sure you whip extra hard."
M/n: "URGHHHHHH!! GET BACK HERE YOU DAMN PERVERT!!!" begins to chase him.
F/n: "mwahahahaha! Now, who's really the pervert?! The one with the fetish....... or the one who takes joy indulging them?!"
M/n: literally froze in her place before her whole face turned red, but then it quickly became pure anger, "URGHHHHHH!!! I'LL KILL YOUUUUU!"
F/n: "ohhhh, are we playing cops and robber, like we used to?! Oh, don't handcuff me ms officer! I bruise easily!"
M/n: "STOP SAYING SUCH THINGS IN FRONT OF OUR SON!!!!!" as she was running, she stops in front of a dumbfounded Y/n, "here, sweety. Take this money so you can get your supply. Don't worry. We'll meet you at the airport to see you off..... after I deal with your father." she smiles before running after her husband.
Y/n: blinks multiple times, "o-okay...../ I just learned something no child should ever learn about their parents. There's not enough bleach in the world that will ever undo that."
163Please respect copyright.PENANAydNfRZXfcb
On the outside of the house, we can see Y/n has just walked out with that same dumbfounded look on his face. He shakes his head rapidly in order to snap out of it. With that disturbing image finally out of his mind, he finally walks towards the store..... well bikes to the store. It did take his a few hours to get what he needed as........ well, what do you get for this? He was going to be the only boy at an all-girls school, but not just any school. A witch school, you know, magic. So he got what he could get. Weeks worth of cloths and portable work out gear. Basically anything he can carry with him, as that was one of the requirements. Plus, he needed a proper suitcase to carry it all.
After finally getting everything he needed, he bikes his way to the nearby airport. When he does get there, he sees his father is now bruised all over, bandages covering different parts of his body and covered in sweat, while his mother was clean and well-mannered but also had a satisfied smile on her face. The boy got off his bike and looked at the pair and let out a 'I don't want to know' type look. Ignoring this, he folds up his bike and buts it into the trunk of his parents car and walks up to them. The pair smile and lead him in. after reaching his terminal, they look at him and smile.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAdYSKNumbjQ
M/n: "do you have everything you need, sweety?"
Y/n: "I hope so. I wasn't really sure what to bring, going to a girls magic school and all. So I hope I got everything."
F/n: "well, I hope you remembered to bring prot-" his wife then stomps on his foot, causing him to let out a painful screech.
M/n: lets out an annoyed huff, "silence you." causing Y/n and on lookers to have a sweat drop form on their heads, "now are you sure about this? There's a chance all of this can be some kind of error. Plus, it's a magic school. We know nothing about it, nor magic."
Y/n: looks at the folded up letter and then at his parents, "I am mom. I'm not sure what, but I guess you can call it a guy feeling, but I just feel like..... I'm meant to do this. It's like that saying 'fate really comes in a time of our choosing but when it does, we must be ready to answer its call.' I don't really believe in fate or destiny but....... I don't know. It just feels right. Plus, this might be my chance to see Akko again."
F/n: "yeah and I bet she grew into quite the young-" causing his wife to smack him, "ahem. Yeah, you're right. She loves magic with all her heart. So I have no doubt she'll be there."
Y/n: "well-"
Pa: –-"now boarding to Europe, going to West England. Please arrive at the proper terminal before the gates close."–-
M/n: "welp, looks like that's your cue. You better get going before you.... you miss your flight." tears begin to form, "g-good luck. We'll........ we'll miss you sweety."
Y/n: "I will too mom.... dad but don't worry. As soon as I can, ill write to you and every chance I get." tears begin to form before then hugging them, "I'll miss you both." he then lets go and runs off, "see you later!"
M/n: "be careful!"
F/n: "good luck, son! And enjoy your not so little har-" smack, "ow!"
163Please respect copyright.PENANAEqr1ci5FME
As the pair watch their son run off into the distance, M/n couldn't help but lean on her husband while wiping her tears away. He then wraps his arm around her shoulder. Once he's finally out of view, the tone soon shifts.
163Please respect copyright.PENANA9XrJefiCQE
F/n: "do you think we should've told him?"
M/n: "no."
F/n: "but he's going to a magic school. He'll find out about the other thing sooner or later."
M/n: "I know that. Let's just hope he never finds out the truth-" the camera pans over to Y/n, who's still running to his terminal with a smile on his face, "about what happened to him when he was a baby."
163Please respect copyright.PENANAhN72eIufTV
Finally Reunited
[Timeskip | Few Hours Later]
[Glastonbury, England]
163Please respect copyright.PENANAKdcRiP7IVr
Y/n: "so this is Glastonbury. It's pretty nice but more importantly. Where's this Leyline Terminal that I'm supposed to go? Oh, right. They gave us a map. Now where did I put it." goes through his bag, "ah, here it is. now let's see."
163Please respect copyright.PENANAC5Zl0uHMA8
The boy then begins to examine the map and looks for any common structure that he could use as a baseline. As he looks, he sees a strange tree like structure with 'Leyline Terminal' written underneath it.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAqZRAHF0Ie5
Y/n: "huh? Ok, so now I found it on the map, now where is it in person?" he looks up at a structure that somewhat looks like the picture, "I guess that's it. It looks close enough. Wait, now that I think about it. What's a Leyline? A special type of road or something? Oh well, guess I'll find out soon enough./ Akko, will I see you there? No.... I KNOW I will see you again."
163Please respect copyright.PENANA4SezubcTgg
The boy then puts his map up and continues to walk in the direction of the strange structure. As he finally gets to the top of the hill. He spots 3 girls, with almost typical looking witch gear and even brooms. The 3 girls seem to be talking to each other about something. Maybe they can help him?
163Please respect copyright.PENANAF8YCV4MTHL
Girl 1: "did you hear the latest rumor?"
Girl 2: "which one?"
Girl 1: "that we're getting a new student who doesn't have any witch blood in her at all."
Girl 2: "what?! Geez, they're letting commoners in now?"
Girl 3: "yeah, I heard the academy is facing some financial hardships recently and can't operate without accepting non-witches."
Y/n: "umm, excuse me? Is this the Leyline Terminal?"
3 Girls: "huh?"
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The 3 girls turned to look towards their side, only to see Y/n standing there with a confused look on his face.
163Please respect copyright.PENANAdjq2i7diTR
3 Girls: "a boy?!"
Girl 1: "u-um, what are you doing here?"
Girl 2: "I hope you're not planning on something funny?"
Y/n: "funny? No, I got this invite." shows them the letter he got from the owl.
Girls: ". . . . . . . . . WHAAAAAAAT?! A BOY IN LUNA NOVA?!?!" this causes other girls to look at the trio.
Girl 3: "wait wait wait. Hold on. M-maybe he's actually a she. Yeah, that's it, and maybe she just has sharp features."
Y/n: "huh? I can show you if you want." he then lifts up his shirt to reveal his bare chest.
3 Girls: gets a nose bleed, "holy shit he's chiseled!"
Y/n: "if you still don't believe me, I can-"
3 Girls: completely blushing now, "nononon! We believe you!!!"
Y/n: "alright, cool." lowers his shirt, "now, how about my question."
Girl 1: "o-oh, yeah. This is the Leyline Terminal."
Y/n: "ha, so I was right..... oh by the way. What's with the brooms?"
3 Girls: ". . . . . . eh?"
Girl 2: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "yeah, is it the aesthetic thing or what?"
Girl 1: "w-wait. Do you seriously not come from a witch family?"
Y/n: "nope."
Girl 2: "wait, then how did you get an invitation? To break the rules, you had to come from some notable witch family."
Y/n: "last I checked, I don't have any witch blood but honestly. I'm not sure. It just arrived at my doorstep. I was hoping the headmistress would explain things to me."
Girl 1: "ummmm, I don't think you'll get a chance to meet her?"
Y/n: tilts his head, "why's that?"
3 Girls: "why is that so cute?"
Girl 3: "well, the thing is. you need a-"
???: "urghh. I..... I finally made it....... huh?"
Y/n: "huh?" slowly turns around.
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When the boy fully turns around, he sees someone he hasn't seen in 10 Years. Someone he was very close to. Someone who he hoped to meet while coming to Luna Nova.
The girl then looks at him and begins to have tears form in her eyes. She drops everything she was carrying and rushes towards him with her arms wide open.
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Y/n: "Akko?..... NO WAIT!!"
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Before the boy could brace himself, the girl practically blitzes him with so much force that it caused him to not only fall to the ground but also skid a crossed it. This causes the other girls to look on with sweat drops forming on their heads.
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Y/n: rubs the back of his head, "ow ow ow owwww. Man Akko. You sure gotten stronger."
Akko: rubs her face against his chest with tears running down her face. "I....... I missed you...... so much."
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Akko begins to cry onto the boys chest, causing him to let out a soft smile, before he then pets her on her head. This causes her to let out a giggle before she then looks up at him.
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Akko: "I-I cant believe you're here! I knew you'd keep your word, all I had to do was to have hope, I'd see you again! That you'd find me one day, and now here you are!"
Y/n: "hehe, yeah.... I'm here Akko, but could you get off of me. People are staring."
Akko: "I don't care! I'm not letting you go again! Never again!"
Y/n: "well, could you at least let me stand up. This position..... it's embarrassing."
Akko: "huh?"
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When she looked at their current situation. She saw she was laying on top of him, with one of her legs between his. She also noticed that her butt was a little too high up, but not enough to reveal anything. Then she noticed how she was pressing her chest against him while hugging his chest. This causes her entire face to slowly turn red, before instantly getting off of the boy.
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Akko: "oh my gosh. I'm so sorry."
Y/n: "I-It's not a problem." gets up and dusts himself off. He then looks at her fidgeting in place, "come here."
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He then opens his arms, causing her to beam with a bright, happy smile. She then instantly rushes towards him and hugs him tightly, before burying her head into his chest.
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Akko: "hehe, you've gotten taller."
Y/n: "hehe, I guess I have."
Akko: looks up at him, "so why are you here anyways? Or did you come here in the hopes of finding me?"
Y/n: "well, yeah, I did come here for that, but I also got this." takes out the letter.
Akko: tilts her head cutely, "what's this," takes the letter and begins to read it, ". . . . . . . . WHAAAAAT?!" quickly looks at him with messy hair and shocked expression, "Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU GOT A-A-A-A-A-ACCEPTED INTO LUNA NOVA?!?!?!" she then lets out a pout, "your not secretly a girl are you?"
Y/n: "no. I'm a dude. Here look."
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The boy then lifts up his shirt to reveal his bare, muscular chest again. Akko stares at it for a few seconds before she too starts to get a nose blood. The girls who didn't see it, earlier, also get a nose bleed as well.
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All Girls: "he's chiseled!"
Akko: blushes madly, "o-o-okay. I-I-I-I believe you." when he puts down his shirt, she lets out a sigh of relief but with a hint of disappointment, "ok, then how did you get invited?"
Y/n: "not sure, really. I never signed up for it, hell, I didn't even know Luna Nova existed until now. The letter just showed up at my house one day."
Akko: "oh, so-"
???: "ahem."
Akko & Y/n: "huh?/mmm?" the pair looked beside them to see the same 3 girls from earlier.
Girl 1: "who are you anyways?"
Akko: "who...... me?"
Girl 2: "yes, you."
Akko: "oh, I'm Atsuko Kagari, but you can call me Akko. Nice to meet you!"
Girl 1: looks her up and down, "pleasure....... so you must be the new student we heard all about."
Akko: "huh?" looks around, "i sure hope the bus gets here soon."
Girl 3: "pah! Bus?!"
Akko: "huh? I thought this was a bus stop?"
Y/n: "I did too."
Girl 1: "you both know nothing." the trio of girls looked at the pair with pity.
Girl 2: the trio points their brooms at them, "did you 2 seriously think a bus could get us there?"
Y/n: "then how else are we going to get there?"
Akko: "yeah." slumps over, "I don't think I can walk anymore."
Girl 3: with a smug look, "heh, like this."
3 Girls: puts their brooms between their legs, "Tia Freyre!"
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To the Leylines!
The 3 girls then began to float into the air and line up, single file style. This not only shocked Y/n but Akko as well.
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Girl 1: "this is a broom, stop."
Girl 2: "the Leyline Terminal."
Girl 3: "it's the Leylines that connect us to Luna Nova."
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Then each girl zips off one at a time, until they reach inside the Leyline Terminal tower. When the pair followed them, they got a good look inside the tower. They saw there wasn't much inside of it but some vines and windows. However, when they looked up, they saw the ceiling of the tower was covered in some kind of green energy.
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Girl 1: "magic energy has been running through the Leylines since ancient times."
Girl 2: "and when you fly into this energy, you fly towards Luna Nova."
3 Girls: "this is the magical Highway."
Girl 3: "this is the basic knowledge all witches share."
Girl 1: "now, we gotta hurry."
Girl 2: "yeah. We don't want to be late for orientation. They'll kick us out if we are. Or should I say-" looks down at the pair, "they'll kick you out."
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The trio of girls then rise up even higher, until they entered the strange energy field and disappeared into a bright light, but before the red head does. She looks down at Y/n and winks before waves him bye and joining her friends.
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Akko: "wait...... what are we going to do? Mother and aunt Yanne packed too many gifts! No, I'm not giving up now!"
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Akko then tries to climb the tower using the vines, but when she gets too high. The vines ripped off the wall, causing her to fall, but was caught by Y/n. Each time she tried, she would fall and each time, Y/n would catch her bridal style. He would just stand there, watching her, while his arms were folded and when she falls. He would just open his arms, ready to catch her again.
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Akko: blushes a little, "t-thanks."
Y/n: warmly smiles at her, "no problem." looks up at the energy, "so what now? It's clear climbing won't work."
Akko: "I.... I don't know." gets off of him with a look of determination on her face, "but I won't give up! I refuse to let my dream die here!"
???: "oops!"
Akko & Y/n: "huh?"
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When the pair heard a noise from outside that sounded like a girls voice. They walked outside, only to see a girl with messy blonde hair, large round glasses, and wearing a typical-ish witches robes. She was on the ground, like she had tripped over something.
Akko sees she has tripped over something and rushes towards her. When she gets to her, she crouches down and picks up her witches hat.
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???: "t-thanks."
Akko: smiles warmly, "no problem."
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The pair then walk towards the toward and past Y/n, who was leaning against the tower with his arms folded. As this unnamed girl walks past him, he smiles and waves at her, which causes her to do the same. As she was just about to fully enter the tower, she froze in place and quickly ran back. When she looked at him again, she then points at him in utter shocked.
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???: "w-w-w-wait. You're a b-b-b-boy!"
Y/n: "last I checked./ I'm getting the feeling this is going to be a pretty common occurrence for a while."
???: still freaking out, "b-b-b-b-but boys aren't allowed!"
Akko: "welp, it looks like they changed."
???: "but that's not possible. Even if he came from some high ranking and notable witch family, they are extremely traditional. They wouldn't allow it."
Y/n: "well, it is what I'm trying to do after all. Figure out what's going on and how was I accepted."
???: "o-oh. Well, I hope you get your answers that you're looking for."
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The blonde haired girl got onto her broom and yells the phrase that the other 3 girls said, earlier. As she begins to float up, she notices the pair haven't moved from their spot. Actually, she even notices they don't have brooms with them. So she then lowers down beside them.
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???: "aren't you 2 coming? Orientation is beginning soon. Actually, I haven't seen you before, and I definitely would've noticed a boy in an all-girls school. If you're late, that's it. They will kick you out."
Y/n: scratches the back of his head, "yeaaaaah. That's the thing."
Akko: slumps over with purple lines on her head, "we don't have a broom and even if we did. We don't know how to ride them."
Y/n: "what she said."
???: "......want a ride?" this causes Akko to look up and beam with a smile, "I've never had a passenger before, let alone 2, but I can give it a shot. However, it will be a bumpy ride."
Akko: "really? Oh, thank you thank you!" she then rushes up to the girl and hugs her, causing the girl to smile, "so kind witches do exist! Oh, my name is Atsuko Kagari, but you can call me Akko" then points at the boy, "and this is Y/n L/n, he's my childhood friend, but we got separated from each other 10 years ago. I was so sad I cried for days, but now we're back together, so it's all good!"
Y/n: the unnamed girl stares at him, "yeah, you get used to it...... eventually."
Lotte: nods but then smiles, "my name is Lotte. Nice to meet you both. Now come on and hurry. We don't have much time left."
Akko: "yeah!"
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The pair then got on Lottes broom, with Akko being right behind her while Y/n was behind Akko. It was a tight fit, as the broom wasn't that big, but they managed to make it work. However, both Akko and Y/n were blushing and looking in different direction, do to how close they were together.
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Lotte: "ready? Because I'm taking off now. Now fly my broom! Tia Freyre !" slowly begins to float into the air
Akko: looks down, "Wait, no way! We're actually flying!"
Lotte: the broom shakes a little, "mmmm, looks like we're over compactly. Wait-" she looks up to see the energy shining, "the path to Luna Nova is opening!"
Y/n: "this....... is.......awesome!"
Akko: quickly turns around in shock, "Wait...... what did you just say?"
Y/n: "hehe, people change, Akko. It has been 10 years, after all." this causes stars to form in her eyes, while she has the biggest smile the boy has ever seen on her face.
Lotte: "alright, we're going in!" flies into the energy.
Akko: starts to panic now, "wait wait wait, I can't do this!"
Lotte: "just calm down!"
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And with that, the trio shoot off into the Leylines, heading to their next grand adventure. A new life filled with magic and adventure, Friendship and love. To become great witches and...... whatever Y/n is. however, like with every great adventure, there will always be obstacles that will block their path.
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[Location: Unknown]
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We now see into a large medieval style room. It appears to a remodeled grand hall of some kind. At the back of the room was a rather large desk with an equally large chair with a high back rest. Beside the chair was a rather large but old looking fire place that was lit. The fire was so bright, that the shadows of the chair were thick enough to obscure the person sitting on it. From what little could be seen, this person appeared to be male with short hair, broad shoulders and a very muscular frame. This man could be seen resting his head on his fist, and in front of his was an odd but large looking chess board. On this board were some odd looking chest pieces arranged in an odd manner, it more looks like a strategy board rather than a came of chess. 2 rather large pieces were position on the far end of each other, one looked like almost like a castle like structure but missing the walls and towers while the other one looked more like a traditional medieval castle. When we get a better look, we notice something odd. One of the pieces looked like a boy, and in front of him were 2 pieces that appeared to be girls. One had long hair, with some of it fashioned into a ponytail, while another had short hair with round glasses. Towards the castle opposite of him were many other pieces, which one appeared to be girls with varying features on them. As the man looked at his board, the large double doors in front of him opened up.
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???: "sir. The boy. He's finally made contact with the witches."
Leader: "good." he then takes the boy piece and places it near the 2 girl pieces near it, "looks like everything is going according to plan. Now let's see how you fair........... Y/n."
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The camera then pans over and slowly begins to zoom in onto the boy piece until it finally fades to black.
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Leader: "hmhmhmhmmm. Let the games...... begin. ahahahahahaaaa"
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End163Please respect copyright.PENANAeIgmvG4r30
A/n: welp that's it for this chapter, how did you like it? Honestly, I have no idea if I screwed anything up here. To be honest, there's only so much information I can gleam from images to tell me who's talking and who's not. So I have to guess a lot of the time. Hope I didn't screw anything up too bad. And yes, I know, this is supposed to be a wholesome series, but I couldn't help but add my own flare and over-arching villain. Don't worry, it will remain mostly wholesome. Well, a majority wholesome. And now that I think about it. How does riding those brooms not feel uncomfortable? Boy or girl, that shit looks like it will hurt, especially in the crotch area, but I digress. Honestly, I was going to say something more, but I genuinely can't remember as I got distracted. Watch, I'll remember after I post this. Welp, that's all I can think of. So I'll see you........ in the next chapter.
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