A body has been discovered!95Please respect copyright.PENANAMB7CCfhv8H
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We went down to the trial room, I was shaking as Angie and Hajime comforted me.95Please respect copyright.PENANAYrW2OtXQqU
Everyone ganged up on Miu since she barely came out, my throat felt dry as I kept thinking about the position we found him in.
"Maybe you killed him! You always hated me!" I pointed at Nagito and Angie went to his defense
"Kyoko! You're just grieving! Nagito wouldn't kill Ryoma!" Angie shouted at me, I knew Angie was right. I was just grieving.95Please respect copyright.PENANA2vDXVqMa6w
Himiko argued with her girlfriend, Ibuki with evidence. Himiko eventually agreed with my statement and said Nagito could be the killer which Angie and Himiko fought over. I couldn't be much help in this with my emotions getting in the way.95Please respect copyright.PENANA8afzI3vlKq
"Himiko! Don't agree with me when I have little evidence like you!" That shut Himiko up, stunning her.
I sighed as I tried to think of the possibilities. Nagito started to explain how he couldn't be the killer.
"I was with Ibuki who left Ryoma a bit later." Nagito said and I wiped away my tears as I tried thinking about it, I needed to bring justice to Ryoma.
Ibuki and Angie fought which couldn't help me, Nagito soon argued with me.95Please respect copyright.PENANA4PlqqnRkFn
"You still think it's me, don't you? Well, you have little evidence to prove it's me!" He yelled as I continued to cry
"I know I have little evidence!" I sniffled
"Maybe Miu is the killer, we have had to be right before!" Rantaro insisted and I just shook my head to think.
Nagito surprisingly insulted his girlfriend, Angie. Himiko quickly stirred away from that and shared evidence she found, I listened to every word she said and thought about it.
Sayaka pointed out how we were just believing anything from our paranoia and how we need to look more into it. Ibuki started saying how she wasn't nearby when Ryoma was killed and I listened to her, biting my bottom lip. I started debunking everyone's thoughts as I listed all the evidence we found.
Hajime started to cry and I immediately comforted him, I cried a bit with him too.
"Rantaro is the killer! Maybe he's trying to join Maki and wants to be killed!" I was stunned by what Himiko said, I never considered that and Rantaro was in a low part of his life. It could be possible.
"Kyoko..you're acting a bit strange.." Angie says to me and I look at her in fear, my eyes watering again.
Nagito soon freaked out about if someone was coming to get him, I noticed his fear and backed off him. We all knew he died in the lobby, we just needed to figure out how the clues pointed to someone. Rantaro insulted Hajime for crying and I yelled at Rantaro for it, he started to stop but Sayaka insulted Nagito. We were getting nowhere in this case. Himiko made rude comments and I just stood there, trying to figure everything out since Angie started to think I was acting strange. Hajime insulted Miu and I blocked out their voices as the voices in my head screamed multiple things as Hajime provided evidence.95Please respect copyright.PENANAGzFrWPsKIx
"Why so nervous, Himiko?" Hajime eyed Himiko, Himiko gulped.
Hajime soon provided more evidence, I soon started to take Hajime's side as he kept providing evidence. Miu eventually had a breakdown, saying she was going to die, Hajime started to comfort her. Suddenly, everyone ganged up on me. I started freaking out at this change, trying to convince people it wasn't me. Himiko soon defended me, providing evidence that stirrs away from me. They went for Angie after, I yelled at them for being so stupid. Miu soon shared evidence she found, insults poured back in as Rantaro insulted Himiko again. We get reminded the murder weapon is an axe and I wonder who knows how to use an axe.95Please respect copyright.PENANAvBaO3SKtaY
"Kyoko is the murderer!" Sayaka yelled at me
"Why would I murder him? I wasn't even nearby!" I yelled back
Out of nowhere, Hajime accused me. I looked at him in surprise.
"But I was with you when it happened.." I looked at Hajime as tears formed in my eyes.
I gripped onto something but then realized something, I soon spoke.
"Someone who is guilty would blame everyone..Hajime..Hajime was even missing multiple times.." I look at Hajime in disappointment. Everyone gasped but agreed with me, all the evidence pointed to him. I watched his execution and a tear formed as I watched my friend die, I was losing friends by the minute.