Arc the Third: Manual Override
Chapter 1: +1
As I set the thermos down on my desk, I looked back over at all the strange stuff. I never figured out any of it. I picked up the one tablet, and saw it fit into the gun-thing. There was a click and the screen lit up. It was mostly blank, with a few boxes along the side. I pointed it around, and it eventually lit up when I passed it by my computer. It listed all the system specs; the 12 gigabytes of RAM, the somewhat cluttered hard drive, even the exact type of video card. Neat. I tapped on the screen, and ended up pressing the 12, and a number pad showed up. Wait, no. Really? I typed a number, say, 24, and pressed Enter. A blue bolt hit the computer, and I set down the gun. Sure enough, the specs page on the computer now read 24 instead of 12. How far could I take this, I wondered. I selected the monitor. Only a mere 1366x768 resolution? I mean, it’s fine, but it’s no 4K. I entered in 3840x2160 for the resolution, and while I was it it, I increased the monitor size from 26 to 36. And let’s just set the number of monitors to three, and… wow, I could probably do this all day. This is what we as humans should have been working towards this entire time. Well, that was one mystery down. What else could I interact with? The book on the desk also lights up the screen, but nothing can be selected.
So that’s one problem solved for today. I packed it away in my pocket for right now. Hopefully I can use it elsewhere today. Felix gave us the day off school because people were likely shook up over the town being in flames yesterday (and also the fact you can’t tell today, I’m guessing), so I’ll likely just have a quick breakfast and get on a game or something. I quickly tried to scan about the room with the gun, and to my surprise it picked up the fridge and listed the contents. Could I possibly edit the contents?
As it turned out, I could, and having some actual eggs for an omelet instead of liquid eggs out of a carton was nice. Honestly, it’s kind of weird how you have to pour your eggs from one (who invented liquid eggs, anyways, and why?), but whatever. I got on Steam to check out the Autumn deals, picked up a couple small games, and started up Team Fortress. Isaac wasn’t on at the time, and I didn’t really know what map or gamemode to play, so I sat there wondering. That little gun thing has so many uses, and I could probably enhance lives with it. Naturally, my first decision was to enhance my PC further.
I couldn’t find many things that could be modified, but the idea of actually modifying them was enough of a thrill. Felix would probably think this is too unsafe, though, and take it away. Probably what he wants to happen. He’s so strange. One minute he’s collected and the next he’s run off and the moment after, everything’s fixed. I can’t wrap my head around how he exists or why he does so much. He’s totally hiding something; I just don’t know what. I called Franklin, George and Nathan and told them about my discovery.
The three of them showed up and we headed up to my room. I showed them the gun, and demonstrated it. “Nathan, how much Hard Drive space does the laptop have?”
“500 gigabytes,” he replied.
I quickly scanned it, edited it and asked him to check. He took out the laptop, and to his surprise the space had doubled. “So it edits values, but for real? It’s practically save editing, but... that’s so cool.”
“Yeah,” I replied, “And I have no idea why we have it.”
“Say, the little screen looks a bit like one I’ve seen Felix have with him. Haven’t ever seen anything like the lower half, though.”
“What else can it do?” George asked.
“No idea,” I replied, “this is about as much as I have found out about it and honestly I think Felix wouldn’t want to know we have it.”
“Why not?” Franklin asked.
“I think he’s up to something.”
“How so? That man seems to have no negativity in him at all.”
“Doesn’t that sound like a façade? And has anyone actually seen him do real work? He just goes around handing out cider and saying polite things.”
“Perhaps because that’s what he wants to do with his life?”
“But he runs New Infinity. There’s more to this story, more than he lets on, and I think this might have something to do with it.”
“Well, whatever it is, it’s probably not nefarious in nature. There’s no way a guy like Felix could do evil.”
“…Yeah, maybe,” I replied.
“So should we see what else it can do?” Franklin asked.
We spent the rest of the day modifying some things. Franklin’s car now had a radio, George had a pack of some of the most valuable Pokémon cards, Nathan's camera was a lot clearer, and we had devised a bit of a plan as to what to do with this technology. As long as Felix didn’t know about it, there was no reason not to use it.