Twenty one year old Pearl was a primary school teacher. A lonely, introverted and a mysterious girl, anyone would say. In the morning you would find her in a cafe, sipping a steaming cup of black coffee with a small plate of breakfast by that on her working days. In the afternoon you would find her in the neighborhood Sacred Heart's primary school along with small kids, teaching and playing her time away. In the evenings she retired to her small apartment, often singing and baking all by herself, lost in her own little world.
People and neighbours would always wonder why such a beautiful young lady was still single and why she turned down any man who approached her. Little did anyone know that her mind was constantly stuck in the thoughts of ocean, imagining her wild imaginations, with a voice in her heart speaking out to her, " you'll find him in the waters."
Every night when she used to go to bed, she would remember her granny and how she would lap up her stories as a kid about the pretty mermaids, the luring sirens and the handsome mermen. But the only tale she was ever attracted to was the story of the famous Callisto.
Granny always told her that he was still at the sea searching for his soulmate. None of the prettiest mermaids, not the sweet singing sirens attracted him. The strong and the brave noble prince of the marine kingdom had lost his beloved soulmate to a strange illness. And that he knew she would come back to his arms again. But this time...as a maiden of the land.
" Do merpeople never die, granny?", she would ask. " They're immortal child", she would smile and reply to her, stroking her hair with her frail, wrinkled hands, thus sending her to sleep.
Summer drew nearer. Soon it was time for summer break. She packed her belongings and caught a flight to California where she loved the beaches and where she felt the water calling out to her.
She flashed her bright sunny smile when the sisters of the wind played with her hair, trying to pry her delicate strands from her face so that she could admire the large, mighty ocean with her own eyes which lay ahead of her.
Sitting on the sand comfortably in her shorts and tank top, she sensed a different vibe in the air that day. The air was at a different game, mischievous, naughty, riddling and playing with her thoughts, the sea seemed unusually welcoming that day... extending her arms to welcome her, inviting her to see what lay in her deepest depths.
She tread on the sand, her small feet engulfed by the tiny grains of sand, altogether acting as a monster, trying to eat her feet away it seemed. She felt something calling out to her on the western corner of the beach. So alluring, so tempting that she decided to explore what held for her there.
After walking for a while on the beach, she came across a dark cave which mysteriously called out to her sould and conscience, forcing her to check it out. She carefully walked into the dark cave. Something told her she had to bid the land goodbye...and commit herself to the life she was about to start. As if her past just ended there, opening the gates of a new life, a new future she had to behold and experience, strangely, she felt as if she was about to get something that she always wanted.
She carefully peeked into the cave at first, and then walked in. She was feeling things with her hands when her feet felt wet, as if there was water. And then with a huge force, she was pulled down with a tremendous energy into a swirling mass of water. She was about to scream when she hit her head hard, shooting a sharp pain into her skull. Before she closed her eyes and blacked out, she saw a pair of greenish blue with a hint of fiery orange orbs staring right at her. But instead of feeling scared or nervous, she felt an odd sense of calmness, love, comfort and a sense of belongingness. Without fighting or trying against it, she gave into the darkness...
I woke up after I don't know how long. I saw water everywhere and panicked. I opened my mouth to scream but strangely I could see I could breathe and I looked down at my legs to find a huge strong tail, the shimmery, beautiful tail I only saw in movies. I was unsure how to feel. It felt as if it was a part of my life, and that I was destiny and was supposed to happen.
I was inspecting more of myself when I felt a strong, tanned and muscular pair of inked arms wrapped around my waist. I escaped from his grip to face this handsome merman I only heard stories about. And those breathtakingly beautiful eyes which took my breath away and stirred so many emotions inside of me.
I swam hesitantly at him at first and felt his smooth, chiseled face with my palm, earning an amused smirk from him. I knew I had blushed red by then. " Callisto?...", I managed to croak out. " Yes indeed... Pearl, my sweet soulmate...it is indeed me, Callisto", he smiled hugging me tight. And I had no option but to melt into his strong arms and feel safe and loved for eternity...