Six months ago, it would have worried Jane just how strong the butterflies in her chest were at the thought of her drunken night a few days before. The way Mic had come for her without a second thought. How gentle he'd been in coaxing her to tell him what was wrong, never demanding but asking insistently out of concern. And the way he'd turned the conversation from a sad one to a more positive one by asking her about Monica before she'd died, reminding her of all the good memories. Coming from a guy like him, a rich celebrity even giving her the time of day? Never in a million years would she have let herself dwell on it.
Now? She didn't want to let that feeling go. That warmth. It was almost intoxicating. Settling into her brain and remaining there all day long for days afterward. His embrace had been ridiculously comfortable. It had been years since the last time she'd felt something that close.
Was she crazy for thinking that this was the start of something more? The way she found herself feeling about him...This crush. Oh, god, that sounded so juvenile. As if she were a high school student who caught the eye of the popular boy.
But it was difficult to call it anything more serious. Jane hadn't tried putting it into words all this time, too afraid that labeling it would be jumping the gun, or that it would end with her wishing for a relationship that wasn't practical, wasn't...possible.
They were from opposite worlds. Different nationalities, different social statuses, income levels...The logical part of her mind said that this was just her delusional fantasy, that he'd ever give her the chance. Surely, he saw her as a passing interest, something to figure out only to move on to the next mysterious lady that caught his eye. He'd been intrigued by her music taste, and now that he had the answer, would he stop being interested? He hadn't texted her at all since that night, but maybe she was assuming too much, maybe it was just her jumping to the wrong conclusions.
Jane was turning out to be a hypocrite, surely. Time after time, she'd told both Mic and herself that she didn't care about his status as a celebrity, that she didn't care about his money. But she did. Just not in the typical way.
It made her nervous, wondering how such a relationship would ever last. She didn't think she could handle such a drastic change in lifestyle, didn't think she would ever get used to being bought fancy things and-
Woah, ok. She was thinking way too far ahead about this. They weren't even a thing yet. Yet. Oh, lord help her.
Saturday morning, Jane stared hard at the coffee maker as it brewed her morning cup, unable to tear her tired eyes away from deep thought. She hadn't even heard her roommate's bedroom door open and shut from down the hallway minutes before. A smack on the back of her head jostled her out of them, however.
"Earth to Jane? I've been talking to you for who knows how long, and you're just standing there?" Asuka asked, stepping past her to look in the fridge for something to eat. They'd gotten groceries a few days before, so luckily they had more choices than just toast and milk.
She tried smoothing her hair back into place. "Uh, sorry...What did you say?"
"I was saying that we should go see that museum on the other side of town. The cup noodle one? Thought it would be fun, considering we eat them all the time."
"Oh. Yeah, sure." She replied, hitting the power button on the coffee machine once it had poured it's contents into her mug. "Sounds fun."
A long pause followed her agreement, her roommate grabbing a pack of bagels and the cream cheese from the fridge, and Jane finding the sugar and cream for her drink. They were both clad in comfy pajamas that they'd slept in the night before, but Asuka was the only one of the two that felt anywhere remotely comfortable to wearing crop tops to bed, her stomach showing.
"What's up with you? You're so spacey today." She finally asked with a glance her direction.
"I'm not spacey." Jane shot back reflexively, but Asuka only shook her head.
"Right. Just like I'm the responsible one between us." She grabbed a butter knife and cut open her bagel, standing the counter opposite of the brunette. "You ok? I know your sister's anniversary wasn't so long ago...I know it's always hard for you."
"It's fine. I promise, it's not about that." Jane reassured. Her friend had only been worried about her, which made her appreciate the weeb even more. "Just...thinking."
"Don't really want to say."
That was like a punch to the face for Asuka's curiosity. "Why not? It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone. We're best friends, and I'll even pinky promise if I need to."
Jane sighed, thinking about it for a few seconds while she stirred the sweeteners into her coffee, before shrugging. If she didn't say anything now, the woman would pester her about it endlessly until she did. "It's about Mic."
"Mic? Present Mic?" Her eyebrows shot up at Jane's nod. "What, you've suddenly become an uber fan now?"
"No, not that."
"Did you fuck?" The assumption made her nearly drop the mug and spoon from her hands.
"Wha-? No!"
"Ok, then what about him? Just tell me straight." She demanded, taking a bite out of her bagel and turning to face the brunette directly. She chewed and stared hard, waiting for the answer. Jane bought herself time by taking a long sip of coffee.
"I...well, we've been texting-"
Asuka eyebrows bumped a few times suggestively, mouth full of bagel. "Ooooh..."
"-and we've bumped into each other a few times-"
"-and...I think...I might be...getting a crush on him."
"Oooh~! Have the hots for the hero, do we?" She teased gently after finally swallowing, and Jane just silently shook her head, going back to her coffee. "I don't blame you, though. I took one look at his friend when we went to that arcade, and I was swooning. Heroes are something else. And I could totally see you were more interested in Mic. All those fancy clothes and flashy personality."
"I mean, it's not because he's famous, or that he's rich."
One of her hands came up defensively. "I never said that! You're not a gold digger. Just saying that I'm not surprised. Kinda obvious that you like him."
"Yeah, well...I don't know what to feel about it." She said, finally pushing off from the counter and wandering over to the couch to sit. Asuka followed close after once she'd put away the cream cheese and bagel bag. "I just...he's a great guy, don't get me wrong. But...he's a celebrity! I work at a convenience store!"
"So? Don't you know how many love stories start off as two people from different sides of the coin? Katniss and Peeta, Romeo and Juliet-"
"They both die at the end." She pointed out.
"Whatever, you know what I mean. It's the oldest trope in the book." Asuka reasoned, taking her place across the couch. She grabbed the remote and turned it on to find something to watch.
"It's not like we are anything serious right now...this is overactive imagination running wild..." She muttered, trying to smooth her hair into a semblance of normal. She hadn't bothered to brush it before coming out to get coffee for the morning. "I don't even know if that's where this is going."
"But is it where you want it to go?"
Jane rubbed at her eyes in frustration, taking another sip of blessed coffee. "I don't know..."
"Have you thought of him naked...?" Jane shot her a glare from across the couch. "What? It's just a question."
"No, but now I'm going to because you brought it up."
"Good, then just face it and figure out what you want. Problem solved." As if she'd just closed the case, she picked a channel and set the remote down. Of course it was some anime.
"I don't have to figure anything out right this instant." Jane said, her face quickly going red because now that Asuka had spoken it aloud...damn it, this was not where she'd wanted this conversation to go. The brunette stood abruptly. "I'm done talking to you."
"Well, let me know what you do decide, because I could use a luxury vacation or two, and I don't mind being a third wheel!" She called after Jane's retreating form, cut off by the bedroom door closing behind her. She heard the weeb's laughing from behind it.
Hey! How are you feeling?
Just tired. But if you're talking about the other day, I'm better. It's just a hard day for me to handle.
Totally understandable! You shouldn't be ashamed of missing her so much.
Yeah...What have you been up to?
Not much! Just same as usual, really. Work, work, and more work!
Her fingers fidgeted over the screen, chewing on her lip at she stared at his reply. Jane was curious why he hadn't reached out to her in the past few days, and despite her better judgement, she asked what was wriggling at her doubts.
Why didn't you text or call the past few days? I normally hear from you every day.
There was a few seconds after her message switched to 'read' that nothing happened, but then that little box indicating his reply was coming any minute appeared.
I didn't want to bother you. Wasn't sure if you would need some space afterwards, but I'm sorry if you wanted to talk. You can always reach out to me, Jane, even if you think I might be busy.
Her face fell, knowing that what he said was true. It wasn't all on him to take the initiative with their conversations. If she wanted something, she should have just done it, rather than overthink it and regret not doing it in the end.
Oh, well...I appreciate you thinking of me. But yeah, I'm not good at this, I guess.
Good at what?
Another pause. Should she say it? Should she...
Talking to you. Being your friend.
Why? I promise I don't bite!
Jane meant to send a reply, but he beat her to it with a follow up message.
...Too hard, at least. ;)
Her stomach did a few flips, her conversation with Asuka that morning coming to mind. Why did it feel different now that she'd realized what she felt? Nothing had changed between them, but Jane was second-guessing and overthinking every little thing they said to each other. Did he mean it that way? Or was it just casual, friendly banter?
He was an adult. Surely he knew what he was doing.
An brief image of a sultry-eyed Mic leaning over her and whispering sweet nothings flashed through her head without warning, and she shook her head to get rid of it. But there it was. It had been there. And now she couldn't stop herself from thinking about it further. Damn Asuka.
Jane thought that in a moment like this, she should be bold, text what she meant, be direct. But she just didn't have it in her. If only she were drunk, then she could actually talk freely without feeling like every word out of her mouth could possibly ruin what they had.
Her phone buzzed with another message, and the moment was lost.
Eraserhead and I are going out to a bar later today with a few friends. You can come with us. Bring your friend too, if you want! We all had a lot of fun together last time.
Jane definitely wanted to see him again. No use in lying. But surely all of Mic's friends were heroes too, and the thought of having to be in the presence of more than one...
Are you sure? It sounds like you planned this to be just you and your friends.
I'll let them know you guys are coming, they won't mind. I'm sure they'd like to meet you anyway.
Jane's stomach dropped a little at the way he phrased that.
What? Why? Did you tell them about me or something?
Well, yeah! You're my friend too. Not about your sister, though, obviously.
Oh, for the love of...
Not wanting to be rude, and deciding that perhaps she was was overreacting about this whole thing, she tapped out a quick reply.
Sure...I'll ask Asuka if she'll want to come. Although if Eraserhead is going, then I'm sure she'll want to be there.
Great! I'll text you the time and place.
A few minutes past 7, Jane and Asuka stumbled out of the bus in somewhat fancier dress than their normal attire. Instead of a cotton t-shirt and jeans, Asuka convinced the brunette to borrow one of her nice blouses that dipped towards her cleavage and a soft pair of black leggings. And with a little extra effort into their makeup, they left to meet Mic and his friends at the bar.
As Jane had suspected, the moment she'd uttered the word 'Eraserhead,' Asuka had been 100% on board with going out. Jane's reminder that he was in a committed relationship fell on deaf ears, and she soon enough gave up when she heard the rustle of the weeb's closet being furiously carded through.
They stepped up to the entrance of the bar, a place neither were familiar with, and showed the bouncer their ID's. He allowed them through, and both were surprised to see just how lively it was inside.
"This feels more like a club than a bar!" Asuka exclaimed to her friend over the music overhead. Enthusiastic rock drowned out the conversations from nearby tables as they passed, but it thankfully wasn't too loud to overpower their hearing.
They wandered further in, bypassing already shit-faced patrons with tankards of beer and liquors at hand. Whoops and hollers to their left and right.
Jane finally spotted the long blonde hair of the man she was looking for, and he waved them over from a table further towards the back. The brunette grabbed her friend's arm, dragging her off in that direction when it became apparent she hadn't noticed.
"Hey! Glad you could make it!" Mic said, gesturing to the two empty seats they'd left open for them.
Accompanying him that night was Eraserhead, looking just as tired as the first time she'd met him, though to his right was a woman that she assumed to be his partner. The flaming red hair looked too radical a color not to be dyed, but Jane had a feeling it was her natural color, somehow.
Across from them and beside Mic was another hero she recognized by face, Midnight. The provocatively-dressed hero smiled mischievously at the two new arrivals, nudging Mic with teasing intent.
"This is Scarlet Seer, and Midnight!" Mic formally introduced, gesturing to the two females at the table. "Guys, this is Jane and Asuka."
"Thanks for inviting us!" Asuka said, not in the slightest bit bothered by the four heroes surrounding them. Jane nodded silently and gave a timid wave, her mouth suddenly dry as everyone's attention fell onto the both of them. Any attempts at speaking would no doubt sound incredibly choked.
"We'll buy you a round!" Midnight offered, a pleased smile in place. "You're friends of Mic, huh?"
"Well, Jane more than me, but yeah." Her friend gestured her way, and Jane tried not to make it obvious that she wanted to be swallowed whole by her seat. "Is there a special occasion tonight or something? Hopefully we're not intruding."
"No special reason, we just all finally had free time and wanted to catch up." The redhead, Scarlet Seer, answered with a small smile. "But you're not bothering us, if that's what you're worried about."
"Mic's talked about you before, Jane." Midnight continued, staring directly at her with demanding eyes. Oh no.
"Uhh...I don't know if that's a good thing or not." She admitted, flashing a slanted smile.
"It is!" She laughed, waving away her discomfort. "You're the one that works at the convenience store, right?"
Way to really put her in her place, huh? It took a bit of effort not to be visibly upset by her question. "Yeah...that's me." She braced herself for that look of pity or incredulous disbelief, as if someone in such a low-class job were in their general vicinity. But no such comment or look came, as Midnight simply nodded with a smile.
"Good to finally meet you!"
Their conversations picked up from there. Jane stayed quiet for most of the outing, content to just watch and listen the others. Which was totally fine, because Asuka did most of the talking anyway, asking questions and regaling the others with tales of her own. She seemed to connect well with the others, who had also lived in Japan all their lives. Talking to them as easily as Jane or even a stranger on the street. This was her element, out with friends in her home country.
The brunette sipped quietly at her drink, mirroring Eraserhead's behavior most of the night. Though the longer they stayed, the more his eyes lit up with each further drink, encouraged by his partner at his side to join in the conversation and retorts back at his friends.
She didn't miss the way Mic's eyes kept flicking over to her, perhaps checking to make sure she didn't look completely uncomfortable. Or, on more than one occasion, they travelled lower to appreciate her attire. He kept up with his friends' conversations without missing a beat, but always found the time to look her direction. On the occasions when they caught each other's eye, he'd wink flirtatiously, and Jane would look away, not knowing how to respond.
It wasn't that the atmosphere felt uncomfortable, it was just...other than Asuka, and Mic to a degree, she didn't feel like she fit well with the others. They were all lovely people, but she just couldn't erase that line between them that established them as heroes and her as a civilian.
At some point, Jane checked her phone to see the time, and realized that it was nearly 11 already. How fast those 4 hours had flown by! Just talking and drinking among the group of heroes...Most had drank much more than what was probably appropriate, Jane included as she saw the evidence of her 3 empty glasses on the table.
The heat of the club was starting to present itself as more than bearable, the loud noise dulling her audible senses to just what was heard at the table. Every other sound in the background blended together into a white noise, pulsing with the beat.
And not long after that, Eraserhead leaned back into his chair with a sigh. "I think we should get going."
"So soon?" Midnight asked incredulously.
His redheaded partner looked at her phone and nodded tiredly. "It's nearly midnight, and we've got to make sure Eri is doing ok. But it was nice to all go out together for some drinks."
"Look at you, being so responsible." Mic laughed, waving as his two companions stood. "Be careful getting back to the campus."
"Same to you." His black-haired friend replied, giving them all one last wave goodbye before the couple left.
"Ahh, damn. Much as I want to stay, I have an appointment with a student's parents tomorrow morning. And the last thing I want is to get there completely hungover." Midnight finally admitted, patting the blonde's arm a few times. "Thanks for the drinks, Mic."
With a wave and a few winks thrown their way, the raven-haired hero bid them a goodnight and followed the direction that Eraserhead and Scarlet Seer had gone. That left just the people Jane knew, which she was more than a little thankful for. Now, she would be able to unwind with her roommate doing most of the talking, leading the conversation with Mic so they could both get to know him better.
Of course, Asuka had other plans. Surprise, surprise...
The weeb threw out an obviously overemphasized yawn, stretching her hands up and behind her just to complete the impression. "Well, I'm beat. Time for me to get home and crash."
The brunette made to stand from her chair. "Ok, I'll just go to the bathroom and-"
"You should stay and have another drink or two, though, Jane! You've always been able to hold your alcohol better than me anyway." She said with a wide grin, pushing her shoulder down so she stayed in her seat. "Don't worry about me, I'll get a cab home. And I'll make sure to text you when I get there."
"I'll leave you two Nice to see you again, Mic. Make sure she gets home ok?"
She gave a pleased salute to the both of them before snatching her coat from the back of her chair and sashaying her way to the exit. Jane watched her go for a moment, before sheepishly looking back at Mic, who was slouched casually in his seat.
"Your friend's not exactly subtle."
The brunette sighed deeply, fingering her empty glass thoughtfully. "That she's not..."
A beat of silence stretched before Mic cleared his throat and leaned forward to put his elbows on the table, looking at her seriously. "You didn't say much around the others. Do you regret coming along?"
"No, no...everyone was nice." She rushed to clarify, her head shaking emphatically. "I'm just...shy around famous people, I guess."
His mouth twitched into a smile. "You weren't shy around me when we first met."
"Yeah, but you insulted my favorite songs." She pointed out with a raised brow. "Kind of took precedence over your celebrity status in the moment."
He huffed in amusement. "I'm never living that down, am I?"
"Absolutely not." She flashed him a smile of her own, finger circling the rim of her empty glass just to do something with her hands.
He must have noticed, because his eyes flashed down to the movement, then his brows raised expectantly. "Want another drink? I'll buy."
"Nah, I'm already feeling the three I had earlier." Her head was already fuzzy and her body felt that tingling warmth that came with a typical buzz. A ball of inner energy vibrated in the pit of her stomach, a sign that if she didn't want a hangover the next morning, she'd stop drinking while she could.
Mic himself looked pretty well gone. He'd managed a good 5 drinks while they'd been conversing with his friends, and the way his eyes flickered back and forth over her, never staying in one place for long, meant that he was definitely past the point of tipsy.
Without realizing it, they'd descended into several moments of silence, neither saying anything. Jane felt this magnetic sensation that urged her not to look away from him, as if dragging her eyes somewhere else was just too much effort. The pulsing, pounding music overhead drowned out all over patrons of the bar, creating a lovely bubble between the two of them. For all she knew, they were the only two people here.
"This might seem blunt but I've always been come money and fame make you uncomfortable?" He blurted out suddenly, gaze drawn unequivocally to her and her alone. The attention was truthfully something she relished in when it came from him. And a small part of her was glad that Asuka had the forethought to let her have some time alone with the blonde.
His question managed to break her from the confusing spell that had settled at the table, and she blinked a few times.
"I'm just...not used to either."
"I understand that, but it's're afraid of it or something. You get tense when I mention paying for something for you, and being at a table with other heroes makes you go all quiet." He persisted. Quite an observation from someone so drunk.
Had she been that obvious while the others had been here? Oh no, hopefully they wouldn't think she didn't like them...
"I don't know what you want me to say." She shrugged halfheartedly, gaze looking away. "I've always been in the background in everything I've done. That's just how it's been. And while my family wasn't poor, we didn't waste pocket change. And after Monica's treatments, we had a lot of hospital debts to pay off."
She gestured at him then. "Seeing you and knowing how you live your's just really...different. And I've never been good at dealing with different."
His head was cocked to the side, listening intently as she explained her perspective. Still leaned forward, eyes watching quietly and yet with so much expression. They sought some answer to his burning question.
"Is it really that hard to see me as anything other than some famous hero?" He questioned.
"...sometimes." It was shameful, really. But true. He winced, no doubt hurt by her admission.
"You know, there is a man under the mask. So to speak." He replied, one hand coming up to hold up his chin. "It's not all money and rescues and signing autographs all the time. And I'd like to think I'm not one of those spendthrift celebrities that I know are out there. I've met a few, and even I think they're too much. In comparison, I live a pretty modest life."
"To someone like's all the same." She concluded with an apologetic shrug. Her eyes had fixed themselves on the table again. "Having the attention of someone with so much more than's hard not to wonder what sort of price there is to pay in return."
"I don't spend my money carelessly, Jane, but I don't hold it over other people either." He said seriously, his hand brushing under her chin to have her look up at him again. He was closer than before, eyes boring into hers in a way that made her hang on to every word. It was difficult to remember a time when he'd been so serious. "If I offer something, it's because I want to, not because I expect something in return."
Her brows creased slightly. "So, it's out of pity-"
"No." He interrupted, frowning in a sudden clarity. "Is that what you're really afraid of? That I pity you or look down on you because you have less than me?"
Put so bluntly, Jane didn't really have any other response than to nod her head timidly. Her throat felt constricted, not having expected this sort of deep heart-to-heart between the two of them. But it left her chest feeling heavy with some sort of emotion that she was too distracted to identify at the moment.
"Then let me make one thing clear to you. I have never pitied you. Sympathized with, yes. But never pity."
Jane gave a rueful, slanted smile. "I work at a convenience store..."
"I couldn't care less what you do. It's who you are that draws me in." He said, expression finally lifting from being serious into a small smile. "To be honest, I think you're the most interesting, unique person I've ever met. You've always treated me like a person, a regular person. Which is so strange because you can't seem to look past my fame or money. But that alone is something I cherish so much. The only other people I get that from are my best friends, and I've known them for years.
He shook his head, eyes searching her face for something. She couldn't tell what. "I could never pity you, because you're worth more than that. So doing things for you, spending money on you, is something I want to do because I enjoy it. Because I like seeing you happy. I like being the one to make you happy."
Jane's cheeks began to burn, a mixture of embarrassment and something completely heart-aching. Any thoughts that he was speaking platonically were quickly evaporating, especially when his eyes flicked down to look at her lips. Chest tight and utterly speechless, Jane was having trouble breathing properly. Did he mean it?
Unsure of what to say, her eyes flicked away again, and she laughed nervously. All of this was really overwhelming, and there was too much in her head to focus on any one thing. Her eyes blinked rapidly. "Does it feel like a million degrees in here? Maybe I need some air..."
"I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable." He said, frowning to himself.
"You're not, it''s just..." She stuttered over her words, not wanting him to get the wrong impression, "I'm boring and normal, and you're...everything I'm not. It's hard for me to believe someone like you would...think that way about me."
"You think I'm lying?"
Her gaze flicked to his empty glasses, left forgotten on the table. "You're drunk..."
"Then I'll say it as many times as it takes for you to believe me. Today and tomorrow and whenever else." He muttered, hand reaching up to brush his thumb against her cheek. And for as nervous as this all was making her, she relished the gentleness of his touch. A few strands of hair were brushed out of her face. "You have no idea how much I appreciate knowing you. What you mean to me."
Her heart pounded a fast, steady beat. It was exceedingly hot in the loud and exuberant bar, but surely some of it must have been generated from between the two of them, leaning so close across the table to each other. A few inches at most stood between them and a possibly bad decision.
Jane couldn't find a suitable reply to his words, and so didn't try to come up with one. Her chest ached, though it was hard to tell whether from anticipation or fear. It all felt remarkably the same in the moment. The way he looked so casual, yet so defined, any semblance of Present Mic was gone and instead whoever the man beneath it sat across from her. She didn't know that man's name, but surely they were two different people.
Mic's eyes no longer stared into hers, but settled on her parted lips, the distance slowly closing as they leaned forward. Jane's eyes shuttered half-shut, trying to ignore the confusing smattering of emotions telling her to both go in for the kiss and run out of the bar as quick as she could.
That coil of nerves in her chest built and built, until something snapped and she let out a stuttering breath. Pulling away in a rush at the last second, her eyes looked down towards the table when Mic realized what had happened. Couldn't even look at him. Shaky legs stood up from her seat. "I...I need a second."
"Jane-" He said softly, but the rest of whatever he had to say was too far away to hear as she walked towards where the bar's restrooms were located.
Her face too hot, the music too loud, and her heart abuzz with...something. God, it was too much at once. The alcohol was not making it easier to handle, rather amplifying every sound and sensation. It was a struggle to resist the urge to cry.
Turning into the small hallway at the back of the bar, she pushed her way into the women's restroom. Even once the door shut, the deep bass and drums of the songs playing vibrated the walls. Seeing no one inside, she settled herself in front of the bathroom mirror, bracing both hands against the counter.
Breathless, Jane looked at herself in the mirror. Her pupils were blown wide, face red and splotchy. She looked...a fucking mess. A god damn mess.
"What the fuck are you doing..." She whispered, closing her eyes and holding her head in her hands to take a steadying breath. Treading dangerous waters, that's what. One of her legs bounced nervously in place, seeking some outlet to get rid of all this energy inside of her.
In the safety of the bathroom, away from prying eyes, Jane walked over against the opposite wall and slid her back down until she sat on the wooden floor.
What did she want? What did Jane genuinely want? A relationship? Would something like that even work out, the difference in their lives were great and...and Jane was terrified that it would all go wrong. She was scared to death of taking that step, reaching too far and expecting too much...despite wanting to. Because it was so obvious that she wanted to try. To see where they could go.
Present Mic was...not what she had expected from a celebrity. In some ways, the most superficial aspects, he was typical. Fancy clothes and fancy hair. Rich, and influential friends. Hero, radio host, teacher. But past all of that was...a man. Nothing more. Just like her. Just like Asuka, and her parents and everyone else on the earth. And throughout the weeks she'd known him, she'd caught glimpses of someone who was truthfully not that different from her. He liked music, kept some things to himself to preserve what little privacy and sanctuary he was allowed. He liked cheap food-truck street tacos and was very dedicated to work. He'd listened to and comforted her, and despite Jane being an exceedingly boring person, never gave the impression that he grew tired of her.
Jane had told herself that this was all moving way too fast, but was that the real reason she was afraid? As much as she claimed that she didn't care about celebrities...hell, she'd grown to care about this one. She liked him. A lot. Wanted to spend time with him whenever her schedule would allow. Wished that she had more time to do so. And found herself sad at the thought of things-friendship or otherwise-ending between them.
Maybe boring old Jane wanted a little risk. Maybe she wanted something dangerous. Maybe...
So many things could go wrong. They hadn't worked out expectations or boundaries. Vulnerable emotions told her to sneak out the restroom and go home. But everything else begged her to stay and go back to him. To kiss him and, hell, maybe more. The two sides of herself pulled and tugged opposite ends of the rope, leaving her just as clueless as to what to do than when she'd first walked inside.
The door burst open, and two women staggered inside, heading directly to the toilets further in. They barely paid her any mind, too preoccupied with getting to the toilet before they puked their guts out. Both door slammed shut, followed by awful sounds of retching and sour moans.
Feeling a little ridiculous, Jane stood from the floor and walked back over to the mirror, fixing her appearance with shaking hands. Her heartbeat had calmed a degree. Of course, the moment she walked out that door it would just pick right back up again.
Maybe in a situation like this, it was better not to think. To do, and think later. Instincts were supposed to guide you in the right direction, right? When conflicted, let go of the wheel and let the body do what it wanted...right? Strangely enough, she felt better when thinking of it that way. What was meant to happen would happen. Whatever occurred the moment she walked out that door...let it happen. Go with her gut.
With a steadying breath and a nod to herself, she turned heel and pushed out the door, a strange fortitude carrying her forward. Now that she'd made a decision, the apprehension began to make way for curiosity and...something that kept reminding her of Asuka's conversation that morning.
She didn't get a few feet past the restroom door before she was confronted by the him waiting against the hallway's wall. He looked up when she came out, concern plain on his face. One look at him and her fingers clenched, knowing what she wanted the moment they locked eyes.
"I'm sorry." He said in a rush, regret washing over his expression. She opened her mouth, but he didn't give her a chance to say anything. "I shouldn't have been so forward, especially so soon after that night on the roof. I can take you home, if you want. Or, call you a cab if that's more comfo-"
Throwing her nerves to the wind, she reached up and grabbed a hold of his shirt collar, dragging him down so she could reach enough to kiss him. Dare she say, it was the boldest action she'd ever taken in her life. Left to instinct.
"Mmm!" He grunted with surprise, body tensing from shock.
Jane didn't let up, leading and coaxing him into reciprocating. She felt light. Floating. Right. The taste of alcohol lingered on her mouth and his, but she looked past it and found she quite liked the feel of his lips on hers. It didn't take long for him to relax, hands settling on her waist to pull them together.
He squeezed her hips, mouth curving up in a smile as he insistently pressed against her. He guided her in a small half-circle, Jane barely conscious of moving at all under the wall was at her back and Mic reached up to thread his fingers backwards through her hair at the base of her skull, cradling and lifting her jaw so he could deepen the kiss.
Yeah, definitely what she wanted.
Her hands drifted down to feel at his chest, pleased to feel muscle and a firmness below the fabric under her fingertips. His heart beat through her palms was fast, steady, and comforting all in one. She felt him let out a breath at her touch.
And while it all started slow and exploratory, the buzzing energy in her stomach was begging for something more. Letting muscles take over and giving her head a break, her teeth bit down on his lower lip and dragged it back with her, earning her a low groan and a dark chuckle.
"So full of surprises..." He muttered breathily into her ear, hands sliding down her sides and back to squeeze at the flesh of her ass. She sucked in a breath, feeling evidence of his arousal between the apex of her thighs.
He captured her lips in another bruising kiss, momentarily distracting them both as they pressed closer, wanting more. He broke away, needing to breathe and looking down at her with blown-out pupils. "Are we doing this on the first date?"
"If we're getting technical, more like 3rd or 4th..." She muttered, dragging him by his collar closer so she could sneak in a kiss or two. "If you don't want to, that's-"
"Dammit, Jane, of course I fucking want to..." He huffed out in amusement, hiking one of her legs around his waist so he could press himself closer to her tantalizingly close heat. She felt herself throb with intense want. "We're both pretty drunk though-"
"I won't regret it if you don't." She promised confidently, somehow knowing that it was the truth, squirming against him to try convincing him to throw away his hesitation like she had. Fully committed to her decision. After that initial step, it was growing increasingly easier to ignore and even temper the worms of doubt in her stomach. "Please, Mic-"
"Shouldn't we go slow?"
"I don't think anything about our relationship so far has been slow." She said, hands sliding up his chest again to wrap around his neck. "Why change it now?"
"Fair point." He laughed a little, reaching down to hoist her up by her thighs. Mouth right beside her ear, he licked at the shell and made her shiver against him. "But we aren't gonna risk an audience."
Mic hurried them to an unmarked door a little further down the hallway, pushing it open impatiently and kicking it closed behind them. The room was dark, but she could make out the silhouette of various shelves and boxes. A storage room, no doubt.
The dull pounding of the bar's music eased her fears of being overheard by other patrons, but any thoughts at all other than pleasure were tossed out the window when he pressed her roughly against the wall again, his lips crashing into hers in the darkness.
"Mmm..." She moaned into his mouth, his tongue sliding out to catch the sound and taste behind her teeth. Jane couldn't recall the last time she'd been kissed this way, with such passionate strength. Her legs tightened around his waist, his hips keeping her upright against the wall. A thick hardness rubbed exactly where she wanted him, but there were unfortunately too many layers in the way to get the amount of friction she was looking for.
Frantically, he snatched at her shirt and yanked up. They broke apart, Jane intent on ridding herself of anything standing between their bodies. Their panting breaths made the air in the small storage a nearly unbearable temperature. Her elbow got caught in the sleeve, and in the moment of delay, Mic had already popped the catch of her bra behind her back. The cups dangled at her chest, and the moment her shirt made it past her arms, she grabbed it by the middle and threw it to the floor, baring her chest to the open air.
They could barely see each other with the lights turned off, but his hand found her breast expertly, squeezing and rolling it between his fingers. Her head fell back against the wall, and she let out a breathy moan as his hot mouth covered the other nipple, tasting and teasing her all in one. Needing something to ground herself, she reached up and tangled her fingers into his hair, urging him on with needy pants.
Teeth pulled on the nipple, earning a sharp yelp. He swiped over it with an apologetic lick of his tongue. With what movement she could still manage, her hips rocked over his pants, seeking alleviation to the dull throbbing in her cunt. She felt him stutter a breath, clearly enjoying the way his erection felt against her.
And still, it wasn't enough.
"Off." She gasped, pawing incoherently at his shirt, struggling to get the clothing out of her way so she'd have unfettered access to his skin. Mic pulled away and obeyed her desperate order, humming as her fingers found the toned expanse of his chest the moment the shirt was tossed to the ground behind him.
Her nails scratched lightly over his skin as his hands made quick work of her jeans zipper. He managed to shimmy them down her hips and down to the floor, and her heart ached the few seconds before his eager fingers slipped past her panties and into her wetness.
"Ahhh..." Was her relieved moan, eyes closing from the overwhelming pleasure of them pumping a steady rhythm. Her hips twitched as he brushed past the edge of her clit, breath hitching in her throat. Mic's forehead pressed into hers, watching her expression as best he could in the darkness.
"Right there?" He breathed out, clearly enjoying the way she came apart at his touch.
"Mmm...mhmm..." The brunette keened, body trembling each time he hit just the right spot. The stimulation made her lose all coherent control of her arms, and so she placed them on his shoulders to steady herself against the onslaught of pleasure coursing through her cunt. Without him holding her up, she doubted she'd be able to stand on her own.
God, was he skilled with those fingers. Slender and attentive to each and every twitch of her hips and cry of desire.
Choked whimpers escaped her lips when he pressed his thumb against her clit, rubbing in tight circles. Her head felt dizzy, thighs quaking, and her pelvic muscles began to tighten in anticipation of an approaching orgasm. Shit, it was all so soon...
"S-stop..." Jane cried out, a shaking hand reaching down to grab at the tent in his pants. He ceased his movements, giving her abused clit a moment of relief. Her fingers massaged over his bulge, and he hissed in a breath, brows furrowed. "I...I want you inside-"
"Fuck, Jane..." He groaned, pulling his fingers from her slick and sucking it off. The sight was so erotic, she squeezed her thighs as it shot another throb of lust through her. Satisfied with her taste, he reached behind him and pulled something from his back pocket, sticking the little plastic square in his mouth so he could remove the belt at his hips.
Under normal circumstances, she probably would have asked why he had a condom ready to go in his back pocket, but lust had clouded over her thoughts and she couldn't have cared less then and there. Impatience meant she was grateful that they wouldn't have to stop and ponder if she'd need to get the morning after pill for lack of protection.
Her eyes had adjusted enough that she could see his member spring up out of his boxers as he shoved them down just far enough to be out of the way. Girthy and standing to attention. Just as enthusiastic as she was. She bit her lip, already anticipating the way he'd feel pushed inside.
He ripped the package open with his teeth and tossed the remains somewhere on the floor, rolling the rubber down his length until it reached the base. They both seemed to hold their breath as he helped guide himself to her entrance, his other hand gripping firmly at her hip.
Though they'd been frantic so far, Mic retained enough sense to slowly push into her, unsure if her body could handle a rough first entry. Jane gasped as his size stretched her walls, and he dropped his forehead to her collarbone, groaning out in ecstasy once he was completely sheathed inside of her.
"Oh...fuck..." She whispered out, glad he gave her a moment to adjust as it had been some time since the last time she'd taken a dick. Her vibrator had tided her over for so long, she'd nearly forgotten how filling this sensation could be. Already so close to orgasm, it was clear that she wouldn't last long either way.
"I'm gonna move." He muttered in warning, and she nodded emphatically, practically begging him to. His hips shifted back, his shaft dragging along, until they snapped forward, hitting a point that made Jane's toes curl.
Her pants became breathy, unabashed moans as he set his first pace, both hands holding her hips to keep her in place and give him leverage to thrust forward. The wet slaps were nearly drowned out by the bar's muffled music, so far covering the sounds of their pleasure-seeking. There could be an earthquake and neither would realize, too far gone in the feeling of enveloping the other.
Her back hit unpleasantly against the room's wall each time he thrust, held at an angle that wasn't exactly comfortable, but the deep, building orgasm in her cunt was distracting enough that Jane barely gave it thought. Heart thundering in her chest, she relished the way his fingers squeezed at her flesh. Breasts bounced and rolled with his movements.
Her skin felt hot and sticky from sweat, his no better. His mouth latched onto her throat's pulse point, kissing and sucking carelessly as his hips dug deeper and faster inside of her. Jane's hands gripped his blonde hair making him grunt, desperately wanting to prolong this as long as possible but it really was no use. She was too far gone. Too close to-
"Mic...~" Jane cried in a broken moan, unable to get the rest of her sentence out because fuck, the way he angled his hips now made the shaft of his member rub just perfectly against her clit and it built up with startling speed.
"I've got you..." He panted against her neck, hot breath giving her goosebumps. Despite her lack of words, he seemed to understand what she wanted to say. His thumb returned to her clit, rubbing and pinching, and his forehead moved to sit against hers again, eyes boring into hers. "Let me see you fall apart..."
With a silent cry, Jane's eyes closed and her body quivered spastically through the shattering orgasm that burst forth. Breath caught in her chest, her muscles squeezed him as he continued plunging himself into her cunt, hips stuttering in their rhythm. Through her lusty high, she watched his expression tighten, wincing when the tightness of her body proved to be too much for him.
"Jane..." He groaned low in his throat, thrusting hard twice, then three times, before stilling his hips sheathed deep inside of her. Abs tense and fingers bruising on her hips, he gasped out as his own release came. Their loud, panting breaths and the loud bar music filled the empty spaces of the storage room, their bodies quivering together as they rode out the last of their orgasms.
The brunette let her head thud against the wall behind her, sucking in breaths greedily to calm her racing heart. Her bare breasts sheened with sweat, and she shivered as a cool breeze hit them. The air conditioner unit had kicked on at some point, and now spat cold air down onto the both of them.
Jane's legs released themselves from around his waist, his member slipped from her slick, and he gently helped her stand on the floor. Her limbs felt like jelly, but at the very least she could stand now. He grunted bracing one hand on the wall by her head as he carefully slipped the used rubber from his dick. A quick glance around the room and he spotted a small trash can nearby. He pushed himself off, disposing of it with a flick of his wrist.
Now that the moment had passed, Jane was worried that a painful awkwardness would settle in. Most of the alcohol she'd drank earlier had all been worked out of her system through their exertions. She didn't even feel tipsy anymore. Having done most of the work, she imagined Mic was in a similar boat as her.
True to her word, she didn't regret what they'd done. But would he?
Before she could get the chance to say anything, he turned back to her and leaned down to capture her lips again. Her eyes closed, letting go of her worries as they slowly kissed. He finally pulled back, giving her a warm smile.
"We'll get you cleaned up and then I'll take you home. Ok?"
Offered a clear next step, Jane nodded. "Ok."
He stepped away to find something to clean the mess between her legs with, and she smiled up at the ceiling. Perhaps in the morning she'd be in a clearer mind to really think about what the two of them had done tonight, but for now, she'd simply bask in the glow of her orgasm.248Please respect copyright.PENANAfOS3FWtwu5