"It feels like no one's been living here for a while and the only one who comes around is the land lady to pay the bills."
Sincerely, that was exactly how Dongwook's apartment was if not even worse. There was no furniture and no sign that someone was living there. He didn't have food, didn't have boxes of absolutely anything and it was sparkling clean.
"You do realize that even I have more than you do at home. Do you at least have a bed or only a mattress?" Yerin asked, already imagining what was inside his bedroom.
Dongwook bit his lip, deciding that silence was a better answer. He placed their luggage close to the kitchen area which was just as empty as the rest. The cupboards were open because there was nothing to be kept inside and the stove looked brand new. The only thing he was using was the fridge and that only because he had to store the blood somewhere.
"What exactly have you done these last years?" She continued, curious why he seemed to have become lonely. "You used to get attached to your stuff in the past."
Dongwook scoffed, throwing her a quick glance before he walked to her.
"Just take a seat. Anywhere," He mumbled seeing how there was nothing they could sit on except the floor.
Yerin didn't seem affected by the lack of living necessities in his home. She was taken aback by the way he seemed to have closed inside compared to how open up to the world he was when they first met.
"Who was the guy that came to you on the beach?" Dongwook asked, going straight to the important matter.
"I don't know but he was korean. I don't think he told anyone that he found me."
"He said they can hear you. Who if not the rest of your clan?"
Yerin chuckled leaning back on her hands.
"The clan doesn't exist anymore. My father may be alive but he has no one to control and use. Vampires have become free."
"The number increased over the years," Dongwook added.
"The uprising of free vampires. They can change whoever they want whenever they want. They can discard of them as they see fit thus helping in creating more and more. I wonder who started it." She said bemused yet Dongwook didn't look like he enjoyed it.
"Why did you stop feeding?" He asked in a serious tone.
"When I found Liu Wei, I was on edge. I killed everyone but their blood tasted like sand. I changed Liu Wei only because I needed a source of food."
"But you didn't use him." Dongwook stated and she only agreed by shaking her head. "Why?"
"When he opened his eyes, I felt like I couldn't give life to someone only to take it away so fast. I have no right to play God so I only used a bit of his blood in order to cease the thirst."
"Was that the last time you fed?"
"No. The last time was when I met Minwoo. Both Liu Wei and Jiwon vehemently refused to take him in but he was a mess. Whoever changed him left him to rot. New vampires can grow wicked if you don't tend to them carefully. I had to calm him down so I fed on him enough to get him unconscious."
"Then, you didn't change Minwoo?" Dongwook asked, surprised by that little detail.
"I changed three people in my whole life: Jiwon, Liu Wei and you. No one else." She admitted, suddenly making the dark haired man feel proud.
It was both embarrassing and nice to hear that she hasn't changed another human on an emotional urge.
"Have you?" She retorted with an eyebrow rose elegantly.
"No. I never changed anyone."
It sounded like he was even more proud about that than he should be. He never took a life or change one and Yerin couldn't help but feel like she chose right.
"Have you thought what would have happened if you didn't run away back then?" Dongwook asked in a soft tone, knowing how much mess he created back then.
"No. I left because I couldn't live a life imposed by my father. I wanted to be free and I was ready to pay the price for it."
"You left me there,"
That felt a lot like a punch in the gut, especially the way he said it.
"I know." She replied simply, "You have to understand, Lee Dongwook, that you wouldn't have survived the world if you ran. Besides, once I was gone, there was no reason for them to avoid you."
"Is that what you think? Once you left, your father blamed me and punished me in gruesome ways. He'd feed me his blood just to keep me chained in between life and death. They never saw me as Dongwook but as the Leader's creation. That's what I was for them; your mistake."
Every word he said came out like a stronger slap against her face and expectations. She genuinely believed he had a better life without her around but it proved to be even worse.
"I'm...I'm sorry." She apologized, looking down at her hands in shame. It really wasn't what she expected.
"I should hate you enough to either hand you to them or kill you myself but I can't." He said sighing at the poor expression she had. "When I was in the cell you told me you could have let me go but you couldn't. I think I know that feeling now. I feel like I should kill you slowly, enjoy every moment of your pain but I can't. I have loved you for so long and still my body reacts by itself. Every time I see you, I find myself empty of any regret and sorrow. It's like the world has two sides and when I am with you, I see the bright side while when I am alone, I can't see anything at all."
With those sincere words spreading out his mouth, Dongwook reached out his hand towards her but she looked up into his eyes and grabbed it, placing it over her chest. It was beating really fast vibrating her chest. Afterwards, Yerin leaned towards him and caressed his cheek softly, her expression mesmerizing the vampire man. The older vampire scanned his face slowly, taking in every detail from the way he was breathing to the way his eyes were sparkling in the neon light. Everything was perfect; he was perfect and she was happy she chose him.
Seeing how she wasn't going to do it anytime soon, Dongwook moved closer to her and nudged her forehead with his before he leaned in and kissed her. It was soft, innocent even. It was the kiss they never shared in the last when they were two young people searching for their aim in life. But time passed and they spent most of their lives apart from each other. Growing brave, Dongwook grabbed her face and brought her closer before he let his hands slide down her waist, pulling her on his lap while the kiss became needier, expressing the feelings they held back for years.
"So, where does this leave us?" Yerin asked.
The night progressed smoothly to the point Dongwook had to pinch himself in order to register that it was real. She was there, in his bed, naked in his arms. Of course, being herself she had to say something and change the mood completely.
"Wherever you want to," He answered before leaning towards her, "You should stop thinking so much about it. We just are. We have enough time to spare."
"We won't if they kill me. There are many young vampires, fresh, stubborn and with a full belly." She added, looking at him with wide eyes.
"They won't kill you, Yerin. Besides, we have been around for a long time. I think that counts in our favor."
"That- I rarely fed so I'm sure that has lessened my strength."
"I don't think it's that easy to kill the leader. You have that symbol that's connected to your whole body. Your strength comes from it too." Dongwook commented, remembering the first time he saw the tattoo. It was part of her but she didn't seem to accept it yet. "You shouldn't pity yourself so early."
"Aren't you a genius?" She retorted sarcastically, moving so she could lean her back against the mattress. "Can you also read into the stars and tell me the future?"
"You don't take this seriously." He scoffed but couldn't get angry with her, "If you need it, I can ask some friends for help."
Her eyes widened as she struggled not to laugh.
"You have friends. Is there a woman amongst them?"
"Yes, there is one. Just as feisty as you are." He combated seeing her eyes narrow.
"Isn't that just wonderful? I'm still surprised some other woman can stand you with that attitude of yours." She continued, seeing his expression crack.
"I wonder who made me like this," He said leaning towards her, "Must be a handful."
"Do you want me to kill you?" She hissed getting closer to his face. Her eyes were glaring at him but both of them had a glint of mischievousness.
"You already did." He whispered, looking at her with an incredible pleased face.
Yerin scoffed but couldn't really do anything because their phones rung at the same time.
"Yes?" She asked, a frown contouring on her face as the caller spoke, "When did he come?" Yerin continued, surprising Dongwook when she suddenly got out of bed, searching for her clothes, "Alright. I'll come now. Keep him there."
"What's happened?" The dark haired man asked, rolling on his side.
The brunette threw a quick glance at him before focusing on pulling her pants on.
"He's here. The first vampire changed in Korea and also the one who changed Minwoo. Former King of Thieves during the Joseon Dynasty, Lee Joon."