The warm afternoon sun beamed through George's bedroom window, heating up the brunette's pale skin. His PC sat untouched the whole day; George was too caught up in his thoughts. Laying awake in bed for hours, not paying attention to the hours that went by. It didn't feel like it, but by now it was 5:32 PM. George heard a notification from his phone. He sat up and propped himself up against the headboard of his bed. The brunette unlocked his phone, checking the time as he opened the notification.
"5:32?" He thought, confusedly. The notification was from Dream.
< Messages Dream💩 Details|599Please respect copyright.PENANABBLmUEBFVP
george r u ok? 599Please respect copyright.PENANAiWmB0zJRyW
599Please respect copyright.PENANAR7kc7Z16nn
its 5:36 over there599Please respect copyright.PENANAfHNzBYd4J2
already and u havent599Please respect copyright.PENANAoxyqrb9TiU
been on all day
sorry i lost track of time
for 7 hours?
i checked ur insta-599Please respect copyright.PENANAtgSqXAYwEP
youve been active since599Please respect copyright.PENANAWtdaTuUche
5:00 AM
haha funny
seriously george im599Please respect copyright.PENANAgD2emy75Hm
are u sure ur alright?
yeah im fine youre just599Please respect copyright.PENANAczFtwMKWq5
ill hop on disc in a minute
ok then
and im not clingy
u are
were not arguing about599Please respect copyright.PENANA735eYhfaH9
this mr wastaken
im right and u know it
ur not
yes i am :)
fuck u
u wish
George didn't bother seeing Dream's response and instead stood up and walked over to his PC. His PC was already turned on so all he had to do was open Discord. He clicked on the VC Dream was already waiting for him in.
"George?" His voice was laced with worry.
"I'm okay, Dream," George replied. The softness in his voice reassured Dream that he wasn't lying.
"What were you doing all day?" Dream asked curiously.
"Ur mom,"
"You're not funny,"
"It was a little bit funny,"
"Not even a little bit,"
"It was pretty funny," George coaxed. Dream rolled his eyes, and even though George couldn't see it, he just knew. "Did you roll your eyes at me?"
"I don't know what you're talking about,"
"Dream, don't even try-"
The brunette was interrupted by the sound of someone joining the VC. George glanced at his screen. Sapnap.
"Hey, Sapnap," Dream said.
"Hey- George where have you been all day?" Sapnap asked, curiously- barely acknowledging Dream. George didn't blame him, though. They lived together, after all.
"Laying in bed,"
"Bullshit- how long have you been up?"
"Since 5:00 AM," Dream cut George off.
"Why have you been up for so long, George?"
"Couldn't sleep, I guess," George lied. The truth was, George had a recurring nightmare that woke him up early every day. He usually went back to bed, but this time, he refused to. He knew he'd just fall back asleep into the nightmare if he did. The worry Dream had in his voice returned again.
"Dream, I'm fine," This time the softness in George's voice didn't work. It didn't soothe Dream the way it did before. "I just had a nightmare,"
Just a nightmare... It wasn't just a nightmare, was it? No.. Surely not.. The one you love most doesn't kill you every night in normal nightmares..
"A nightmare? Do you wanna talk about it?" Dream asked, gently.
"Not here.. Not now.." George replied. Dream seemed to understand and quickly changed the subject,
"Let's play Jackbox or something, hm?"
Laughter burst through George's headphones as Sapnap joked. George checked the time and noticed it was 8:30 already.
"Time goes by when you're having fun" He thought. He stared at Dream's discord icon as it would flash the very colour he couldn't see each time Dream spoke. He zoned out for a moment, "What is it about you..?"
George was so stuck in his own thought that he didn't notice when Sapnap had left the call,
"George?" Dream asked. The sound of Dream saying George's name snapped the brunette out of it,
"What-" George said. It wasn't really a question, just something he said out of confusion.
"Sapnap left, but you didn't say anything," Dream started, hesitating before speaking next, "Are you sure you're okay?"
George paused or a moment,
"Yeah.. Yeah Dream I'm fine," But the way Dream's name rolled off George's tongue felt unnatural. Too sharp to sound truthful. And it wasn't- it wasn't truthful at all. George wasn't fine. George wasn't okay. He was beyond even the thought of it. Dream knew George all too well, though. Dream could tell something was wrong, he wasn't stupid. He knew George's tones of voice and what they meant, he knew when the facial expressions George made were genuine or not. George wondered if he was either just a terrible actor or if Dream really knew him that well. It felt, almost invading to George. George both loved and hated that Dream knew him so well. George loved the way Dream knew just exactly what to say to get George to fold, or to get him to blush profusely, he liked the way Dream knew how to respond and react when he noticed something was wrong, or how he knew exactly how gentle he needed to be that day with the first word George said to him. What George didn't like was this. Right now, Dream could see through George's 'I'm fine's and his tone of voice. How he knew exactly what was wrong and what emotion George was feeling. Or maybe George did like it. Because- the beat that starts in George's heart, or the feeling of giddiness rising up in George, and even the sudden eruption of butterflies in his stomach, every time George heard the genuine worry in Dream's voice, showing he cares, wasn't exactly a reaction you'd give when you didn't like something.
"You had a nightmare," Dream said, breaking George's train of thought, "Do you wanna talk about it now that Sapnap's gone?"
He knew him too well.
"I have this-.." George paused, "recurring dream.."
George went quiet, listening for any kind of indication from Dream to keep going. George took Dream's respectful silence as a green light,
"In the dream- nightmare- I'm um.. I'm sitting there.. With somebody.. We're.. He's- they're-" George begins, already stammering, "We're walking together- they're um- holding my hand and.. We're laughing together, telling jokes.. We're walking along a beach- and- there's these.. Barriers.. Surrounding me- like- like a uh- um- a force field.."
George can feel a lump forming in his throat, so he swallows and waits a few moments before speaking again,
"As we spend more time together throughout the day, that barrier slowly disappears.. Until it's completely gone.. And.. He- this person- they-.. Lure me into this.. False sense of security.. And when.. When we were sitting back on the same beach we started the dream on.. They um-" George stammers to get the final words out, "They kill me- and- and it's a different kind of death every time- they've- they've stabbed me, drowned me- it's.. It's terrifying.."
The two sit in silence for a little while, before Dream speaks up,
"Do you know who it is?" Dream asked. George felt his throat close and his chest tighten. He began shaking his head, glad that his camera was off as tears filled his eyes.
"You," He dares. He wants to say it, he really does. But he doesn't.. He stays quiet and doesn't answer Dreams question.
Dream knows George well, though, so when George doesn't respond, he asks another question,
"Do you two talk?"
"What do you say?"
George goes quiet again.
"Just.. Normal things, I guess," He half truths. He wont tell Dream about that last 'I love you' they say to one another before Dream kills him in his nightmare.
"Define normal," Dream says. George looks for an escape. Anything to get him away from the question that's clawing at his heart. But he doesn't find anything, so he answers vaguely,
"We joke a lot.. Compliments here and there," George says. Dream goes silent before asking his next question. He seems to ponder it a lot before saying it,
"Do you love him?" Dream asks. George stiffens. There's no tone in his words. George can't tell the goal of Dream's question. The question terrifies him. He doesn't know how to answer. A thousand ways out go in and out of his brain, along with a million other answers. It all comes down to three words,
"I think so.." George answers.
"I said he too many times.. Fuck.. He knows.. Fuck.."
They both go quiet.
"Is it m-" Dream begins, but George cuts him off before he can finish his sentence, heart pounding as he already knew what Dream was going to ask,
"It's getting late- I um- I need to go to bed- um- sorry for wasting your time, Dream I um.." George stammers, "Yeah.."
Dream is silent for a moment,
"Goodnight, Georgie," Dream says. George's heart beats out of his chest. His heart is pounding so loud, he swears Dream can hear it through the VC.
"Goodnight, Dream," George replies. George listened as the sound of Dream leaving VC echoed through his headphones.
"God, Dream- you drive me fucking nuts,"
GeorgeNotFound has left VC-1
599Please respect copyright.PENANABxe2q1yqg5
A bright sun beamed on George's and Dream's faces. They laughed, hand in hand as they walked along the beach coast in Florida. George looked up at the blonde in awe. His dreams were the only time he could see full colour. He saw the tufts of gold and yellow in Dream's hair, his pinkened cheeks with subtle brown freckles that dusted over his nose. The thing that stood out to George most were Dream's bright green eyes, that shone even brighter in the sun. Dream was tan and George was sunburnt.
"You look like a lobster," Dream stated. George punched him,
"Not everybody spends their whole life in warm, tropical, sunny weather, Dream," George replied. Dream laughed as he stared into George's eyes, allowing himself to get lost in them. Dream pulled George closer to him and allowed his hand to gently rest on George's cheek. Dream's thumb brushed along George's slightly red face from sunburn. Their faces continued inching closer to each other, until their noses touched,
"You're really pretty, Georgie," Dream said. George felt his heart begin to pound out of his chest. His mind raced. He kind of just froze, not knowing how to react. "Don't hold back,"
"I have to-"
"You don't.. Just let go,"
"I can't risk it,"
"Risk what?"
"Losing you,"
"You wont,"
"How can you be so sure?"
Dream didn't answer George's question and instead kissed George. George's breath hitched in his throat before kissing back. Dream pulled away for a moment to speak,
"Give in," He said before kissing George again. George's hands moved from his sides, up Dream's arms, memorizing the shape and tone. His hands went up Dream's upper-back to his hair, gently tugging at small tufts of blonde. George opened his mouth as Dream kissed him, allowing him to explore. Their breathing became heavy the longer they stayed like that. Dream and George's hearts raced with one another.
It isn't like this.. It isn't supposed to be like this..
When Dream and George pulled away, their noses rested on one another. Dream laughed, George's laughter soon following after,
"I love you, Georgie ,"
And that's when George woke up. The brunette sat up quickly, running a hand through his hair,
"What. The. Fuck, " He thought.
599Please respect copyright.PENANANJOeYcILzn
599Please respect copyright.PENANA63zVtGXGcq
George couldn't stop thinking about that damned dream. It was so out of place to him. Everything was exactly the same to the reaccuring nightmare he had, only he DIDN'T die. As confusing as it all was, George found himself rather annoyed with his conscience, because all he seemed to care about was reliving that memory. It annoyed the hell out of him. It wasn't until Dream was trying to snap George out of it, that George realized just how much it was affecting him.
"George!" Dream finally decided to raise his voice, keeping it as soft as possible. George tuned back into the real world,
"Wh-what-?" George asked, confused.
"They're telling you to call me Clay again," Dream stated.
"What- why? " George asked, with a light chuckle. Dream hummed in response,
"I don't know- they're a bunch of weirdos," The blonde joked. George laughed,
"What? Do they think you're gonna like- react all funny or something?" The brunette continued, "Clay- come play Bedwars with me, Clay,"
George mocked his chatters ever-so-slightly. Dream began wheezing at George's comments. The name sounded so unnatural coming out of George's mouth; sharp and bitter. George cringed at the sound.
"It's so stupid!" Dream said between laughter. George laughed along with Dream. As the two's laughter faded, George stared at his computer screen. He wondered what Dream looked like as he zoned into his discord photo. He imagined him tanned with freckles dusted over his face and sandy blonde hair with fragments of brown here and there. That was how George saw him in his dreams, but George wondered how he really looked. I mean- there was no way his dreams could be that accurate. Right? The brunette rested his head in his hand as he thought. He could hear Dream chuckle through his headset,
"Whatcha thinkin' about, Georgie?" Dream asked. George's heart pounded at the nickname as last night's dream came flashing back to him. George was so caught up in his own thoughts, though that he answered without hesitation,
It went silent.
Dream chuckled again.
It went silent.
"Wait- George were you being serious?" Dream asked. The brunette finally tuned back into things,
"Wait- no- wait I- that's not- I wasn't-" George stammered, eventually just giving up. George couldn't see, but he could hear the smirk on Dream's face when he spoke next,
"You were thinking about me? Hm.." Dream began. George knew exactly where this was going and he didn't like it one bit.. Or did he? "What kind of things were you thinking about?"
"Nothing you're thinking about, idiot!" George defended, the blush on his face becoming more apparent.
"Mhm.. Okay, George," Dream replied. George scoffed,
"Since you're so curious, Clay- I was thinking about what you look like," George stated, slightly annoyed. Dream laughed a bit,
"You're such an idiot, George- ohmygod- literally if you wanted to know what I look like you could've just asked and I would've sent you a picture-" Dream began, but George cut him off at his last word,
"No- no I don't want to know, yet! I told you that I wanted to wait until I met you first!" George argued.
"I don't know, George- maybe I should send one right now- you seem so curious!" Dream teased.
"Dream, no- I'm being serious-" George replied. A moment later, George got a Snapchat notification.
"I'm not opening it, Dream," George said, stubbornly. Dream laughed,
"You have to open it sooner or later," Dream said. George shook his head,
"No. I'm never opening your messages again,"
"Oh, come on now," Dream complained, "Just open it,"
"Open it,"
"I'm not opening it-"
"George just open it,"
"I said no,"
"Open it, or you don't love me,"
"I'm still not opening it,"
"No- Dream, I-" George paused, "Seriously? You're throwing that out there, now?"
"I'm not doing anything, George- you just don't love me," Dream replied. George groaned in irritation as he opened the snap. George's face immediately flushed red as he examined the picture.
"Is this you?" George asked.
"It's me," Dream answered. George's breath hitched in his throat. It wasn't Dream's entire face, but instead a picture of the right side of it. The picture revealed his jawline, neck, and collarbone, along with his tanned skin, pinkened cheeks and brown freckles. His jawline was clean-shaven.
"Dream.." George managed, keeping it to a whisper. Dream laughed in response,
"What's wrong, Georgie?" Dream asked, teasingly.
"I.." George began, not being able to get the words out.
"Speak up," Dream demanded, voice still soft. George somehow managed to collect himself before looking too suspicious. He decided to get back at Dream a little.
"Dream- you can't be sending these kinds of pictures to me while I'm streaming-" George began,
"Stop! No! You're making it sound so bad, George-" Dream said between laughing. George didn't stop there, though; he decided to push things a little.
"It wouldn't sound bad if it wasn't bad, Dream-" George replied. Dream began to wheeze,
"George, no-" The blonde could barely breathe. George struggled not laughing, easily breaking character and smiling at Dream's contagious laugh. Dream finally stopped laughing and his breathing calmed down.
"No, chat- it isn't a picture of his face," George said, answering questions from chat. Dream laughed again,
"George you're making this sound so bad! Stop!" Dream practically whined. George knew how Dream was though. He knew Dream didn't actually care about George's teasing- somewhere deep inside of George, he knew that Dream actually enjoyed it. George denied the thought of it, obviously because he knew that if he allowed himself to believe it that he'd go absolutely feral. He wouldn't be able to control the teasing words that came out of his mouth whenever he was around Dream; even on stream. Dream's stopped laughing once again. George re-opened the snap Dream had sent.
Saved to camera roll!
It went absolutely silent.
"You saved it," Dream stated. George wasn't really sure if Dream was saying it to make fun of him, or for realization to hit him. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know if George saved that picture that he liked it.
"I saved it," George replied. Dream chuckled slightly.
"Noted," Dream said, softly earning a shy laugh from George.
"Why are you talking like that?" George asked. The question always sent Dream's defense mode up a little. Dream sharpened his tone a little more each time George asked, but he never got an actual answer; that's why, despite George loving the soft voice from Dream, he didn't stop asking the question- he wanted an answer.
"Talking like what?" Dream asked.
"Dream-" It came off kind of raspy when he said it. George could hear Dream's breath hitch through his headset. George didn't even know why he repeated the blonde's name, it just kind of fell from his lips.
"George-" Dream replied, voice slightly shaky. It was quiet for a moment. George could feel Dream's eyes on his face through the computer-screen. George finally interrupted the uncomfortable silence,
"I um- I'm gonna end stream now," George stated.
"O-okay.." Dream replied. George deafened, turning off his discord camera and ended his stream. When George knew his stream was off, he sat back in his gaming chair with a loud sigh of relief.
"When did we get this close?" George wondered.
The brunette stood up and grabbed a water bottle, opening and taking a sip from it. George practically moaned at the feeling of the water going down his dry throat. He was dehydrated. He then sat back down in his chair and went back to discord, undeafening,
"I'm back," George said,
"Welcome back," Dream replied. His voice was back to normal. They both had collected themselves and George was so relieved when he realized it, "You zoned out a lot this stream- what's been on your mind, George?"
George's body relaxed at Dream's soft voice.
"I um- I had a dream last night," George said, putting things plainly.
"Was it the nightmare?" Dream asked.
"I thought so at first, but-" George paused, "Then it wasn't scary and.. We were just talking for a little while and then-"
George stopped, deciding he had already said too much. Dream didn't hear enough, though,
"And then?" Dream asked. George was silent, "George-"
"We kissed," George cut Dream off. It went quiet. They did that a lot that evening.
"You kissed?"
"Yeah," George replied, "We kissed,"
"I tried asking last time-" Dream began. George's heart began to immediately pound. He knew what was coming, "Is it me?"
"Is who you?" George asked, playing dumb.
"George- come on now-" Dream said, "In the dream- is it me?"
George was quiet for a few moments.
"So that's a yes, then," Dream restated- more to himself than anything.
"Yeah," George answered, "Have you-"
George stopped to think.
"Have I what?" Dream asked.
"Have you ever dreamt of me?" George spat out. He didn't try rephrasing or sugar-coating the question- he just left it as it was. Dream didn't hesitate before speaking next,
"I have, actually" Dream answered. George's eyebrow raised in curiosity as he felt his heart beat in his chest.
"What about?" George asked. George waited impatiently for an answer.
"Us meeting up," Dream replied. George focused on the blonde's words,
"How'd it go?"
"You practically jumped into my arms," The blonde stated, "You smelled good too,"
"Oh so you memorized my smell?" George asked, teasingly.
"Oh shut up- you dreamt of us kissing," Dream said a little too early. The words hit George like a tidal wave. He felt a lump form in his throat as he fought tears that were now attempting to break free from his eyes. "I'm sorry-"
"No-" George began, swallowing the lump in his throat, "no it's fine-"
"It's not- I'm sorry,"
"Dream it's fine-"
"Just accept my apology, George- please,"
It was quiet again. The random silence was beginning to drive George insane with how often it happened.
"I accept your apology, Dream," George said, giving Dream what he had asked for. George listened as Dream let out a sigh of relief. It went quiet again before Dream spoke,
"I'm sorry, George, I-" Dream began, "I'm gonna go-"
The lump previously in George's throat re-appeared, tears pricking at the outskirts of his eyes, daring to fall down his porcelain cheeks.
"O-Okay.." George said, voice almost a complete whisper. Dream hesitated, contemplating staying instead, but left the VC in the end anyways. George disconnected from the VC soon after. The brunette didn't keep it in anymore. He couldn't. He allowed himself to feel everything, loud sobs falling from his lips as he hid his face in his two hands, "God I'm so stupid!"
"How could I ever think he'd even begin to like me?!" George asked, immediately insulting himself, "He's just my best friend and it's always been that way- God, I am such an idiot!"
The brunette continued to cry for a few more minutes before wiping his eyes and laying in bed. When George laid in bed, he unlocked his phone and decided to scroll Twitter.
Stupid idea by the way, because the pale boy had forgotten that his timeline was gonna be nothing, but DreamNotFound. At first it was just clips and videos, that left George comforted and smiling, but then fanart began to show up on his page and he couldn't help, but let a few saddened cries leave his mouth. Unfortunately, the cries weren't temporary, because they got worse, evolving from small cries to sobs. Tears were streaming down George's face, but he didn't stop watching the clips, he didn't stop liking fanart, and he couldn't help, but stalk Dream's page. The conversation replayed in his head, his once honey brown eyes, now red and puffy as he cried,599Please respect copyright.PENANATJP3JgvRGZ
"you dreamt of us kissing,"
'Cruel," George thought.
"I'm sorry."599Please respect copyright.PENANAIvyjimSrUo
'No you're not,'599Please respect copyright.PENANANbGg1ddKco
"It's fine,"599Please respect copyright.PENANA4X8rfAbCpN
"I'm sorry,"599Please respect copyright.PENANAO3qjDoic30
'Stop reading my mind'599Please respect copyright.PENANAY03h9wCNpo
"It's fine,"599Please respect copyright.PENANAMhA9M7yoVc
"Just accept my apology,"599Please respect copyright.PENANAaIkdrwijkt
'I wish I could,'599Please respect copyright.PENANAjLVPlpbDEg
"I accept your apology, Dream,"599Please respect copyright.PENANAjNutOHnf5Y
'I lied,'599Please respect copyright.PENANAKup2gGozlN
"I'm sorry, George, I-"599Please respect copyright.PENANAaClaVn3tYM
'Don't say it- don't go- and please don't say my name like that,'599Please respect copyright.PENANALJ1uG8jgFJ
"I'm gonna go,"
'Fuck-'599Please respect copyright.PENANASWZBjCtPcg
George remembered the sound of Dream leaving VC..
The sound of him leaving soon after..
"Why do I love you?" George asked, voice but a whisper. He wasn't talking to anybody, obviously; George was alone, there was nobody to talk to, but himself. George wasn't paying any attention to what was around him, so when he got a phone call, he jumped in response. When he looked at the caller ID, his expression went dark,
George declined.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA6PtzroxmKe
< Messages Dream💩 Details|599Please respect copyright.PENANAfadoRKLSMc
answer me 599Please respect copyright.PENANAgxARTNT2E4
I can see u liking599Please respect copyright.PENANASdxZRGYJcV
fanart on twt
George sighed at the message
-599Please respect copyright.PENANA12swI8VIbQ
-599Please respect copyright.PENANAPvIZpzolEP
Dream💩 is calling599Please respect copyright.PENANATvP7z9Ju55
599Please respect copyright.PENANAkRdpyfHu4o
599Please respect copyright.PENANAizIDw9vjPU
599Please respect copyright.PENANA1WtDvIubvR
599Please respect copyright.PENANAKCi0ntW2B9
Accept Decline599Please respect copyright.PENANAYXweKwasBR
-599Please respect copyright.PENANAKEgpH8O6Tb
George's finger hovered over the accept button, contemplating declining and going to bed, but decided on accepting.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA701b7g8sKb
"George-" Dream immediately began. George hummed in satisfaction at the sound of Dream's voice. It was warm, but apologetic. George immediately hated himself for reacting the way he did.599Please respect copyright.PENANAkkGDSvyQhx
"No- George, I-" Dream continued, "George I'm so sorry,"
It went silent.
"Is that all you called me to say, because if it is- I don't know if you forgot or not, but you already said it twice and I forgave you," George replied, but Dream ignored his question,
"A-Are you crying..?" Dream asked, worry now in his voice. George stiffened, clearing his throat and trying to fix his croaky voice,
"No- no Dream I am not crying,"
"Were you crying?" Dream altered his question. George was about to answer, but it must've taken too long because Dream started speaking before him, "George I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm-"
"You didn't make me cry, Dream," George interrupted.
"Don't lie to me,"
"I'm not,"
"Dream please!" George almost yelled. Dream went silent, "What do you want? Why did you call me? We're only supposed to call when there's an emergency- we promised-"
"George you know I like you, right?" Dream blurted. George froze,
"W-What? Dream where is this coming from?" George replied, face slightly pinkened.599Please respect copyright.PENANAWDGY2mfCPj
"I don't know I just- with your dream and- it's been a while; I've liked you for a while I just-" Dream went silent, thinking about how to word his next sentence.599Please respect copyright.PENANAKmKFChfbVG
"You just what?" George asked.
"I'm scared.." Dream finished, "and I don't want to risk losing you and I-"
The blonde paused once again,
"I don't want to become anything more than friends before we meet,"
It went quiet. Too quiet for George's liking,
"George I don't want you to think that I don't- like you or that you don't have a chance or anything, I just don't want us to move in and for things to change in our relationship because we decided to indulge in things early,"
It went quiet again. George really hated it when it got quiet,
"I'm sorry if this ruins things-" Dream began, but George cut him off,
"Dream this doesn't ruin anything, you idiot-" He replied, the fondness he usually had when he talked to Dream returning, "I understand and respect your opinion and I agree,"
"You agree?"
"Yes, Dream- I agree," George reassured him, "It's definitely best for us to stay friends, until we move in together,"
"So we're okay?"
"God you're such an idiot, Dream- yes we're okay!" George said, staged annoyance creeping into his voice. George could hear the smile on Dream's face through his words,
"Cool," Dream said.
"Cool?" George asked, smiling, "that's all?"
"Yeah- yeah cool," Dream replied. George scoffed,
"Stop smiling, idiot- I can hear it in your voice,"
"I'm not smiling-" Dream lied. George rolled his eyes as he laughed a bit. The two sat in comfortable silence for a moment, before Dream spoke, "And hey- don't you ever cry over a stupid boy, George- what are you? Dumb?"599Please respect copyright.PENANAeGaf9JF8be
George scoffed again,
"You're the boy I was crying over, Dream,"
"And I'm a stupid boy!" Dream rebutted. George laughed at Dream's comment, "I'm not worth your tears- you're too pretty to be crying over some idiot because he was being an asshole-"
"You weren't being an asshole-"
"Okay maybe you were a little bit of an asshole,"
The two went silent again. Comfortably. George would be satisfied if they ended their night just like this, saying nothing more and Dream seemed to think the same way because the next words that came out of his mouth were his goodbye,
"Well- It's already almost 1:00 AM over there and I've gotta cook before Sapnap bitches, so goodnight, Georgie," Dream said. George smiled at the nickname,
"Goodnight, Dream," George replied. The two lingered, though, "Dream- you- you gotta end the call-"599Please respect copyright.PENANAx7FQer15AP
"Shut up- I'm getting to that-" Dream said, laughing. George laughed in response, "Goodnight times two?"
"Goodnight times two,"599Please respect copyright.PENANAEUnqBkjHQP
Call ended599Please respect copyright.PENANAuXmS5xJKsI
10 minutes and 34 seconds599Please respect copyright.PENANAjzYFozrSxV
George smiled and laid down in his bed once again, closing his eyes and falling asleep, satisfied.599Please respect copyright.PENANAfylMVzKlba
No notes.
599Please respect copyright.PENANACa0WKfRlW2