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  • Contest Holder
    I like to write story’s, like my hero academia, and I LOVE FROGS!. I’m a she/her who’s lesbian! Most of all i hope you enjoy my stories and anything on my page.

    My favorite mha characters are Deku and bakugo, don’t judge me for them or I’m coming for your soul and everything you got!

    P.s Im taken SO IM NOT YOURS ☺️
    And bye bye my little froggies! (What I call all my followers)
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Make a chapter to a story

I want you to make a story that is about a girl who is hard of hearing and is secretly a spy and she uses her hearing devices to help spy on people. 
Important: if your the first person submitting you can make the story how ever you want but if there is already a submission you have read the one before you create your chapter. Each person submitting will create a chapter to a story and all the submissions will end up turning into a full story 

I want you to make a story that is about a girl who is hard of hearing and is secretly a spy and she uses her hearing devices to help spy on people. 
Important: if your the first person submitting you can make the story how ever you want but if there is already a submission you have read the one before you create your chapter. Each person submitting will create a chapter to a story and all the submissions will end up turning into a full story 


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