All eyes were on me as I descended the stairs of the stage in my red dress. My mother knew exactly what she was doing when she chose this for me to wear. I hated it. I hated how she made me feel vulnerable at the many greedy eyes skimming everywhere but my face. Like I was some prize pig to win at a fair. Although I had to give it to my brothers, they looked like they were ready to tear the heads off anyone who stepped foot near me as I watched them from the crowd. But I can bet you that it's all fake. Otherwise, they would've already put a stop to this shit. Too late now.
I wait with the rest of the girls and I watch them leave one by one as their new owners take them and lead them either to a group of people or directly outside of the room. I look around for Mr. Cacciatore, but he was nowhere in sight. I didn't think twice before I quietly make my way out of the doors. I pick up my pace all while turning and looking over my shoulder every few seconds to make sure I wasn't being followed. I turn my head again too early this time and slam into someone else. Damnit I didn't need this right now. I look up and sigh, it was just a man I didn't know.349Please respect copyright.PENANA5AUN0ta5DV
"S-sorry," I quickly say.349Please respect copyright.PENANAOc19owMhhQ
"If I didn't know better, it seemed as if you're running from something. Or someone," he states as he crosses his arms.349Please respect copyright.PENANAAKZfhstThg
"I'm really sorry, but I don't have time for this conversation right now,"349Please respect copyright.PENANAx3ts11tJvb
"If you're running from someone, I can help you. All you have to do is ask."349Please respect copyright.PENANAsemPxJprX4
"Are you really willing to help me? You don't even know me. I've had enough of you mindless men, one wrong move and I'm putting a bullet through your head."349Please respect copyright.PENANAevMWsFAmqQ
"Damn chill doll," he grins.349Please respect copyright.PENANAw9ZEbmQ1Lt
"Don't fucking call me that," I grimace.349Please respect copyright.PENANAD8SlulCXHr
"Alright, noted. Anyways, if you're trying to hide, I suggest going into one of those private rooms over there," he says as he nods his head to the row of doors behind me. "As long as you lock it, no one will disturb you. You can wait it out in there and leave whenever you want. This auction just finished anyway so everyone will be at the party downstairs in a few minutes, so you won't be in there long. Good luck doll, hope I see you again soon," he winks right before he turns on his heels and walks the other way.
I turn around and start to find an empty room. Most of them were locked as I went down the line of doors. I finally get to one and it opens. I look up and my eyes meet his. Cacciatore. And he was with another woman who seemed to be too focused on her orgasm than me barging in. I blink twice, not sure how to react then I back out and slam the door closed. Gross, I didn't need to see that.
I step away from the door and quickly walk back down the hall. I make it outside and look to my left then my right. I wasn't exactly sure where I was going to go, but anywhere but here would be better. I look to my left and right again before I grab as much as the dress my hands can hold and I make a run for it across the road. I make it to the other side and head left. As I walk on the sidewalk I follow it wherever it takes me. I stop for a minute to breathe and grab my now sweaty phone from in between my breasts. I call Melanie but she doesn't answer. God, I hoped nothing bad happened to her. I call her again and it goes straight to voicemail. I take a deep breath in to calm my nerves before I continue walking. I walk for a few minutes before I notice a sleek black car slowly making its way near me. The windows start to roll down and I place my hand under my large dress, ready to pull Red out.349Please respect copyright.PENANAfxnLkSaqQg
"Hey doll," says the man I met before.349Please respect copyright.PENANAx2HyFNRlTc
"Oh, thank God it's you, I was ready to shoot."349Please respect copyright.PENANAZARHoxCoDK
"Out in the open? Now how would that work out for you? Especially since you already stand out in that dress," he smiles.349Please respect copyright.PENANAjbDxd1xUZU
"At least you'd be dead. And besides, I rather go to jail than go back to my parents or Mr. Cacciatore."349Please respect copyright.PENANAxoVOqEkH5o
"So you hate him too huh, welcome to the club. Hop in doll, I'll take you anywhere you wanna go."349Please respect copyright.PENANAh48SuJZD43
I hesitate for a second. "I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt and trust you since you helped me out, but I'm warning you, one wrong move and-"349Please respect copyright.PENANAgtyePCfxQa
"You're putting a bullet through my head. Yeah, I get it."349Please respect copyright.PENANAKhrDtLrc7K
"Good, I'm glad you do," I state before I open the door and let myself in.349Please respect copyright.PENANAS7Gi1wvkTM
"Where to?"349Please respect copyright.PENANAB3TaEWMR4K
"Well, I have nowhere to go but home. I tried calling my friend so that we could take a taxi back and grab our clothes and leave, I'd stay at her place but she hasn't been answering. I still want to take my things though because I can't stay at home, otherwise Mr. Cacciatore will just find me there. I need to be as far away as possible from him and my family."349Please respect copyright.PENANAeypCUlm2Ig
"Alright, home it is then. And don't worry about finding a place to stay. I have a few. Just worry about grabbing your things and finding your friend. She can stay with you too."349Please respect copyright.PENANACxczVSfyX0
"T-thank you," I say. "Why are you helping me? Are you trying to get something out of me? Is it money you want?"349Please respect copyright.PENANA9l6cbcUzRg
"I'm driving a Bugatti that is worth nineteen million and you ask if I want money? I bathe in money sweetheart."349Please respect copyright.PENANAwqTOUF47aN
"Then what do you want?"349Please respect copyright.PENANAVtxpOFmHwE
"I want nothing from you doll, I'm just helping you out because I want to."349Please respect copyright.PENANAXjZKTWjIiw
"But you don't even know me like that."349Please respect copyright.PENANAbrsPad8HCu
"Can't I just be a good Samaritan? And you might not know me but I do know you. You're the daughter of one of the most feared mafia dons to ever live. As much as they kept you in the dark and hidden away, I know a lot about you. Let's see, you have two twin brothers, ages twenty-five. You just turned twenty-one today, you're very cautious and alert about everything, your favorite color is red, you have such pretty hazel eyes, and you seem to be about, five foot two? I'm guessing. And I'm pretty sure you're a c-cup or wearing a really good push-up bra."349Please respect copyright.PENANAC5euLjuqYr
"Great, you not only know the type of information to sell me on the black market. You're also a perv." I say rolling my eyes at him.349Please respect copyright.PENANAiuxPBMk2GX
"Just trying to make you laugh. But I only know all of this information because I've been around you. A lot. You just never noticed me."349Please respect copyright.PENANAWX8YiIU8JP
"Are you working for my father? God, how could I be so stupid! You're going to bring me back and hold me down until they come back aren't you, I knew I should've never trusted you damnit fuck this-"349Please respect copyright.PENANAx0aIYohTwy
"Chill the fuck out! I'm not handing you over. I used to work for your father. That was until I faked my death to get out of his mafia. He's a ruthless man if I ever saw one. I'm not surprised you turned out like this, paranoid and all."349Please respect copyright.PENANAXNMLioy4Li
"What's that supposed to mean?"349Please respect copyright.PENANAvXRuWsNF5n
"Nothing bad, I'm just saying that you're most likely this uptight because you've seen a lot of shit because of him. I remember the day I planned to leave when shit went down. I wanted to do more than just punch his face in when I overheard him saying that he'd plan on selling you for money. He said it with no emotion, like he never cared about you at all and it pissed me off. Partly because it was just wrong and I'll admit that I had a crush on you back then. But I wanted no part in his plans. A mafia is meant to be like a family. All he thought about was money and power.349Please respect copyright.PENANA3eUuXHpWwJ
"Awe you had a crush on me? I'm flattered," I smile.349Please respect copyright.PENANAAQh1MMxfkx
"Well, don't flatter yourself because that's long gone."349Please respect copyright.PENANAUZBadYzCNX
I look at his emotionless face as he said that. I wanted to ask him about it some more but I keep my mouth shut. I've only met the man almost half an hour ago.
The rest of the ride to my house was quiet and I could feel a slight tension.349Please respect copyright.PENANAFedgVzWuZc
"Let's go and get your things, we'll try and fit as much as possible in my car."349Please respect copyright.PENANAxeRlGlyl5I
"Sounds good," I say before opening the door and letting myself out. I ring the doorbell, praying that someone was inside. Thankfully a maid I recognize opens the door.349Please respect copyright.PENANAc4r2GZjV1C
"Oh my goodness! Adara, what has happened to you? Aren't you supposed to be at your party?"349Please respect copyright.PENANAnblUAwrT3G
"Great, my parents lied to you all as well. It wasn't a party, they were going to sell me Piera. Can you do me a big favor?"349Please respect copyright.PENANARSxpDffQKq
"Anything miss," she smiles.349Please respect copyright.PENANAwoEWTLhu1v
"You never saw me here okay? I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. Come help me pack my things please, I don't need much anyway."349Please respect copyright.PENANAeAS2UatYEs
"Yes miss Adara, right away."349Please respect copyright.PENANAGMjfnFjJok
I thank her as I gesture for him to come inside and we rush to my room. I start grabbing my folded clothes from my drawers and placing them on my bed. Piera goes to find me a suitcase while I continue to put my other wanted items in a large bag. When she comes back I put the clothes and as many shoes as I could fit inside of the suitcase and he takes them all down to his car.349Please respect copyright.PENANANzZ4KuGPNR
"Here, let me take that," he says as he grabs the last bag after coming back up to my room.349Please respect copyright.PENANAnDRXGsYik1
"I can carry it myself."349Please respect copyright.PENANAU2WF5VTeFo
"I didn't say you couldn't, I just said I'll take it."349Please respect copyright.PENANAnddgkbJsBU
Not wanting to argue with him, I let him take the bag and I put my focus on filling a second bag with my important information.349Please respect copyright.PENANAzgxmVhBtf9
"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go before they catch me here." I say to him. Then I turn to Piera and hand her a few thick envelopes and a backpack. "Thank you Piera, you don't know how much this means to me. Take this and use it well, you'll no longer need to work for my horrible father."349Please respect copyright.PENANA8Y7Sb8dix5
She looks at the envelopes and inside the bag. Her eyes widen.349Please respect copyright.PENANAjxUB1zuTJt
"I-I can't take this miss Adara, this is too much!"349Please respect copyright.PENANA3yRju6AUSI
"You can, and you will, this could get you a fully paid house and you'd still have enough to do all that you need to do while you find another job. Now go, I don't want you getting hurt if they find out that I was here and you let me go."349Please respect copyright.PENANA0wi8KHe8CK
"Thank you, thank you!" she says as her tears start to fall down her cheeks.349Please respect copyright.PENANA9XC3wMShCC
I give her a tight hug. "Of course Piera, you took care of me since I was a child and now it's time I take care of you. Please be safe, hurry, take all your things, and find a taxi that will take you home."349Please respect copyright.PENANA8NPWQ3TWDn
She thanked me again and I leave the house with my last bag.
I felt safer as we drove farther away from the house. I also felt like I was starting a new life, with new people. And it felt amazing.349Please respect copyright.PENANAMrn9jVitMg
"What're you smiling about doll?"349Please respect copyright.PENANADISkB0vdvq
"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?"349Please respect copyright.PENANAfhtiDskN4T
"You can threaten me all you want but I will never stop calling you that." he grins as he makes a left turn.
"They're most likely out searching for me. You sure they won't find me here?" I ask him as he leads me upstairs to where my new room was.349Please respect copyright.PENANAMjbJvR2xt3
"I'm sure. No one knows about this place. We're in a whole other city, less mafia here, and this place has acres and acres of private property. Alright, this is your room, feel free to decorate it as you'd like. Did you bring a charger for your phone? You can try calling your friend again."349Please respect copyright.PENANAKa7MxeKFDt
"I did, and I will. Thank you."349Please respect copyright.PENANAWlpbujFfh8
"My room is just across from yours. Knock if you need anything. I'll let you get settled."349Please respect copyright.PENANAIGvts9QHOr
With that, he left and closed the door behind him. The first thing I do is take this dirty dress off of me. I take a shower after and throw on one of the pajamas I had packed. Right as I pull down my shirt there was a knock at the door.349Please respect copyright.PENANA8HcbKtypoB
"Come in," I say.349Please respect copyright.PENANAozE5HimHJK
"How are you holding up?"349Please respect copyright.PENANAuUBJgukzMT
"I'm good actually now that I'm clean and I don't have to look over my shoulder every five seconds."349Please respect copyright.PENANAUIpCcDahXs
He gives me a crooked smile and he sits next to me on the edge of the bed.349Please respect copyright.PENANAWzeRpjoxK5
"You should go to sleep, you've had one hell of a day, and a pretty long and fucked up one too."349Please respect copyright.PENANA8DbJc93vgv
"Alright, alright," I state as I stretch my arms above my head.349Please respect copyright.PENANAI2ISWRxl46
I get into bed and under the cover and turn to face him.349Please respect copyright.PENANACFKEiccgiO
"Thank you for helping me out today, It really means a lot to me."349Please respect copyright.PENANAljaDzKKk5k
"Anytime doll, it was my pleasure to help you out. I kind of felt guilty all these years for not taking you with me when I found out what your father was up to. But I guess I just wasn't brave enough."349Please respect copyright.PENANAbDWWxpgx6i
"Don't feel guilty! I'm here aren't I?"349Please respect copyright.PENANA7FdXNQuPka
"True."349Please respect copyright.PENANAlStVIHIdmM
"See, don't worry, everything's fine now, as long as they don't come here. And last time I checked you said you were dead, so they definitely won't come looking for a dead person's home."349Please respect copyright.PENANAvPWUOHQhgA
"True again," he smiles.349Please respect copyright.PENANAA6SG4SMrqY
"Hey, now that I think about it, I never got your name," I say yawning, my eyes not wanting to stay open anymore.349Please respect copyright.PENANA1R3bCd4hVc
"It's Jaxen, doll."349Please respect copyright.PENANAyqNAXuHUCN