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List of key argumentative strategies - 2022


 There are several conversation moments, where you need to make the argument in such a way that must help to convince the audience about it. Or you might have been assigned with a topic to write about, that needs you to persuade the readers. In such situations, you need a plan on how to convince your audience through the efficacy of your argument. These plans are known as argument strategies. Argumentative strategies are the plan to present your arguments and justifications in such a manner that it must persuade your audience.

         In an essay, argument writing requires logical thinking to appeal to readers. This is known as using rhetoric, or the ability to write arguments persuasively. In today’s information economy developing such communication skills can help you to flourish in your career. However, many writers struggle to write strong persuasive arguments. Therefore, you can consult with an expert essay writer to help you in writing compelling arguments.

         Here is a list of key argumentative strategies, which will help in succeeding to write convincing arguments.

  1. Differentiate between persuasion and argumentation

         You must have to use a logical and valid reasoning method to persuade your readers about your argument. For this purpose, you cannot simply use any persuasion method. Persuasion means to appeal to the readers' emotions. While argumentation means using evidence and logic to build your argument. You will have to persuade the readers, yet in a logical manner not in an emotional way.

         It is important to remember that your argument is incomplete without a clear main claim and its reason. Without the main claim, your readers will never know what you actually want to say. While providing no supporting statement, your claim is not a valid argument. Following this structure might make you stressed. Therefore, you can ask an expert to write my essay to help you in developing strong arguments.

  1. Avoid using logical fallacies

         There are several types of logical fallacies that are often used by beginner essay writers without even realizing their presence. For instance, you should not use the Bandwagon fallacy approach in the argument. This means, to encourage your readers by giving the reason that "everybody is doing it". Avoid using causality fallacy, which means, using a false and irrelevant cause and effect relation.

  1. Choose words according to the type of audience

         You must keep in mind the type of audience, whom you are addressing. For instance, you might be using proper terminologies in your argument, since you have sufficient background knowledge. Yet, you fail to convince your readers, because they cannot simply understand the complex wording.

  1. Building your arguments with the help of analogies

         Analogy means to use a comparison of two different things to highlight the similarity between those two things. It will help you in clarifying your stance as your readers will be able to better understand your point of view. Yet you will also have to look out for false analogies since some comparisons might fail to prove the relevancy between two situations. If you fail to write a proper argument, an essay writing service can also be hired to save you from stress.

  1. Using deductive and inductive reasoning skills

         You can provide examples to strengthen the validity of your argument while using deductive and inductive reasoning skills. In a deductive argument, you can use a general example to reach a specific and logical conclusion. While in an inductive argument, you can use a specific example to find and reach a broader conclusion. These skills help in making easily understandable examples, which persuades the readers.  

  1. Answering the counter-arguments

         A strong argument must be answering the objections made against it. You might lose validity if you do not address the important opposing ideas. It might give out the impression that you have no complete knowledge about the topic. If you have researched your topic well, only then you will be able to respond to the counter-arguments.

         Avoid using the Ad Hominem fallacy in such a situation, which means to attack back the person, who has made the objections, instead of answering the objections. Such a step will give out the impression that you are unable to take the opposition productively. Instead, admit the value of the objection, yet carefully point out a flaw, without belittling the person.

Remember that before asking someone to write essay for me try to do it yourself.

  1. Using Logos, Ethos, and Pathos

         Logos means to use logic while making an argument. This is the most accredited method of convincing the readers. In this method, if you are making a claim, you must provide evidence to prove your argument to be true.

         Ethos means to use ethics to support your argument. Since ethics are socially acceptable, therefore you can use ethical support to strengthen your argument. If you failed to support your argument with ethics, your argument might also fail to convince your readers.

         Pathos means to emotionally appeal to your readers to accept your argument. Pathos is generally used in persuasion, therefore it must not be used excessively in your essay. It is often discouraged to use Pathos, as it makes your argument less credible. 

  1. Summarize your argument

         To help your readers better understand your writing piece, you must conclude it by repeating your main argument. Then write your final thoughts about your main claim in the simplest words possible. This will enable the readers to get an overview of the whole discussion. It will also leave a strong and positive impression that you stand firm on your argument. While the opposing views have not confused or changed your point of view.   

When I need to write my paper for me I follow the same guidelines as mentioned here.

More Resources :

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