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    is as a veteran who has experienced countless failures in life. (See more)
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    Latest Updated : 06 JULY 2024

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A tiring night, after dealing with guests who want to book a place at certain hours. Mr. Cake, almost like a robot because it doesn't look tired at all. Even his brain is still ready to catch and open to read the newspaper he bought in the morning.


"The man responsible for the deaths of three people is free after three years in prison. One life for one year!" Mr. Cake said aloud reading the headline.


Not long after that, there was a loud knock on our front door. For a moment he did ask for help. We had no choice but to open up.



The door opened.... 



"Kyaaaaah!!" my loud and shrill screams.

Unprepared, my skin jumps. I spontaneously pushed myself back. A person covered in thick red liquid, right hand holding a sharp knife dripped the same liquid.



The problem is that the person's face is similar to the man in the newspaper's title.

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