The trip back to Arven and his friends was quiet. Miraidon was both confused and enthralled by what he did for Koraidon on the bridge. And this was after he was such a jerk to him in the past. Before Miraidon and Sada traveled to the future, he promised himself that she would be his only friend. Here he was, though—making friends with Koraidon, and he had no idea why.
Miraidon’s confusion switched to worry when he and Koraidon made it to the camp. His feelings for Sada re-surfaced, and he came within reach of her. Miraidon drew back when he saw Arven sitting next to her.
He and Miraidon met eyes. For a long while, they did not move, but then Arven slid off to the side and opened a gap for Miraidon. He still didn’t like him, but at the same time, he knew Miraidon was Sada’s Pokémon.
“Agias,” Miraidon said in a low voice. He approached Sada, and the first thing he did was close his eyes and nudge her head.
She did not wake, but she did move her right hand a little, and Arven took it. As soon as he did, a fresh batch of crystals appeared on her fingertips.
“Oh no,” Arven whimpered. Sada’s life flashed before his eyes. She was growing weaker and Terastallizing faster. What was Penny not telling him?
Arven blinked back a few tears and pecked Sada’s hand. “You’re going to be all right, Mom,” he said in a slightly choked voice. “You’re going to get better, and we’re going to finally be a family.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the card Kenji gave him.
Kenji’s Lab, it read. Levincia.
Was Levincia close? No, Arven was not going to take Sada there.
He released her hand and grasped the card in between his thumb and index fingers. No matter how hard he tried, though, he could not bring himself to rip it.
Arven jumped when Penny snuck up on him from behind and asked, “You’re not seriously thinking about taking her there, right?” He was already in too much danger.
Arven seized up. Goosebumps ran up his arms, and he shuddered like he was cold. After a moment of silence, he admitted, “I-I don’t know.”
Penny leaned down and clutched his arm. “Arven, can I speak to you? Alone?”
“What about?” he said. He already had an idea of what Penny was going to say.
She helped him up and led him away from Sada.
Penny and Arven went to the stream Miraidon and Koraidon played at earlier. Thanks to the rays of the moon above, the water took on a crystalline appearance.
A lump formed in Arven’s throat. Swallowing it, he prepared himself for the bad news. It took him a second, but he managed to ask the question: “What aren’t you telling me, Penny?”
Penny looked up from studying her feet and a few fish Pokémon settling down for the night. Inhaling, she turned to Arven and adjusted the glasses on her face. “Arven… Your mom is dying.”
“I know she is.” Since when did Penny become Captain Obvious? Narrowing his eyebrows, Arven clenched his fists and dug his nails into his palms. “That’s why I’m going to find my dad and destroy Infrared.”
“You can’t,” Penny said with a shrug.
“What do you mean I can’t?” Arven thought his friends were supposed to support him and his decisions, especially when it came to family.
Although it was clear she was a little frustrated, Penny kept her cool. “Because Sada is bound to Infrared—meaning that if you destroy it, you destroy her.”
“What?” Arven unclenched his fists. Why didn’t Penny tell him this before? He ran his fingers through his hair. “Okay, then I’ll take her to the lab and get Kenji to fix her.”
“The only thing Kenji is going to do at that lab is turn her into a robot. A real robot,” Penny explained. “You heard him. He wants her to interact with other AIs. Not humans, but AIs.” She knew this was going to be hard for Arven to hear, but he had to accept the reality of the situation. “Either way, Arven,—left or right—she’s going to die. Don’t you see? You’re being deceived.”
Deceived? Arven? No way! He was smarter than that.
His vocal cords seized up, and his breathing intensified. “No. No, you’re wrong, Penny. I don’t get deceived.”
“But you are,” Penny said. “This is what your dad wants. He wants to kill you, and he’s using Sada as bait.”
A second volcano erupted from Arven’s head. Its ash turned into rivers of tears that rolled down his cheeks like lava. “You’re wrong!” he snapped. “I know my dad is psycho, but he wouldn’t straight up murder me.”
“Please listen to me," Penny begged. “I know how the world of machines works. I’m just trying to protect you.” Did she seriously just say that out loud?
The tears kept falling from Arven’s sockets. Snot dripped from his nose. “I don’t need your protection! I’m sixteen years old!”
Penny hated scuffling with him, but she had to keep trying. “You’re sixteen and you’re grieving. It’s the perfect opportunity for Turo to deceive you.”
“I’m not being deceived!” Arven rubbed his nose. “I’m going to the lab, and I’m going to fix my mom. Once I do, we’ll take my dad down together.”
“But he’ll kill you!” For once, there was genuine worry in Penny’s voice. It was strange because she was usually so collected and hid her emotions well. However, it was to that point that she was so scared for Arven, she had to let it all go.
A tear ran down Penny’s cheek. “Arven, please. Don’t do this.” She shook her head. “I can’t lose you.”
I can’t...? Did Penny have a crush on Arven?
She quickly corrected herself. “I mean, you’re being pulled into a trap, and we can't let you fall for it—all because you’re obsessed with your already dead mom.”
“I’ve had enough, Penny,” Arven choked out. “You’re trying to take my mom away from me. You’re no better than my father.”
Ouch. That stung.
“I’m just trying to help you accept death.” Penny hiccupped through her tears. “If Scarlet did it, you can, too.”
“I’m going to fix her,” Arven repeated, “and you’re not going to stop me.”
“Arven!” Penny held her hand out to him, but Arven was already gone.
He sprinted back to the campsite and called, “Miraidon! Mom! We’re leaving… right now.”
Nemona was just getting ready to doze off when she heard him. “Whoa!” she chirped, sitting up in her sleeping bag. “What happened?” She wondered if she would ever get a good night’s sleep again.
Arven reached Miraidon and Sada and clapped his hands together. He forced Miraidon to his feet and snatched Sada’s upper left arm. “Get up, Miraidon! Get up, Mom!”
“Ow!” Sada screamed when Arven jerked on her arm. Why was he suddenly rough with her?
Arven puffed out his cheeks and pulled her up. He shoved her onto Miraidon’s back… so hard that Sada’s face banged into the back of his head, and the Pokémon stumbled. Arven mounted him and sat down behind his mom.
Celebi quickly flew to Miraidon and tugged on the tuft of hair Arven wore over his eye. “Bi, bi, bi,” it pleaded.
“Arven!” Scarlet and Nemona announced at the same time. They each grabbed one of his arms and pinned him down before he could hurt Sada further.
Penny soon rushed onto the scene, still crying. “Get him away from her!” she fearfully said.
“No!” Arven hollered, kicking his legs like a little kid. “Please no.”
Scarlet and Nemona lugged him off Miraidon, who bucked with fear, and dragged him away from him and Sada.
Arven’s heels bounced over a few rocks in the tall grass. Dirt splashed onto his clothes and face. He fought his friends with everything he had and shouted, “No! I want my mom! Don’t take her from me! Mom!”
In an instant, Mabosstiff’s pokéball flashed open, and he soon appeared next to his trainer.
Nemona pushed Arven into Mabosstiff, and Scarlet let him go.
She and Penny worked together to calm Miraidon. Scarlet noticed Penny’s hands shaking the whole time they did. Once Miraidon stopped bucking and calmed down, she brought her friend in for a quick hug.
Sada’s eyes landed on Arven. For the first time ever, she was scared of him. He almost ripped her arm right out of her socket, and now the pain had only grown worse.
Sobbing, Arven dug his cheek into Mabosstiff’s neck and returned Sada’s traumatized stare. How could he hurt his own mom? He was trying to help her, but he ended up breaking her further. He was no better than his father.
Nemona rubbed Arven’s back and whispered, “Shh, shh. You’re okay, Arven.” But she, too, feared for him.