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    University student in the midst of one of two states of being - procrastination, or grasping at productivity.
    Being the quiet thing I have become, my use of language has deteriorated as of late. It is my goal to reclaim at least some of it through practice!

    When I get sucked into a good book, I won't leave the comfort of a blanket or my room for sometimes days on end, foregoing as much of real life as can be managed in favour of immersion in a whole new world. Fiction books are a dangerous drug...
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Man On Mars

"In 2025, the mission Mars 1 is a complete success. Upon arrival on the surface of the red planet, an astronaut notices a deep cave in the deserted horizon. Upon exploration, a single human skeleton is found - and four words carved into the wall."

What are those words? 

Answers can  be funny or serious, and the winner is determined by likes, so like that shizz! Also I can Vito any liked content, because this contest is as unfair as the international political system. 

And here's a little spice:


"In 2025, the mission Mars 1 is a complete success. Upon arrival on the surface of the red planet, an astronaut notices a deep cave in the deserted horizon. Upon exploration, a single human skeleton is found - and four words carved into the wall."

What are those words? 

Answers can  be funny or serious, and the winner is determined by likes, so like that shizz! Also I can Vito any liked content, because this contest is as unfair as the international political system. 

And here's a little spice:


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