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[ENG] The White Chrysanthemum that i always carry
G On Break

TITLE : いつも持ち歩く白菊 (Itsumo mochiaruku shiragiku)

             The White Chrysanthemum that i always carry.


Misfortune comes in various kinds. Having a steady job, sufficient finances, friends you can trust, and being approached by girls who offer free entertainment at night did not make his heart flutter. The man simply responded to the opportunity that approached him with a polite refusal.

Like a hungry stomach but refuses any food even though it is hungry. All the dishes are there, but he still refuses the dishes. As well as his heart, although there are so many things that make his heart happy, his heart is not happy either.

The story about a man who always carries white chrysanthemums. Chiba Takeichi, worked at the largest software company in Osaka, Japan at that time. His established career, as well as his always friendly and polite attitude to the night butterflies that he always met during the late hours of work made Chiba live like the dreams of young men in general.

When it  reversed, does Chiba dream of living as young men in general dream of?

What makes Chiba sad?

Why does Chiba always carry white chrysanthemums?

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