If you're reading this I want you to know that I'm sorry... for everything. I know I haven't been there for you, and I apologize for not doing so. From the time you were born to the moment I saw you go off to college, I saw something in you - my little girl. I still sit, and wonder what it might have been that I noticed that day. I just can't seem to remember. You know, I regret walking out on your mother, but I couldn't be the right father, or husband you and your mom needed me to be. And I know that's no excuse, I just hope this will be enough for you to forgive me... one day.
I'll make this short, because I know how much you hate listening to me go on, and on about how much I love you. Your mother - is she doing well? I hope so. Dealing with you must be a handful for her, but all jokes aside the love I have for her in my heart will never fade. I can still smell the scent of morning coffee she used to make, although I did have a big hatred for coffee; I can't seem to get her off my mind when I feel across the bed, and I have no one to wake up to, or hold. But all of that guilt is in my conscience, and I have no one else to blame but myself.
One more thing before I go is I need you to understand that there is nothing holding back my love for you, and I wish every day to see your face just one more time; but I know the wrongs I have done wont make that dream come true. If anything I want you to be happy, and never stop looking for something good in life - you didn't even back down as a kid, so don't now.
From: Dad
PS: Love Buttercup