Pretending that you have no pending issues or problems to solve can be somewhat relaxing if you are sufficiently carefree, that is why two idle people sitting in a living room of considerable space, considering that only they live there, were talking without obvious concern, but deep down they know that they are not so unconcerned about their current situation as it seems, what actually happens is that they just want to forget for a moment what will happen.
—... And that seems too crazy to me... —A girl with long but tousled golden blonde hair was chatting with much enthusiasm about some specific topic. —Damn it! I'm going to make a book out of that story and make everyone believe it came from my imagination! Entrepreneurial mentality!
—But you'll get killed by the Yakuza for revealing that story or something, haha. —The black-haired guy who was listening to her is his roommate, with a look of little interest but with a somewhat condescending attitude. He sipped his coffee while trying to pay attention to what her roomie was saying.
—Come on, you're not even listening to me again, it's a real thing, it really happened! —She said it while making hand gestures, to somehow get his attention more.
—Sofia, you've told me that samurai story like 1000 times, I don't know why it's so shocking to you even considering everything that's happened lately. —When he finally finished drinking his coffee he got up from where he was sitting and continued talking to her with the same bored expression. —In fact, don't you think it's a thousand times more interesting what we're going to do?
—Hm... Well, it's that I'm telling you about an evil organization... And no, we're not evil. —Sofia stretched out on the couch that was now all to herself. —You know, sometimes I wish we were less secretive, this need for secrecy is why we are in this situation.
—Believe me, if we didn't keep to ourselves, we'd be dead by now. And look, I don't think that's the reason why we're in such bad shape, most agree that this alien demon shit has affected us in general, although I think Omega had already gotten into big trouble before those events, so maybe it was just one of several reasons. —Angel, Sofia's roommate, despite being less social than her, has more contact with important people in the organization they belong to.
—Aha... Yes, whatever you say, but you can't deny that a book about our adventures would make us a lot of money. —Sofia smiled at him and then proceeded to stand up as well.
—I guess... And well, we've wasted enough time, but we must go get those masks now, remember it's tomorrow. —Said Angel as he looked for his car keys.
—Yes, I can't wait to see my mask, 'T' is very good at designing, the bad thing is that they didn't let me have a Shogun mask, but at least they let me have Hannya's mask. —Said Sofia a little excited but at the same time feeling tired because she was too lazy to go.
—I guess it didn't fit well with the functions the mask should have, or maybe because most people know you as "Sofia, Oni"?
—I guess... Wait, Sofia what?!
After wasting more time they went to look for 'T', the night was cold as usual, a lot of lights and advertisements talking about the same thing, so many times something so shocking can become uninteresting. Aliens, who knew, they are real, demons, who knew, they are real, but so what? That's what people like Sophia and Angel were questioning, because people like them have known for a long time that fact trumps fiction, (and of course, they knew about aliens before that.)233Please respect copyright.PENANA51EA5u3XDY
Angel even had the idea of using the waste from Aliens, Marines, and all those guys who fought, to make new and improved weapons, but it turned out too much information to process at the time, plus he didn't know too much of the story 100% so he put it on the back burner.233Please respect copyright.PENANAdJBK0ATBsF
Now there was this, it definitely seemed much more interesting to them because unlike the epic battle of the Marine and that evil demon, it would benefit them much more to dig into it, after all the research they will do is something that has been tried for years without success, while seeking more information from the demons was surprisingly easier.
—Your music has me fed up, let me play something. —Sofia said, wanting to change the music playing in the car.
—I swear, if it's for the thousandth time slipknot, I'm going to break your neck. —Said Angel without even turning to look at her, keeping his eyes on the road.
—No, no, you'll see. —Although she said no, Sofia is a big liar, and put on her favorite album, "The Subliminal Verses."
—Damn it Sofia. —He said turning half a second his gaze towards her.
—Oh, come on, I just love it. —Even though it bothers Angel that she listens to that album all the time, he specifically liked that song that was playing, he doesn't know very well what the lyrics are about, most agree that it's about the perspective of a stalker, although Angel interprets it more as a lost love, someone trying to overcome an old memory of a partner or unrequited love, that to Angel brought back certain memories, which he instantly tried to block and forget.
When they finally arrived, they gave the password to enter, they saw 'T', a man with a beard, glasses and curly hair, a little overweight but for his age, he looked somewhat young.
—Well, Angel, you tend to wear masks per se, so it's not hard to deduce that this one is for you. —Mr. T handed Angel a plague doctor mask, similar to the ones he sometimes wears. -I guess that's why they call you Masked man.
—Uuuh, yes, although I don't like being called that. —Angel grabbed the mask and analyzed it a bit.
—And you, Oni, for obvious reasons I give you this mask. —'T', just like to Angel, gave her the mask, although this one was different, it had a Hannya as Sofia had said.
—Thank you... I have mixed feelings about my nickname too. —Sofia took the mask and analyzed it too, it looked pretty good although she would have liked it more if the color was white and not black.
—And... What is this 'research' thing supposed to be about? —He asked them curiously, since they hadn't given him explanations when he had to make the armor and the masks.
—Huh? Well, we're going to Necropolis. —Said Sofia very lightly while she was still looking at her mask.
—Sofia, do you know something called confidentiality? -Angel replied somewhat annoyed.
—Ah, right, sorry, but well, he's someone you can trust, isn't he? —Sofia stopped looking at the mask and proceeded to put it away.
—Uh, yeah, yeah, but.... Fuck, Necropolis, I had no idea they were finally able to find the place. —T despite not being part of the organization, he's a sponsor, so he knows certain things, though by only making inventions and armor, he has no knowledge on exactly what things they get to do sometimes. —This is definitely going to help them a lot considering their current situation.
—Yep, many sponsors have been waiting for this moment for a long time, so it's normal that most of them are excited and scared at the same time at this moment, strange, considering that the alien weapons might appear to be more flashy. —Said Angel remembering about that topic.
—Alien weapons... —T, that interests him more than anyone else, the possibilities are endless if you're talking about weapons with alien technology. -Yes, it's on everyone's lips, but there's not much they can do about it, for now.
—How the fuck have they not been able to steal not even a fucking screw for a year? —Sofia asked.
—Uh, I guess the government's in too deep, they weren't supposed to want any dangerous bacteria or viruses to spread that could affect humanity, but, ha, look how much the assholes helped. —Angel put away his mask just the same. —Well T, I'd like to talk to you more but it's going to be a long trip to get there, we have to go.
—Yeah, I understand... Guys, I hope to see you again, this is probably one of the most important things you will do in a long time, and you have no idea what you might find there, so take care of yourselves. —Said T in a slightly more serious tone.
—Thanks for your concern, but we really have everything to shelter us from the radiation, so we'll probably be okay.... Well, see you. —Angel said goodbye and left, Sofia said goodbye too and followed Angel.
When they got back they had a lot of weird thoughts, they really didn't know if they were afraid, fear is something they had to lose, so many things going on in the world and so little to do about it, really the only thing they can do is ignore it and go on with their life, and now this, Necropolis, was a place full of mysteries, a place where they don't even have any idea what is there, were they afraid of this? They didn't know, after all they found it curious that they had to carry weapons for research.233Please respect copyright.PENANAfblqYeI9DZ
They had the feeling that the leaders knew something more than what they had been told, and this generated a lot of doubts, overanalysis, but they were not really sure if they were afraid.233Please respect copyright.PENANAgqroKoUr3p
Meanwhile Sofia was looking out the window at the city, so dark and dull, even with the lights.
—Is something wrong, Sofia? —Angel noticed that she was with a somewhat different attitude than she usually has, she's always quite lively and joking, but every once in a while you can get to see her with this completely different mood.233Please respect copyright.PENANAzSTFeLzEtX
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—Hey... We know the world is going to change for better or for worse, of that we are sure, but do you think there is still a way to help? —Sofia for a moment remembered things from last year, all those people making protests "THE END IS NEAR!" some said, "THIS IS JUST A GOVERNMENT CHEAT, SCIENCE AND RELIGION CANNOT COEXIST." others much angrier said. But, it seemed just collective fear, the need some people have for the world not to go their way can be very interesting, she thought, but eventually she realized it was just fear, and this fear was starting to run deep inside Sofia, although she couldn't perceive this yet. —Really... I don't want things to end as I think, or as everyone thinks.
—... Neither do I. —Angel moved a little closer to where she was. —You know, human beings are pessimistic by nature, they tend to think of the worst possibilities and want to make everyone believe that this will be a reality. That's the problem of all the people out there, and that's why, I think the best thing we could do right now is to be more positive, don't you think?
—... Yes, I think so. —Sofia turned to look at Angel, but this time with a smile a little different from the usual joking smile she has, this one looked a little different. —That's why I want this investigation to go well, it's our last chance to continue, and to be able to do something.
—Yes, if we don't do anything, we will have to go out and protest with banners like the others, ha.
After that they both went to sleep, wondering what would happen in the next few days.
They had no idea what was going to come.