Your anthropomorphic friend, Marcy (a dark-furred feline hybrid with a dolphin-like tail, red hair, and amber eyes), wants to take you on an adventure with them. Should you click or tap to read this story, they will excitedly grab your hand and lead you into their world. Are you itching and eager to explore?

A pretty ugly drawing I made of them to help you imagine, haha...
To make this more fun, you can imagine yourself however you want - as your persona, as your fursona, or as yourself. The main requirement is that you are anthropomorphic or humanoid. To ensure inclusivity, you will be referred to by they/them pronouns throughout the story, but you can reimagine these as whatever your pronouns are. Also, because you will be traversing a variety of environments, you will be granted the power to shapeshift slightly to acquire the ability of breathing underwater. Sweet, huh?
Hiya! A more author-y explanation here: the purpose of this story is to help me practice describing scenes or environments while allowing the reader the opportunity to immerse themself in the world. While descriptions or personality of said reader may not necessarily be accurate, they can be reimagined in your head however you want. In the end, I just want to have fun writing, and share my visions with anyone that may enjoy them.
Comments on this story are extremely appreciated, especially if you have any requests for scenes, whether it be in terms of aesthetic, description, prompt, or something else. If I use any ideas from the comments, I'll be sure to credit the user they're borrowed from at the top of the chapter in which they are used. Additionally, any criticism or thoughts are greatly appreciated! Things like this help me improve, and every opportunity to learn will help me grow. If you have something to say, don't be afraid to type it out to me. :)
Without further ado, here's A Tail with Marcy! I hope you enjoy <3