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In the vastness of the ocean's expanse,
Where waves once danced in a joyful trance,
A tale untold, a tragic story begins,
Of a world submerged in plastic sins.

Beneath the surface where life should thrive,
Instead, a wasteland where dreams cannot survive,
Plastic, oh plastic, the villain so bold,
A silent invader, its grip takes hold

At first, a bottle cast away without care,
Then more and more, a man-made nightmare,
Single-use items heedlessly thrown,
A legacy of convenience we've sown.

Sea creatures swim in an ocean besieged,
Entangled in nets that refuse to be appeased,
Turtles, dolphins, seabirds in distress,
Their cries unheard in this mess.

Gentle giants, majestic and grand,
Suffer with hearts heavy, struggling to withstand,
The weight of our actions, our careless desire,
Turning paradise into a funeral pyre.

Yet, hope flickers like a distant light,
A call to action, to make things right,
For in our hands lies the power to heal,
And restore the ocean's vibrant appeal.

We must unite, as one voice arise,
To combat this crisis, we can't compromise,
Educate, advocate, change our ways,
Reduce, reuse, recycle, every single day.

Let us banish the notion of disposable gain,
Embrace sustainability, break free from this chain,
For the ocean's plea is urgent and dire,
To save it from a fate we don't desire.

Together, we can turn the tide,
With love and compassion as our guide,
Let's cleanse the waters, restore the flow,
And let the plastic-polluted ocean glow.

For in its depths lie wonders unseen,
A thriving ecosystem, forever serene,
Let's protect, preserve, for generations to come,
A gift of nature, no longer overcome.

So let's join hands, let's make a start,
Repairing the wounds, healing every part,
With determination, let's take a stand,
And reclaim the ocean, hand in hand.


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