First blog post lesgooooo! Ok this first blog entry is just a getting-to-know-me and my current writing projects so yeah
So as my bio says I'm 18 years old (about to be 19 actually very soon) and I'm a second year university student. I say I'm in science but to be more specific I'm actually in a specialized program called "forensic chemistry". It's so specialized that I think only like 10 other people in my year applied for the program lol so it's very niche but I love it! I love true crime (learning about it, not doing it lmao) and I want to have a career in forensic toxicology, which basically specializes in poisons, drugs, and other substances that have harmed a body.
Some people think that's boooring so moving on. I have been in the writing game for many, many, years. I used to write picture books when I was younger and that eventually progressed into fully fledged "novels" although I wouldn't call them that since I have never, ever, finished a novel before D: Another fun fact is that I began my writing journey entirely out of spite. A girl I didn't like was bragging to everyone in 4th grade that she was writing a book with all of her friends as characters. naturally, I thought, hey, I could do that too! And went home and opened up Microsoft word that very day. Yeah, I guess I couldn't do it because, like I said, I never finished it but I realized that I found a passion along the way!
I also enjoy music A LOT. I am a songwriter as well as traditional writer and may possibly post some of my lyrics on here in future, who knows. I swear my spotify will have like 100k+ listening minutes this year LOL. Some of my favourite artists are Lana Del Rey, Melanie Martinez, Beach House, Current Joys, Tyler the Creator, and a ton of older artists as old as the 1950s :P I could do a thing where I share the song that I'm listening to with each blog post. Right now it's "dancing in the summer" by Mr. Floyd Larry.
If you reading this is also familiar with my main story on my account (the Arison Exception) which you should be because it's awesome haha, then I also wanted to talk a little bit about my story here, and give updates on it as I write more. So, I currently have 17 chapters fully finished but only 11.5 uploaded to Penana!! I definitely procrastinate and maybe I like to build anticipation for the next chapter :) But I have about 85k words in total on my story which just amazes me because that's way more than I've ever written about anything! For comparison, the second longest piece of fiction I've written is only 36k words, and AE isn't even finished yet! I totally accredit some of my success to being able to post my work and share it with others. It keeps me motivated seeing people read it and enjoy it so thanks so much for sticking around! I fully intend to publish it one day (if that's even possible lol) so maybe look out for that in the far future ;)
The part that I just stopped writing is a HUGE turning point in the story, so I better get to posting it so everyone can read it!!
I would like to have a consistent writing schedule but I am a VERY inconsistent person. I write on and off a lot, sometimes getting one chapter done in a month or 2 in a week, it really depends. But I will at least be posting a few chapters of AE in the upcoming weeks since, like i mentioned, they are already done. As for Cerebres State, my other work and kind of neglected child LOL, expect updates less frequently because I put AE and school, of course, above it.
So um yeah, that's it. Was all of this just procrastination instead of working on my actual story or doing homework? Maybe... but I enjoyed it nonetheless:)) stay tuned!