OKAYY OKAYY I'm back for another blog post!! I'm kind of excited with the engagement I've been getting on this blog so I'm glad y'all seem to like it :D Like I know 13 and 12 reads isn't out of this world spectacular but hey, I'll appreciate anyone who will read my endless ramblings!
So, what have I been up to these past couple of weeks? Well, it's been nothing that exciting or interesting, I can tell you that. Yep, I'm writer's blocked, big time. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm blocked, it's just that I haven't been putting that much time aside for writing or even thought about my WIPs for a while.
For my main project, Arison Exception, I'm about halfway through chapter eighteen, which is a chapter where a lot of separate kind of smaller plotlines kind of take centre stage or get mentioned, so it's honestly kind of overwhelming planning everything. Of course, I've only posted up to chapter 13 on here so I definitely can post more but I'm still holding off because I literally procrastinate everything in my life:D
Pretty good segue, but another reason why I'm not writing that much right now is because I have 2 midterms next week!!! YAY!!! For two chemistry classes, inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry. Literal nerd emoji, I know. But school in general has kind of been a lot for me, especially at this time of year. Because I have a week long break for Thanksgiving (that's in one week for us Canadians btw), all of my professors are rushing everything before the break. So yeah, I got a few midterms, lab reports and assignments. If it was up to me, I would ignore all of those things and write my heart out, but I do want to pass my classes LOL.
I wouldn't exactly be the best person to ask when it comes to dealing with writer's block. I'm actually probably the worst person to ask, considering it took me over the course of a month just to write one chapter just because I was so stumped on what to write (screw you chapter 12). But for times that I feel uninspired I like to kind of immerse myself back in the world of my story. Whether that be updating my pinterest board, listening to some music (I'm actually listening to my Arison Exception playlist right now it's full of absolute bangers) or just instead of WRITING writing, I go back and edit.
I KNOW I KNOW a lot of people have issues with editing while you're still writing the first draft. But it's kind of different when you're posting your work online, firstly. I need to make sure it's acceptable to post and not riddled with grammar mistakes and stuff that makes no sense. But also, it's just a good way, at least for me, to still feel like you're getting things done with your story even if you're not pushing the plot forward. Going back and reading what you wrote can kind of reintroduce you to your story and get you in the mood. I haven't done any major changes to the plot or anything yet, oh, besides literally changing the name of one of my side characters just spontaneously, oops. If you were confused when Halle's name suddenly changed to Holly in like chapter 10 of AE, that's my bad LMAO. I will go back and fix it..eventually.
So yeah, that's probably what I'm going to do once I actually get some time on my hands. I'm kind of just procrastinating everything in my life, including studying, writing, even doing laundry for goodness sakes. But I'm just hoping that everything works out and things eventually get done. I guess that's about it.
Oh yeah, the song I'm listening to right now is "Even If It's a lie" by Matt Maltese. ONE OF MY FAVOURITE SONGS. I'm actually going to see him in concert in the spring, so that's pretty epic :)) Kind of a random way to end this blog post, but this entire thing has been very scatterbrained anyway lol. I guess it kind of just reflects the mental state I'm in right now. The next time I do a post will probably be on my break, so hopefully I'll have more written by then! Maybe I'll let you know how my midterms went lol.
I'm not sure if I've come up with a kind of "blog outro" or like sign off thing yet. So, I'm gonna start doing one now.
Your favourite goober,