HOWDY! So i guess this blog post is more of a themed one instead of an update on my life. So, a while ago I made a community post asking people what the plot to their first story ever made was. I actually think only like one person responded LMAO but it was pretty cool. So, today because I'm frankly, bored, I thought I'd share some of the plots to my pasts "books" were. Yes, none of these were ever finished and they most likely never will be. But if these plots sound interesting or intriguing to you in the slightest...idk maybe send me a message and mayyybe I can send you like the link to my google doc or something lol we'll see.
Also this isn't everything I've ever written just like the main ones or the stuff I find the most intriguing to put in a blog post.
Beginning with my FIRST EVER attempt at a novel, called "Catching Raindrops" I mentioned this in my first blog but this was the one I made out of spite lmao. It was basically about my life and my friends with all the names changed, except with a little magical twist. So, the main character "Jemma" (who is the biggest Mary Sue I've ever seen omg) is just going through fifth grade, dealing with friendship problems and figuring out who she can really call a true friend, and at the same time there's this strange mysterious new girl who, spoiler alert, is her guardian angel. So, yeah, not exactly much of a plot since it was basically a rip off of my fourth-grade life and my life is not that interesting! The writing was also very obviously not that good because I was 9. So, yeah. I probably wrote 15 pages in total with font-size fourteen. So, not that much in total, although it felt like way more at the time.
My second attempt was called "The definition of Beautiful" and I wrote it around 5-6th grade. This one was getting a little more creative with the premise but still had no plot in mind. It was about two step sisters, Mona and Pear, moving in together with their combined families in a brand new state, and having to go to school together even with completely opposite personalities! Oh no! One is sporty and outgoing, one is shy and nerdy! How will they ever get along? It's giving Disney channel movie, to be honest... Anyways, they do a school project on the definition of the word beautiful, and I have no idea what class that would be for...I guess English? So, yeah. That was pretty much it. I had a couple of sequel books planned out too but that never happened. I think one of the died at the end LMAO spoiler for a book you will never read omg. I probably also only got like 15 pages into this book. Like I think I only 2.5 chapters done in the span of a year before giving up. LOL the struggle is real.
I had a couple more stories in between sixth and eight grade but they were mostly ideas and I never really set pen to paper or even planned them out that thoroughly besides a summary of the plot on my notes app. But my next attempt of actually writing a novel was around the eighth grade, when I guess I started my EMO phase. Because this one was a MURDA MYSTERY MUAHAHA! With thirteen-year-olds as main characters, and a lot of them died. Yeah, child death is kind of concerning, not gonna lie. But the main character's name was like this super-smart AP kid named Juniper who had this friend group full of other misfits like with mental illnesses, POC, and disabilities (ok even though the story was not the greatest you can't deny the diversity was there I just don't know if I did it justice lol). Anyways, then one of the kids ends up murdered!!! One by one, they get murdered in increasingly unique ways (poisoned, locked in freezer, drowned, etc.) Until there are only four left standing. One is her best friend, one is in prison, one is the main character and one is the enemy, who she is certain is the one behind it. So yeah, I would say it's not an overall terrible idea,I just definitely did not do it justice, especially in writing characters dealing with death. I also only got to chapter three of this story (Why am I low-key sensing a pattern lmao) but the chapters were a lot longer so I got to about 25 pages with regular 12 point font. I actually took some inspiration for this story when writing my current one which is kind of interesting I guess lol. Oh, I also forgot, this story was called .U. crew. Because I was in my emo phase I also tried to make it way more edgy than it needed to be, like the main character was totally "not like other girls". Here's just a little shred of advice if anyone is currently going through this phase: It's honestly okay. It's okay to be like other girls but it's also fine to not feel like you fit in. What isn't okay is putting others down for being normal or liking popular things. That goes for you, or for a character you're creating :///
My final novel I attempted before the one I'm currently writing was one that I still have positive feelings for (I wrote it from age like 14-16). It was kind of my first attempt at a fantasy with lots of rich world-building, which was pretty difficult and it resulted in a lot of interesting choices and plot holes. It was pretty much your average heroes journey kind of story about a girl finding a hidden world where there are like "elemental people" representing the sky, sea, and earth, each with their own prejudices against each other and political drama. Obviously, it was more in depth than that and I even had a sequel planned out, but once again I only got to chapter four, and it was only a total of about 20 pages. Despite it's kind of basic plot, I still hold the story very dear to my heart and, who knows, maybe I'll come back to it one day! I do enjoy writing fantasy every once in a while but it definetely takes a lot of patience to fully develop your world before diving into it, which isn't really something I'm good at. My current story was improvised A LOT, I honestly have about 10 sub plots thrown in that were not planned in advance LOL. But I do find it really rewarding and almost fun to work out the little details of your world. And since it was an urban fantasy there were a lot of real-world elements as well, so it wasn't like a game of thrones, Lord of the Rings style haha.
So, that's about it! Of course, there were many other ideas and short pieces between those, some of which I even finished and might share in Venison's Dossier, but those were the main 4 that really summed up my writing experience. I guess I just wanted to talk about them because it's kind of interesting to remind myself of how far I've come in terms of writing. I feel like I've talked about this before, but I honestly cannot believe how much I've written for AE compared to everything else. Like 25 pages vs. what, 190?? My mind is just boggled. Maybe I'll make another blog post detailing like my wiriting process but it definetely will not be that inspiring, more like a "what not to do for your own sanity" guide. But I hope you enjoyed reading this little-themed blog post! Honestly, please please comment any of your attempted novel ideas that will probably never see the light of day, I find them so interesting and would love to know if I'm not alone in making cringy characters and...interesting plots. Anyways, that's it for me!! The song I'm listening to is "Arms Tonite" by Mother Mother.
Your favourite goober,
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