Elloooooo!!! It's another blog entry from yours truly, and I am truly going through it right now. My one week break from school was WAY too early in the semester, so now it just feels like I have an endless amount of work ahead of me with no end in sight DDDD: So, I honestly haven't written anything in the past two weeks. I wrote about 5k words during my break for AE but I haven't written anything since!!! And I honestly don't know when I'll have time to write anything again, it could be weeks before I even open my google doc again :,(.
I do think it's good to take a break though, because I'm also facing kind of a dilemma when it comes to my writing. So, here it is:
Basically, when I started working on my main WIP, Arison Exception, I think I've mentioned this before, but it was just supposed to be a fun side project, like I didn't plan that much ahead and I wasn't too worried about it being good. it was also something I was just posting online (I first posted to Wattpad lmao) and not really ever planning to fully publish it. However, one year later I have become fully enveloped in my story and genuinely want to see it published and officially completed for others to have physical copies of. But then here comes the problem. I want to begin advertising my work and promoting it to others as a soon-to-be-published book, but if I am posting the entire thing online, then I fear it may defeat the purpose of publishing it in the first place. Although some may want a physical copy, I'm afraid that most people would rather just read it online for free, which is understandable because especially in today's day and age free is better than something that costs money. I know, a very deep observation lolll
Of course, there would be upsides to purchasing the published edition of my book, particularly having everything be edited and better written. There also will be some plot changes that I already have planned in the earlier chapters. But I'm not sure if that would be enough to convince someone to buy something :///.294Please respect copyright.PENANAOI4m6vrXkr
So, here's what I'm thinking, and I would love people's feedback on this. I'm only going to publish ONE MORE CHAPTER of AE to this website, which is chapter 15. That's about 50% of the book, possibly more than 50% since I'm not finished writing yet. After I publish chapter 15, the rest of it will no longer be posted online but will be available when I publish the book. Think of the first half of the story like a very, very, long teaser of what's to come. I'm not going to delete what I have posted already, just because I feel bad taking away something that many people have read just because I want to publish it.
But I would also still kind of feel bad NOT posting the rest online, because everyone that has been reading so far just finds out like, "Oh yeah, you have to BUY the rest mua ha ha!!". I don't want to come across as a greedy, money-hungry scammer!! I'm just worried that if I take a lot of time editing, creating the cover, designing the physical copies, etc, just for everyone to prefer reading it for free, then I would just be wasting my own time which is not good :(
So, as you can see, I'm super conflicted about this and would really like some help!! I'm still very young and have never published anything before so I'm not even gonna try to worry about that actual process right now, but I think deciding whether or not I should begin posting more chapters is good to do now, because I'm basically at the halfway point of my book.
So...yeah. If you're reading this, what would you think about someone only posting half of their book online, while the full version (edited and polished) is up for purchase? Please let me know:)
Your fav goober,
Oh, also, the song I'm listening to is "Black out Days" by Phantogram :D