“willy wake up…” alex whispered gently. “wynn...wake up.” wyatt opened his eyes groggily and looked around. he blinked once. twice. three times. “uh… alex? why are we in your bedroom?” “wynn…” alex repeated quietly “please don't freak out, i'm sorry, i just wanted you to come cuddle with me...we've only known eachother for a week but...i can tell there's something about you that i like..."’wyatt thought back on last night and remembered the fun night of drunkenly making out against the lockers after practice. He blushed bright red. he had no idea that his crush on alex would actually be returned so...he decided to say it "well, we haven't spent much time together yet but--""alex," wyatt said softly, "can i kiss you?" alex smiled and nodded happily as his eyes filled with tears. wyatt leaned in slowly. alex shut his eyes tightly when wyatt finally kissed him. he felt a pair of small hands wrap around his neck and he pulled wyatt closer, deepening the kiss. a few seconds later, wyatt broke away for air. alex couldn't stop smiling. “you're adorable,” he said.“hahaha thanks alex. um...you wanna sleepover?” alex was surprised wyatt didn't sound more nervous than he did and said yes immediately. “i'll go grab my pjs then...” alex got up from wyatt' bed and headed to his own. he grabbed some sweatpants and a sweater from his dresser and walked back into wyatt's room to see a pile of black clothes beside his pillow. a smile crept its way across his face again. “here you go!” alex said cheerfully. wyatt chuckled. "so this whole thing is just to get me in your pjs...and i'm sure we both have better ones at home...right?" alex laughed nervously. “you caught on quick, huh?” he teased. wyatt smiled warmly and nodded, “yeah. i think I do.”“goodnight~” alex said before turning off the light, getting back under his covers, and falling asleep. 126Please respect copyright.PENANAheBUp9SrOt
The next morning wyatt was awoken by his alarm clock blaring loudly and shaking him awake. he sat up and stretched before going to wash his face in the sink. alex yawned as he watched his friend run a brush through his hair and pull on a gray tee shirt. alex turned away as a blush spread over his cheeks. they were friends, right? that meant they should act like one...but still. alex glanced over as he heard a voice call for wyatt, which caused his stomach to lurch slightly. “ready to head to class?” his mom asked as she entered her sons room and handed him a cup of coffee. alex took it gratefully and said a quiet good morning. the two made their way downstairs and outside where their cars were parked. alex got inside the car first and began driving them to school, occasionally glancing at his best friend who was silent throughout most of the ride. when they arrived at school, alex stopped the car outside and turned to look at his friend. “hey wyatt, uh...you sure?” “what do you mean by that?” wyatt asked. “you know. i just...i mean we've been dating for less than a year. maybe you don' really feel the same way?” alex tried to explain. wyatt shrugged indifferently. “we could still date for a while longer.” and with that he got out of the car and walked into the building without even bothering to wave goodbye or say goodbye to alex. alex sighed before starting the engine and pulling away. he drove around for half an hour before parking his car, grabbing his bag, and heading inside. he saw wyatt sitting in one of the back rows of the cafeteria and sighed in relief. 126Please respect copyright.PENANAwylwlWmKEx
he sat down next to wyatt and took his hand. “hey.” wyatt nodded and smiled softly. “hey yourself.” and so they spent the rest of the lunch break like that, holding hands and sharing food. alex found himself hoping wyatt was going to keep wanting to hold his hand. he loved holding hands. it calmed him down whenever he was overwhelmed. he didn't know how, or if, he'd ever make his feelings obvious enough to wyatt to make him feel the same way, but right now, holding hands seemed to be enough. “you okay?” alex said, breaking the silence in the middle of their eating. “yes,” wyatt replied quickly. “i just zoned out for a moment. what are you talking about?” alex paused, trying to find the words to phrase his question. “you've been awfully quiet today...is everything okay?” a blush spread across wyatt's face. “well...um...i guess i kinda like you? a lot? not romantically obviously, but i feel like we could be great partners if you'd want to be.” alex grinned and squeezed his boyfriend's hand. “of course i want to be.” he said softly. “you'll be my partner whether or not you like me back.” alex pulled his arm out of wyatt's grasp and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist instead. “and hey if you change your mind, we can just forget everything i just said and spend the day in your bed snuggling together.” alex gave him a gentle squeeze and winked. wyatt rolled his eyes. “fine, fine. i might take you up on that offer at some point.” they both laughed lightly and continued eating. a couple hours passed and all three boys were bored out of their minds. alex was scrolling through twitter looking for interesting updates when his phone buzzed. his boyfriend frowned as he looked over his shoulder. “it's from...alex?” alex's head snapped up and he looked at the text message. 126Please respect copyright.PENANAATXwXDTr3E
“from...what?” “that text message.” “oh...wow. i...didn't expect that....” alex put his phone away and stood up. “i gotta go to class. bye babe!” alex said happily as he left. the other boy waved as he watched him leave. 126Please respect copyright.PENANAsMxEChAUbs
when wyatt arrived in class, alex wasn't in his seat. a couple minutes later, he heard his name being called softly. he turned around and saw alex standing near his desk. he smiled shyly. alyss smiled back and held up his backpack. “want to meet me at your locker?” a nod was his reply, and the two began walking to the lockers together, hand in hand, happy for the first time in weeks.126Please respect copyright.PENANAwE4Njs6GlN