No Plagiarism!BJMF7hBXe0eoIqGNTUUvposted on PENANA 簡單來說就是針對語言特性有什麼現象,以主題式、非體系地描述,每篇最多2000字,可不限次數拆分。(可以參考我個版的 語言學補遺 #非小說)8964 copyright protection348PENANATaWszSHKDe 維尼
Simply to say, give your statements to linguistic phenomena topically within 2000 words per essay. You can write longer and depart it into unlimited parts. (examples are in 語言學補遺 #非小說 on my account)8964 copyright protection348PENANArc3r4FAiEV 維尼
規則:8964 copyright protection348PENANA8DjFwUqwQp 維尼
Rules:8964 copyright protection348PENANAm7td5XjnW9 維尼
-禁止引戰、對其他用戶酸言酸語等不友善行為8964 copyright protection348PENANAkLeHSX4CYU 維尼
-Any unfriendly words or behavior is banned.8964 copyright protection348PENANATo8L5QEtLe 維尼
-僅限普遍級內容,違反規定者得刪文而不另通知。8964 copyright protection348PENANAiDOkmzjYfU 維尼
-General content only or be deleted without informed.8964 copyright protection348PENANA3dO2Izggej 維尼
-禁止洗版、投稿無關內容8964 copyright protection348PENANA1j0gTqFdZW 維尼
No spanning or unrelated content.8964 copyright protection348PENANA773lqIdA7w 維尼
-請為自己的作品負責,若有產權爭議主辦方除得協助留存證物外將不負任何責任8964 copyright protection348PENANA2LGebrejqP 維尼
Hold responsibilities to your own words, and do not copy others’.8964 copyright protection348PENANABQGaYiS0s7 維尼
賞金:8964 copyright protection348PENANAioCn9QcoXD 維尼
Prize money 8964 copyright protection348PENANAX5mI4RhZ1a 維尼
-第一名:沒有任何獎勵8964 copyright protection348PENANAqzvqF9FEFH 維尼
The first: none8964 copyright protection348PENANAU0ZXLE8XLV 維尼
-最後一名:也沒有賞金8964 copyright protection348PENANAuetJCsCwf9 維尼
The last: none either8964 copyright protection348PENANAA2DlZIEJzw 維尼
總之就是非營利,我也沒有什麼可以給參加者。8964 copyright protection348PENANAbGGuCOcoIM 維尼
No benefit. I have nothing to attainders.8964 copyright protection348PENANAHwQ34SXMey 維尼
活動說明:這次是我首次辦創挑,讓我有相關經驗,就先不設置賞金了。我有心理準備可能招不到文,不過有來友情贊助(不是賞金是投稿)的我可能會留言。有興趣的非常歡迎,沒興趣的就略過吧!我同時也在賺萬聖鬼島節的參加獎呢!(沒有啦,是真心喜歡創作)(截稿前好像投了4篇吧)8964 copyright protection348PENANAfajAbrGKgU 維尼
It’s my first time to hold this activity. I haven’t prepared enough to give attainders bonus. I may leave comments to any work. 8964 copyright protection348PENANAcXqSfWaVPM 維尼