Present Place. Present Day. Present Time. Hahahaha.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAo1OoXOqeGz
"What the hell are you laughing about all of a sudden, huh?!" Remy demanded, turning to glare at Alice, his tone sharp with venom and accusation. His hands twitched, betraying his hidden volatile demeanour, as he eyed the baseball bat in his backpack at his feet. Eva and Bart flinched at the sudden aggression from the usually carefree man, while Ramona remained unfazed, familiar with his outbursts.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAamJJWY3rjs
Alice's laughter ceased abruptly, and the air turned frigid. Her midnight-blue cosmos-like eyes, slowly side-eyed him, making deliberate eye contact. Her very presence seemed to explosively expand, engulfing the SUV's interior. The passengers, except Eva, felt an overwhelming suffocating pressure, sweat pooling on their skin. Remy, feeling scrutinized and insignificant, was dwarfed into a speck of dust under Alice's hardened gaze, a silent warning to behave or face severe consequences.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAgNcTeE83cL
Breaking the dangerous tension, Alice retorted, "I am surprise that none of you have noticed what’s the bigger problem with the world outside. It's as obvious as a neon sign," her voice dripping with sarcasm.
61Please respect copyright.PENANARfovckdQ6F
The passengers, finally able to breathe again, peered out their windows and noticed the strange anomalies: buildings, screens, cars, and roads glitches, blending new and pristine with old and familiar. The most glaring clue was the advertisements switching between many different dates.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA5jKy7vXsCJ
Ramona and Remy paled, their faces filled with hyperventilating panic. Yet amidst their expressions was a glimmer of recognition. "This is not supposed to be happening! Not again! I want out!" Remy thought angrily. Ramona's fretful mind raced. "She better have a good explanation and make a good deal for us or we're done taking more orders!" Both reached for their phones, frantically texting someone.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAhBDVLDvbp6
Alice glanced at Remy and Ramona coldly yet knowingly. Deep within her gaze, pure, unadulterated rage simmered, later cut by waves of melancholia as she looked into the rear-view mirror at Bart and Eva. Bart rested his head against the window, watching the scenery pass by with a hint of optimism beneath his hopeless expression. Eva had shrunk into her seat, trying to feel small and forgotten, guilt washing over her for failing her mission to exterminate Apophis and save the world. She fidgeted, scrubbing her hands together as if trying to remove unseen dirt.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAjWmHoHKcF3
Alice's regretful eyes returned to the road. The SUV shook as the world quietly quaked, not enough to displace them but familiar nonetheless. The glitches began to spread across the city like an infectious disease.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAaJrNif7xhp
“Alice, do you have any idea what might be causing this? Two different times, I mean,” Bart mumbled, his face still squished against the window.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAoW9TNo9JRf
“Theoretically,” Alice replied, unsure where to start. “Be careful what you reveal,” Schrödinger cautioned her mentally.
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“Let’s hear it. It's better than having no explanation for this phenomenon, even if it's just a theory,” Bart softly encouraged.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAO4hIFSYMbs
“It might be caused by an Interstice, an anomaly in the fabric of spacetime linking different parallel universes, each with its own timeline. For me, you, and Eva, it's 2203, while for Remy and Ramona, it's 2023. These Interstices form where our timeline intersects with others, allowing the transfer of matter and information. The shaking and glitches we're experiencing could be the result of this Interstice's influence, connecting our time in 2203 to another, like 2023, or perhaps other timelines."
61Please respect copyright.PENANATRFxPnvhZ5
Bart straightened up, eyes wide with curiosity and concern. Eva perked up, and Remy and Ramona stopped typing on their phones. “So, you’re saying we’re overlapping with another timeline?”
61Please respect copyright.PENANAkvKFBumEw1
Alice nodded slowly. “Yes. Imagine multiple timelines like a network of nervous systems. Usually, they run parallel and never touch, but sometimes, due to anomalies or disturbances in spacetime, they intersect or overlap. When that happens, you get these Interstices. The more they intersect, the more pronounced the effects become—like the shaking and these ‘glitches’ we’re seeing.”
61Please respect copyright.PENANAFjxzJQNIch
“Why now? Why here?” Bart asked, his voice tense.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA0jOTNK3e8D
“There could be many reasons,” Alice continued. “Advanced technology or experiments might have inadvertently caused these intersections. Or it could be a natural phenomenon we don’t fully understand yet. The important thing is that these rifts are not stable. They’re like cracks in reality, and if they spread too much, they could tear the fabric of our universe apart.”
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxmmXQHWa1q
Bart took a deep breath, trying to process the information. “So, what do we do?”
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxgnneisCRF
Alice looked ahead, the city’s distorted reflections dancing in her eyes. “First, we need to find the ‘brain’ of the rift. If we can understand how it started, maybe we can find a way to close it and stop these timelines from colliding further.”
61Please respect copyright.PENANA1ORDbcq6Kk
“You don’t have to waste time finding the ‘brain’. The Interstice already formed at Central Park. I saw it happen. Particles of light floated from the ground, and a tower came crashing down from the skies like a broken holo-TV screen,” Eva gloomily interjected. “Then a giant snake Void, which we designated as Apophis, emerged from the rift. It’s likely to crush ‘our’ world, destroying it.” When Eva mentioned Apophis, Remy and Ramona's eyes widened with fear, horror stricken on their face as they reliving the memories;
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61Please respect copyright.PENANAjX9qyB0CNo
Their vision blurred like a trembling video recording. The infinite expanse was dark, jet black, yet covered by a web of pulsating, multicoloured lights. The floor and walls were made of slippery flesh, flowing like lava, adorned with abundant mounds and craters. Remy and Ramona sprinted frantically across the expanse, Ramona clutching a Honeywell RT10A, typing frantically.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxD4Fc0sMuA
"Remy! Our escape route is blocked off!" Ramona shouted in perturbation, continuing to type on the robust tablet.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAoJtDCsryMn
"What? But that was our only way out! Find another route, Ramona! We're going to die!" Remy paled at the news, his distress drawing the attention of an unknown slender entity shrouded in white, manifesting from the darkness.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA5xijGlavcS
Their panic-stricken faces turned to dread. Remy slipped on the liquid floor, and Ramona quickly helped him to his feet. They struggled to keep a distance from the hunter chasing them.
61Please respect copyright.PENANACFz7wi2kLf
"They didn't tell us this place is dangerous! We should have brought something to defend ourselves!" Remy screamed, looking back at the hunter. Distracted, they tumbled down a slope into a crater, groaning in pain as they landed in a pit full of corpses, writhing yet still dead—a mass of missing people.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAEJB4to4muV
Remy spotted a baseball bat among the corpses, once owned by a baseball player. The entity landed in the crater, charging at them, but Remy intercepted it and swung the bat, hitting it hard enough to scare it away.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAKcPHNNctYJ
Relieved, Ramona took out the tablet, trying to re-establish communication with headquarters. "Connecting to Main Server: Failed," she read aloud.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAJjUGiJgwMO
"Come on, let's find what we're looking for and get out of here," Remy said, leading the way with a radar tracker. The crater wasn't deep, so Remy hoisted Ramona up, then she pulled him to the surface. They followed the beeping radar until they saw a woman in a white lab coat, her brunette hair tied in a bun, tying a makeshift ladder from scraps of wood and metal using clothes from the corpses. She was so engrossed in her work she didn't notice them until the tablet alarmed with a beep, making the woman jumped.
61Please respect copyright.PENANATy7hFNFj3j
"Hello! It's good to see some human faces. My name is Elizabeth!" the woman greeted joyfully, extending her hand. They shook hands, but their eyes locked on the gold chain-link choker around her neck. It had unique thorn patterns entwined at the hexagon frame around a composite deep sapphire gemstone characterized by its shimmering multicolour inclusions, sculpted into a rose pendant.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAiwphhPrkV1
"That's what we were looking for!" Ramona thought gleefully.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA9bGoF8Kwbj
"We found it! Our day is getting luckier," Remy thought avidly.
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After their handshake, Elizabeth limped to a nearby crater filled with junk.
61Please respect copyright.PENANARFNbqP5oYN
"You're hurt," Ramona observed with concern.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA0kmtfCVyEi
"Yeah, I broke my ankle while playing cat and mouse with Valkoinen," Elizabeth replied nonchalantly.
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"Valkoinen?" Ramona inquired.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxKTBxf5AEp
"The entity in white. That is what I call it. It owns this realm. It likes to hunt humans, including its own kind. It pulls people into its realm. I assume that's what happened to you two, right?" Elizabeth asked.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAlvSF3u5Z1v
"Yes, we have an important assignment from our boss. We finished our day, ate, went to sleep, and then woke up here," Ramona half-lied, while Elizabeth's inquisitive stare focused on her.
61Please respect copyright.PENANARxhqYGVjcb
"You guys are a couple or something?" Elizabeth asked, taking them aback.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAWF5bVi9xrK
"YES! We've been through hell and back," Remy declared.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAXAY1nk8AZb
"That's good. You're not alone to face the troubles ahead," Elizabeth said cryptically.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAQKNdYTpT0r
Remy and Ramona helped Elizabeth build a very tall ladder.
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"Elizabeth, what are you planning to do with the ladder?" Ramona asked, exhausted.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAHJwNRxNwoC
"There's an exit to get out of this place," Elizabeth explained. Remy and Ramona were thrilled. They carried the ladder, following Elizabeth as she limped as quickly as she could. The web-like lava on the floor and walls became more prominent as they ventured. They reached a point where she looked up at the cliffs, a glitch, a tear in the expanse, 19 feet above the ground. The walls were mostly covered in fleshy lava.
61Please respect copyright.PENANATbhcmCcfQf
"Come on, let's get out of here! We have to go through that tear before it closes permanently," Elizabeth said enthusiastically.
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They found a stable spot on the ground, free of lava, using it as a stepping stone. Remy and Ramona planted the wobbly ladder, excited to see it reached their target.
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"I'll go first to test it out," Ramona volunteered. Elizabeth nodded in agreement, stepping back to let her climb. Both Remy and Elizabeth held the ladder steady as Ramona ascended. She reached the top, hoisting herself up where there was no lava.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAodjZG7isiH
"Okay! The ladder is good, come on up!" Ramona yelled down.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA5T53hPzQ2V
"Okie dokie!" Elizabeth called out. As she touched the ladder, a blunt force impacted her head. She collapsed, clutching her head in pain. Remy had swung the bat at her. He roughly shoved her body with his boot, ripping the choker from her neck and tucking it into his pocket.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAoh6A8B17CD
"Remy, what are you doing?" Ramona screamed, holding the ladder above as Remy quickly climbed to the top.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAorIDSifqC5
"I'm following orders: find and retrieve the pendant that Elizabeth has and what stay in MAD stay in MAD. That was our mission," Remy argued. The ladder creaked as Elizabeth began climbing slowly, blood streaming down her face. She fought dizziness, driven by something to climb.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA1N4oe1DPJI
"Get back down, you stubborn bitch, or I'll bash your brain open!" Remy threatened.
61Please respect copyright.PENANALwTsQGT5We
"Please, I just want to go home. I need to see my sister again," Elizabeth pleaded, looking at Remy and Ramona.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAyobvkMiZzM
Remy pushed the ladder with full force. Elizabeth tumbled back down, but the ladder fell into the pit. She cried in desperation as the only tool to escape was gone. Suddenly, she screamed in rage, crawling and digging her fingers into the lava-like liquid. To Remy and Ramona's horror, Elizabeth's fingers were reduced to bones as the skin peeled off. She ignored the pain, nearly reaching the edge. Remy moved to kick her again, but she grabbed his boot tightly. Remy screamed in terror as Elizabeth grabbed the edge, ready to hoist herself up, but Ramona hit her head with the bat, causing her to fall to the pit below.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAAArQIFaBVB
Hyperventilating, Remy grabbed Ramona, when they saw a giant serpent that have the same appearance as the wall and the ground, opens it eyes, and rise up looking at them, due to the commotion they causing. Remy and Ramona runs as fast as they can and escaped through the glitch simultaneously it closed behind them, the serpent then goes back into slumber, after the intruder disappears. Down in the pit, Elizabeth landed on a small ground, breathing laboriously and still crying, eyes shut. An unknown figure watched the scene unfold.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAIxD3dWG8k6
"Well done, you both managed to complete the assignment," said a woman whose appearance was hidden by the dim light of her office, holding the choker necklace.
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"Nah, it wasn’t too hard," Remy said smugly, while Ramona fidgeted at his implication.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAGwoRvuoYh8
"Of course it wasn’t. Enjoy your rewards. I hope we will continue doing business together. Now, dismissed." The woman concluded their meeting, and Remy and Ramona left her office.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA479Z69tuFw
"What a pity. Even after all that, she still had the strength left in her, wanting to go home." The woman smirked at the video recording on the tablet Ramona had carried. She then switched off the video.
61Please respect copyright.PENANABCh3CCdKg2
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61Please respect copyright.PENANABNCaSBzTzm
“Ohhh?!!!” Alice smiled excitedly with satisfaction, her eyes lighting up as puzzle pieces began to fit together. Her voice caused Remy and Ramona awake from their recollection, and everyone looks at her, bewildered. Without letting any of them ask questions, she explained what was on her mind. “You might be onto something, Eva. Tell me, what’s unique about Central Park?”
61Please respect copyright.PENANAeOeH3RC2ZG
As Alice took a left turn, Eva answered, confused by the question. “Nothing much, just NIX Polytechnic, Training Grounds, NIX Bistros, and Scenic Park for picnics or study groups.”
61Please respect copyright.PENANAY9LnzrhbAA
“NIX put a school in the middle of Central Park?” Ramona asked, turning to Eva for more information. Bart answered for her. “Yes, NIX Corporation is known for constructing their establishments in or on park reservations and historical landmarks, like Central Park and Rockefeller Center. It's part of their code to integrate natural parts as we move into the future and beyond.”
61Please respect copyright.PENANAfZH2WkIos1
“Speaking of Rockefeller Center, that reminds me, what happened to the 53W53 MoMA Expansion Tower, Alice? Please tell me the building that collapsed isn’t the 53W53!” Bart pleaded, hoping his assumption was false. Distracted by his treatment of Eva, Alice’s near car accident, and the spatial-temporal collisions, he had forgotten something important in that tower.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAS2Sia7ANf3
“Oops,” Alice replied blankly, feigning innocence.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAvR43RUClmH
“No! My seven Ultra Rare Sanrio x Swatch Collections are gone!” Bart cried out, gripping his hair in frustration.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAExrWvZKJkY
“Why would you put your valuables in a place full of ‘cannibals’ in the first place, Bart?” Alice deadpanned but gave him a sympathetic look.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAF9HRKCyW5o
“There weren’t any ‘cannibals’ in 2203!” Bart froze in shock, his misfortune sinking in as his soul seemed to leave his body. Alice, impassive yet with eyes widened by Bart's reaction, glanced into the rear-view mirror to check on him. His sudden silence freaked her out, and she quickly spoke with indifference, “Bart, take a look at this. It appears I am correct in my deduction. Central Park is unaffected!”
61Please respect copyright.PENANAik8pfUGbbn
Bart’s soul immediately repossessed his body. He looked ahead, along with the other passengers, all their focus shifting to the new discovery. Alice drove towards the Central Park entrance at E 72nd St. The atmosphere in the vehicle shifted from tense to cautiously hopeful.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAGl6XBMwWmp
As they approached the entrance, the sight of lush greenery was a stark contrast to the altered reality they had been navigating. Trees stood tall and vibrant, untouched by the anomalies that plagued the rest of the city. The familiar landscape brought a strange sense of normalcy amidst the chaos.
61Please respect copyright.PENANARngegSaUye
“This is incredible,” Bart murmured, his eyes scanning the park. “If Central Park remains unaffected, it could be a crucial point of stability. Maybe we can find some answers here.”
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Eva, who had been silent, now leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. “Do you think this place could hold a clue to fixing everything? Maybe it’s some kind of temporal anchor.”
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Alice nodded thoughtfully. “It’s possible. We need to investigate further.”
61Please respect copyright.PENANAAIUNz3sQPO
The SUV was parked in front of the Central Park Information Kiosk, with the sunset light filtering through the gaps in the tree leaves. Alice turned off the engine and, instead of taking the key with her, left it in the ignition. “Alright, I’m going to check out Central Park. You guys can stay here until I get back,” she said monotonously.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAAWB0MDIKJe
“Alice, I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like some fresh air too,” Eva requested, a touch of nostalgia creeping into her voice.
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“That’s fine with me. Bart, please help Eva to the nearest hillside,” Alice softly instructed.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAkEbMnfcNJc
“Okay! I might be able to determine the time there with my Gizmo, I need to collect samples and analyze them. This could be the breakthrough we need.” Bart enthusiastically volunteered, helping Eva by placing her arm over his shoulder.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA9DLKZfUgNB
“Let’s get moving. It looks like Remy and Ramona didn’t take the news well. Let’s give them some space. Oh, while we’re out, would one of you both be able check the news for me? They might have something new, maybe even a last message,” Alice spoke with impassivity, their attention on their phones too engrossed to acknowledge her request.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAi2LRetXKhK
Alice whispered something into Bart’s ear, causing him to raise an eyebrow, but he shrugged it off. Alice began walking in the opposite direction, while Bart guided the injured Eva. At that moment, both Remy and Ramona received new messages on their phones.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAhYnunFz6cH
“So, did you receive the same orders?” Ramona asked firmly.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAieLywAXCF1
“Yeah,” Remy replied with equal resignation, both of them glancing down at their text messages.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9nY7aCKvA
Message Thread:
61Please respect copyright.PENANAED3HKXBZPT
Sender: Unknown
61Please respect copyright.PENANACaXOfJ9OFC
Do you know what is happening?
61Please respect copyright.PENANAz1j22g4yke
61Please respect copyright.PENANAFryHG1Kevw
61Please respect copyright.PENANAEojaIWYfET
61Please respect copyright.PENANAkBOuyEhem1
What do you propose we do now?
61Please respect copyright.PENANAIgoMRNcxYu
Bring them to JFK Airport
61Please respect copyright.PENANA1UlpGx05AA
What for?
61Please respect copyright.PENANA8rnoXgelut
You don’t need to know all the details. My offer still stands. I’ll give you a bonus as much as you request, no conditions—just complete the assignments and you’ll be rewarded accordingly.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA29fd7cxIRF
How are we going to convince them? We can’t just tell them we’re going to JFK Airport without clear reasons.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAeS193pcExt
Don’t worry. It’s already in the news announcement from several hours ago. Show it to them, and it will all work out just fine. Trust me.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAFpMxPz4yRr
61Please respect copyright.PENANAnMLpOd53yA
A new notification popped up, and they read:
61Please respect copyright.PENANACqgjp7wnRz
61Please respect copyright.PENANASsWRA1yQaf
Date: February 13th, 2023
Time: 8:58 A.M.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAP5fHzxKpks
61Please respect copyright.PENANAe1TY52RTOe
This is a national emergency. Unknown entities have begun attacking major cities across the world. Immediate action is required for your safety.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA36OY6Wq3O0
New York City residents:
61Please respect copyright.PENANAH99xzFl4tk
- Evacuate immediately: Head directly to JFK Airport for further evacuation procedures.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAJxvUqD3QD5
- Avoid densely populated areas: The entities are highly concentrated in these zones and pose extreme danger.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAoV3ACMf9n0
- Gather essential supplies: Bring food, water, medications, and other necessary items as much as you can.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAItN4CnPwNR
- Stay calm and follow the instructions provided by emergency personnel and authorities.
61Please respect copyright.PENANARwO0ICqRG5
- Further updates will be provided as the situation develops.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAPgLheNsKO4
Stay safe, stay informed, and act swiftly.
61Please respect copyright.PENANASfs3hw2KQ3
End of Message
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With the emergency announcement, Remy and Ramona's mouths formed thin lines of concern.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAoDJychetHm
"Hey, Remy, does Alice look familiar to you?" Ramona asked, troubled.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA8RAL696fI3
"It can't be, Ramona. Alice and Elizabeth have different physical traits, and plus, it happened seven years ago. Stop thinking about it and move on," Remy assured her confidently.
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"I don't know, Remy, but did you see her face after you yelled at her?" Ramona persisted, still disturbed.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxgmJ3dV7Sa
"What?" Remy began to feel annoyed by Ramona's constant worries ever since that day.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAFST4WJ6MLy
"Alice was looking at us directly, not at the road, eyes wide, and smiling like it was going to rip her cheeks. Within those eyes, she remembered us, and she wants to rip us to shreds, alive," Ramona explained her worries.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAPdUvs58HzJ
Remy gulped at her words, then sighed. "Ramona, let's get this over with," he said, opening his car door. Reluctantly, Ramona followed, and they both walked in the direction Alice, Eva, and Bart had gone. During their walk, Ramona asked, “Remy, how did Alice know there would be something in the news, and also as a last message?”
61Please respect copyright.PENANA78x76MJUaz
Remy had no answer, his silence a testament to his own unease. They continued on their way, wary.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAFW2TzO6b3H
61Please respect copyright.PENANAOLciAdYK2c
Central Park, Manhattan, USA, Present Day (Seek Confirmation), Present Time (Seek Confirmation).
61Please respect copyright.PENANAJXNisQepag
Central Park, Alice in Wonderland, E 74th St.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA9sjQRkT50t
Alice glanced at the statue and read the title, "How ironic," she thought, releasing a sigh as she waited for someone. "Well, that is what people call karma." Schrödinger laughed, a fake, hollow sound that made Alice glare daggers at him. A soft meow caught her attention. "A stray kitten?" she wondered, crouching down carefully to avoid scaring it. The kitten's fur was as white as snow, and its mismatched eyes—one green, one blue—held her curiosity. Notably, one of its forelegs was injured, and it appeared extremely exhausted. When Alice cupped her hands around it, the kitten immediately fell asleep. Lifting it closer for inspection, she thought, "He ran for miles from the city to find safety in Central Park, only to encounter hostility and get injured, fatally. He doesn’t have much time."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAyKdeJsKgnC
Schrödinger mentally replied with aloofness, "Then heal him, care for him, like you always do with animals you pity. Play god when it’s their time to die. It’s part of the cycle. They are insignificant beings."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5oDwOHhKP
Alice darkened at the thought. "No, he is not dead yet! I don't play god by making them cheat death! I diagnose them and prevent their death by curing them. That’s what it means to live. Just so you know, you and I are insignificant compared to them," she replied coldly, anger and resolution in her voice. Schrödinger growled, and they locked eyes in a fierce staring contest. Schrödinger's blazing fury met Alice's icy yet incandescent chaos.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAl0z2782L6p
During their stare, Alice extended her hand toward Schrödinger, who faced the dying kitten, struggling with laboured breaths. "Get into his body," Alice proposed calmly. "You will be free from me as I will be from you. You can do what you want, just as I can. No permissions needed. But on one condition: the first thing you eat from whoever feeds you, you must protect, care for, and guide that person as a form of gratitude. It’s a non-zero-sum game, don’t you think?"
61Please respect copyright.PENANABqYOqMXNyR
Schrödinger burst out laughing at her absurd proposal, finding it preposterous. However, he enjoyed being rebellious, even if the proposal seemed too good to be true. He decided to test her patience. "Make me," he said smugly.
61Please respect copyright.PENANABZvlT5unXz
Alice's expression softened into kindness, and she faintly smiled with satisfaction. "With pleasure," she said gently. Schrödinger's perception of the world shifted from the vibrant lushness of Central Park to the cold, endless expanse resembling outer space. Boundless raw information flooded into Schrödinger's mind, overwhelming him and leaving him completely immobilized. He felt everything and nothing simultaneously. "Nexus!" he thought, thunderstruck.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAtlyiq8wD8b
"Schrödinger, possess this kitten, obey my decree!" Alice commanded. Schrödinger's senses warped, his eyes forcefully closed, engulfing him in blackness. He felt pain, hunger, and cold for the first time. He felt warmth when someone wrapped him in a cloth. "Poor thing, he must be hungry!" he heard a woman say softly. He clutched something in his paws that was removed by the woman. "Uh? There’s a note: Found him at E 74th St. He’s injured but not life-threatening. His foreleg is sprained, so don’t forget to tell Bart to treat him. I named him Schrödinger, FYI. Kind Regards, Alice."
61Please respect copyright.PENANA9nvryiCnoe
Hearing Alice's name made Schrödinger's veins pop with anger. "I’ll make her pay for this, making me a fool! I should have known her powers were exponentially growing. She was playing damsel-not-in-distress!" he fumed. His eyes remained closed due to the kitten’s exhaustion, and hunger rumbled in his belly. The woman manifested a Gizmo and typed something on a holographic display. An inventory popped up, and she retrieved a small bento box. Opening it, Schrödinger smelled the contents and heard clatters as something was offered to the front of his mouth. "There you go, this is for you," the woman said kindly.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA5OFnJhZEMI
Schrödinger hesitated, then took a bite, eating the pieces longingly. He realized the meal was Edamame! "I’m glad I had some left. I nearly ate most of the Edamame before my deployment to exterminate Apophis," the woman chuckled. “Oi, are you sure you know how to feed a cat, or are you just a vegetarian, seem like not!” Schrödinger thought dumbfounded. With efforts, and for the first time in this kitten's body, Schrödinger opened his eyes to the beautiful scene before him. Eva smiled warmly. "Pretty, you have mismatched eyes, but I remember cats don’t have horns," she remarked, inspecting him curiously.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxwaNT7YD6s
"That’s because only I have them," Schrödinger spoke, startling Eva. "You can talk," she said.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAIyDXBSIc0E
"You are calm," Schrödinger noted.
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"Only on the outside," Eva smiled nervously. "Would you like some more Edamame? There are two left in the bento box," she offered, and Schrödinger “Why didn’t you eat them all?” mentally question her, unimpressed, but he hummed in confirmation, eating the remaining two.
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"Yo, Eva, what you got there?" Bart inquired, noticing the kitten on her lap.
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"Bart, I’m glad you’re here. Alice gave him to us to look after. He sprained his left foreleg, but most importantly, he can talk!" Eva revealed excitedly. Bart peered at him curiously, only to be met by a soft meow.
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Bart chuckled. "Of course he can. I’m going to treat him now," he said. Eva was confused by his statement. "I think only you can understand me," Schrödinger said during the treatment.
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"Oh," Eva realized. "Maybe it’s part of the effect from the Interstice," she thoughtfully assumed. Bart nearly finished treating Schrödinger's injuries when he suddenly remembered the condition. "The first thing you eat from whoever feeds you, you will have the duty to protect, care for, and guide that person as a form of gratitude. It’s a non-zero-sum game, don’t you think?" Alice's words echoed in his head. He turned to Eva, now watching the falling cherry blossoms, realizing he had to fulfil the bargain. "CURSE YOU, ALICE! YOU FORESEE THIS, DIDN’T YOU?" Schrödinger screamed internally.
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0.4 miles away, Alice smirked, knowing everything had gone according to her plan. With her hands behind her back, she turned and walked back to the statue, where a man in his 70s waited beside it. He held a kiseru in his right hand and blew smoke as he looked above the scenery, his monocle reflecting the light. His slicked-back white-grey hair and prominent widow's peak matched his formal, Victorian-era attire.
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"Ah, Alice, it is finally good to meet you again," the man greeted.
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"Likewise. I hope I am not tardy," Alice apologized.
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"Tardy? You were very overdue, my dear, but now you are just as punctual," the man corrected, gesturing for her to walk with him.
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"I am delighted to hear that. May I ask what purpose you had in summoning me here, Aristotle?" Alice inquired politely.
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There was a long pause from the man, Aristotle. "It is time for me to go," he said, a sad smile gracing his lips.
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Alice was struck by the news and turned to look ahead. "I see, time flies," she spoke quietly.
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"Alas, I am the last of your Sefirot. The rest have already retired, just as I do now. You will be all alone, our Infinity. I am ashamed that I cannot help you 'solve' this world," Aristotle bowed his head as they walked.
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"Everyone has their own limits, just not equally. You have all done well. Please, have the rest you deserve. It's okay for me to fight this battle alone for I have always walked this path alone. Thank you, and to all of the Sefirot. You all gave me the strength to dream in my final moments in that box; it was everlasting." Alice smiled encouragingly and hugged him for comfort. He reciprocated.
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"Don’t downplay your deeds, my dear. It is you who discovered and gave us the power of imagination we didn't know we possessed. You gave us purpose, and for that, we thank you," Aristotle said. They were halfway to Pilgrim Hills, passing the restaurant by the lake.
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"May I give you a gift as your Wisdom, for it is the last time I will see you?" Aristotle asked.
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"You may," Alice agreed. Aristotle produced a top hat from thin air and extended it toward Alice. Inside, the hat was filled with lustrous white bundles of raw silk cocoons. Alice tilted her head curiously.
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"It is Psyche’s Silk. It is the same silk that sprouts from the Beginning, cuts off at the End, and reattaches at the Revives of the Nexuscape. Please accept my gift, I have spent nearly an eternity collecting these" Aristotle explained, still extending the hat.
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"Hmmm. I don’t know what to do with it yet, but I shall accept it. I might find a tailor upon my Narrative." Alice accepted the top hat, still examining the contents.
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Aristotle smiled for the last time. "Fairfarren, Alice." Then he vanished within the wind, leaving Alice alone. She manifested her Gizmo and put the top hat into the inventory. With indifference, she walked away from the area, heading back to the group, having completed her task in Central Park.