It Begins
Linkle watched the clouds change form as her cuccos flew about, her favorite, a flying rooster named Cojiro, landed nearby. The shepherdess turned her eyes back to the sky and let out a contended sigh, tempted to close her eyes in the warm sun as a cool breeze shook the leaves of the apple tree spreading its branches out over her.1027Please respect copyright.PENANAO2nteQrNnU
"Well, I think it's about time we go back in, I don't know about you guys." she said, as she pulled out her ocarina, and began to play the only song that the birds would follow, leading them to pass a few houses.1027Please respect copyright.PENANAQDdtKv36H7
She led the large flock to their coop, while the red haired girl at the fence closed it after the last of the birds went in, while Linkle went around to the fence in the back, "Thanks, Malron."
"It's not like you can close it back yourself, though, so don't worry about it!" the red head replied, crossing her arms.
"I mean earlier, thanks for bringing me a snack, it gets so...boring, I guess, not that I want a big thrill, just...something more interactive." Linkle explained, "Uh, does that make any sense?"
"It does, I understand, you're out there alone all day, it can get...mind shooting arrows all day, the same thing over and over becomes the center of absolute focus, and then when your dad startles you, you miss the scarecrow entirely." Malron let the bow fall off her shoulder and pulled out an arrow, "You want to watch me shoot for a bit? I can't stay out too long this time, I'm making a special delivery tomorrow."
"Cuccos, I heard."
"Did you hear what else, though? Ah, so the surprise still stands!"
"You mean my annual birthday celebration? Malron, it's once a year, not much of a surprise."
"Would you be surprised if I said I'd forgotten?"
"O-offended, maybe—no, not offended...slightly disappointed."
"Don't you worry, I didn't forget, and neither has anyone else in the village...the mayor's been swamped, so I had to bring it up a week in advance so he could have time for your...eighteenth birthday? Well, what did you want for your birthday?"
"Umm, I don't know, the village has everything I need."
"Are you kidding me? You have the second most important job, next to the mayor, and you're paid less than me, how about a pony?"
"A-a what?"
"You heard me, a pony—actually, I have something better in mind, close you eyes, and I'll lead you from behind."
"Huh, how?"
"Just follow my directions!"
"Alright, now a stop, turn a little to your left, little bit more, walk again, and there's a gate, now run until I say stop!" Linkle did as directed, though something about running with her eyes closed made her very uneasy, "Stop! your eyes now."
" empty I get my own garden?"
"Even better, can you read music notes?"
"Uh, yeah, you gave me an ocarina for my eleventh birthday, a week early, then you got me some music notes on my birthday."
"I'm glad you remember that, here, read these." Marlon ran to the bench across from them and picked up some sheets, then came back and gave them to Linkle, "You really only need to play the top line."
Linkle played the top note and startled when she heard galloping, but as she started to turn the source of the sound stopped in front of her, a beautiful chestnut horse with a white mane that darkened near the back.
"Is this-" Linkle began, turning energetically to Malron.
"Yes." the other girl nodded, smiling.
"And she's-"
"All yours, shall we get her saddle on?"
"Yes!" Linkle cried, hug pouncing Malron, who tightened her grip on the sheet music in her hand, "Thank you so, so much!"
"Ha, ha, you're welcome!" Malron said, acutely aware of her restricted arm movement.1027Please respect copyright.PENANAU1O6kHtz4r
"So, you got the saddle on her yet?" Linkle jumped back from Malron and regarded the large, muscly man who found them.1027Please respect copyright.PENANA6HZ8SLEQW0
"Not yet, Dad, we had just finished shutting the cuccos in for the night." Malron said, handing him the papers and turned to Linkle, "I'll be back with the saddle, there's a few apples in my room, you and Epona can bond while I'm gone, Dad, is dinner almost done?"
"Yes sir, nothing left but to serve it, will Linkle be joining us tonight?" Talron inquired as his daughter ran to a building on the far side of the field.
"Well, Linkle? It's got to be boring eating alone, right?" Malron asked Linkle, who was brushing Epona's hair with her hand.
"Uh, I don't know, he's the mayor, so he's probably pretty busy to have guests over." Linkle said, and Malron frowned.
"Just...think about it."
"I will."
"Your Majesty," that was the pair of words she was waiting for, "it's late, you should get some sleep."
"I can't stop thinking about my dream last night, somehow I know my father is wrong, all is not well in the land of Hyrule." she replied, turning her sapphire eyes to her attendant, a strong woman whose white hair was braided on one side, her stance made her look like a statue, and she closed her crimson eyes as the princess reasserted her opinion.1027Please respect copyright.PENANAB5mBBkHYvl
"Is this about what that kid seven years ago talked to you about?"
"Impa...yes and no, yes, I believe those days were when I strongly saw the future, not so distant at all, but these days...are when those dreams become plain to the eyes of everyone in Hyrule." undoing her brown hair from its ties and tossing it behind her ears, "Father is wrong this time, he cannot see what I have, he has not lived in the nightmarish landscapes I have traversed, they have become a second home to me and I know them well, I have grown accustom to fear...I have learned to push those thoughts aside, but I still dread closing my eyes as dusk settles...if only someone would believe me."
Impa pretended to be occupied with the scarlet carpet as her ward brushed her finger under her eye, "Princess-"
"Don't...when you address me by title, with that tone, I understand what you will say before your words have formed, 'We don't know for certain what the future holds...we cannot glimpse into tomorrow's world, we can only act according to our current knowledge, so get some rest', you've told me this for the last week...or has it been four weeks, perhaps two months?"
"Seven weeks, one day and a half." Impa provided, watching the princess smile a little, "Zelda,you can't worry yourself like this, you're hair will be whiter than mine at years end, at this rate!"
"Ha, sorry, I can't help it though, keeping these thoughts to myself, it makes me feel alone."
"I'll always be standing guard here, though, when you wake I will always be by the window, unless something terrible has happened."
"If you're not there, though, how will I know it's not a dream? I dream some strange things up people...dead. A monster standing over them, form unseen, only a dark shape...and I look at the face, but then two yellow eyes open and...and I wake up."
"I wish there was another way for you to rest, but-"
"I know, I'm going to bed now." Zelda said, standing up and looking at the furniture she found herself dreading, "Good night, Impa."
"Good night, Zelda." Impa walked to the window and closed her eyes, connecting to the shadows that fell across Hyrule, watching through them for anything suspicious. It reminded her of the time that kid broke into the castle, passed the guards undetected, while Impa was trying to rush to the princess' side as soon as possible, all to find that Zelda was intrigued, and even bestowed a golden fork to the mysterious visitor, never to be seen again. Impa had to sneak the intruder back out, but she was impressed, though she'd never admit it, the intruder could have been far more dangerous than a mere child, especially since security wasn't really that good anyways.
"You two are getting along well."Malron commented, carrying a saddle as she watched Epona chomp up an apple.
"She hasn't bitten my fingers off yet, so that must mean she likes me!" Linkle joked, accepting the saddle Malron held out to her, "Whoa, that's heavy!"1027Please respect copyright.PENANA7KtEqcbZhE
"It is, but I think you've watched me enough times to figure it out."
"It goes on this way, right?"
"Right, hmm, you're pretty good at this," Malron inspected Linkle's work, then laughed, "but you forgot something."
"Huh...are the stirrups on wrong?"
"No, you're missing the rider!"
"Oh...had me worried there." Linkle grinned, mimicking the way she had seen Malron and Talron mount horses, "Umm, I—that's it, right?"
"Yeah, now, time to get moving, maybe once around the field."
"Somebody sounds nervous."
"Well, I've ever imagined I'd be given a horse, let alone this one."
"You always liked the hardest one to tame."
"For anyone but you, she would have been impossible!"
Zelda looked around her and saw a desolate field, it always looked the same, but this time, as the yellow eyes flashed open, a green light from behind shone so brightly, that the face before her was covered, and as her eyes adjusted to the light, the eyes closed again, and receded. Words without voice were spoken and she looked down to see she was on her balcony, and somehow she knew those words belonged to the green light She closed her eyes, and felt herself falling, seemingly endlessly falling, until final she hit the ground and jumped into a sitting position. Impa turned to see her. But for a moment, it seemed as though a green clad figure, face concealed in darkness, watched her intently with wondering blue eyes, no anger, no aggression, but something of a more inquisitive nature, maybe nervousness.1027Please respect copyright.PENANAanDkhXzww8
"Zelda," Impa snapped from her vigil and turned to the princess, "is everything alright?"
"It was the hero...from the old legends...he was in this room, watching me...or trying to tell me something, maybe that was to be interpreted...the hero will protect me when the time's strange though, before that I fell, and then sat up, awake...maybe I was remembering my dream, and what my eyes saw reminded me of the scene in my head...I thought I was awake, though, it felt like I was awake...but he was there, crouched down on the window, watching me...I feel like he wanted to protect me, which is why he was there...but something stopped him from approaching me."
"Are you sure? I'm still skeptical, but if you want I can double the guard."
"Impa...why don't you believe me?"
"Because, from what I see and hear, there's nothing to worry about."
"Yet...there's nothing yet."
"I can't just summon my warriors without a proper explanation, and allowing myself to believe you allows me open to the fear of your death, that's something my mind must be far from at all times."
"Very well." Zelda stared down at her fingers and sighed, "You know, back when I was little, I always felt safe when you were watching me, even now your presence relaxes me...but not this time...perhaps it's because we both have to believe in ourselves, because I'm so certain that the hero will appear, I'm certain you can't protect me...knowing that is reassuring, though, because I have to live until then right?"
"If what you say is true, then anything could happen."
"Impa...what weather are we expecting this week?"
"All clear skies."
"Then we have at least that long to prepare everyone."
"I'll do what I can, but only as a precaution."
"That's all I ask." Zelda said, before laying back down and falling asleep.
Linkle started Epona off at a slow trot, but worked into a full gallop in a few seconds, all the way to the shore, and dismounted for long enough to look around and take in the distance she covered, it was a few minutes, much quicker than if she had arrived by foot, "We should go back now, girl." Linkle said, playing with Epona's mane before climbing back onto the saddle and returning to the ranch.
"So, she responds well, right?" Malron asked, closing the door to the stables, snapping Linkle from her review of the night's ride. It started as a quick gallop around the field and turned into an adventure, however short lived it might have been.
"'s like she understands me." Linkle commented, following Malron, who was headed toward the main building, which served as the house on the ranch.
"Well, horses are pretty smart, especially Epona, though."
"Yeah...thanks again for giving her to me, I know how much time and effort you put into raising her and stuff."
"You could say I was working towards this moment ever since I started with her."
"You didn't mean to give her to me from the beginning?"
"Well...kind of, I didn't know when, but I knew if she was the kind of horse I thought she was, then...yeah, eventually she'd be yours."
"Ah, Malron, thanks...I don't even know what to say."
"Before you say anything, I need to know if you planned on staying for dinner." Talron called out from another room.
"I guess I could, since it looks like we're already here." Linkle followed Malron in and gasped when she found Talron serving dinner on three plates.
"What's going on?" Linkle asked, taking her seat at the round table.
"Well, we figured that there was nothing wrong with two birthday dinners." Malron said, seating between Linkle and Talron.
"What that means is it was her idea, I was asleep somewhere with a sandwich in one hand and bottle of milk in the other." Talron said, crossing his arms.
"You didn't have to tell her that, Dad."
"But you do deserve a little recognition."
"Uh—yeah, that too, but I meant...never mind, let's eat!"
"I agree, dinner's best served hot, I hope you like steak, fish and shrimp, because I do!" Talron laughed, "I actually can't cook this well, Malron had to time everything just right so I could wake up and see this meal to being cooked, then I had to keep it warm, but I fell asleep somewhere between those steps, fortunately you were out with Epona, so she ended up saving dinner."
"Oh, wow—wait a second, you bet your time in the kitchen that I'd stay for dinner?" Linkle turned to Malron, watching as she moved the food away from her mouth and set her silverware down.
"What was I suppose to do, not invite you the night before your birthday? And if I'm going to invite you, might as well make it count, right?"
"I-I guess, it seems out of the way, though."
"Not've got a very important job, and you're my best friend, so it seemed like the thing to do, now eat up before it gets cold."
"You know, Malron," Talron began upon emptying his bottle, "you sure are surprisingly authoritative, not that I mean it in a bad way, just seems that you're better suited to leading the village than me."
"Uh, one day, just not today."
"This is really good, by the way." Linkle said, smirking, "Just in case anyone wanted to know!"
"Ha, ha, now wipe that smirk of your mouth before I do it for you...and the food, too." Malron said, a mischievous smile crossing her face.
Tonight seemed strange, maybe it was just excitement for her birthday, but it seemed like something was about to happen. She was just overthinking things, it was simple for a simple cucco shepherdess, who wasn't the reincarnated hero. As she stared at the golden compass she couldn't help but laugh, it seemed strange that here she had proof she was the hero, here she had proof she was simple, and wanted something different...but why did she want adventure, why were her dreams filled with thoughts of valor and knights and chivalrous deeds performed by none other than her? She seemed pulled to it, like a compass' needle always pointed north, she was drawn to the fate of the hero, whatever it may be, as though she was to serve a specific purpose than no other could.1027Please respect copyright.PENANAQ3iVJj8AJ9
As she stared up at the compass in her hand, she considered one last time the possibility that she was just confused, why she thought what she thought was a mystery to her, and she would prefer to not think of it, but then, she may as well have wished the compass be gone entirely, it existed still, a beautiful, golden compass, but how it ended up in the simple hands of a simple villager was beyond her, much less any reason why. With these thoughts following her she welcomed the dream she dreamed many nights for the past handful of weeks, a princess in a castle, and a hero to rescue her...a hero who could fix Hyrule's problems, protect her people from any danger. She could imagine people's surprise seeing her running about with her usually white shirt and an orange skirt, stopping whatever it is heroes usually stop when they set out to protect Hyrule.1027Please respect copyright.PENANAVrSyn8IYQT
But nothing was happening, Hyrule was perfectly safe, though her imagination presented the idea that perhaps that was not was the daydreamer side of her that was saying that, of course.
She was going to discover why she fancied herself the hero, and why the only person who came close to believing her didn't, solely because Malron was easily worried about her, and couldn't let herself believe that her best friend might one day have to put herself in harm's way.
Author's Notes: Hi, everyone, Imma back! As in back on FanFiction, as in I haven't posted in a here's a story I posted! I read the character profile for Linkle on the Zelda Wiki, so I know what I'm doing. See, I even pointed out her usual clothes before green happens (and you know it will) and the fact she thinks she's the hero. Anyways, I hope you like chapter one, because chapter two will see the story really kick off!
Also, if any of you are wondering, Malron and Talron are a cross between Malon and Marin, and Talon and Tarin respectively, this may have future implications beyond dream/hobbies of the two characters, and at this point I'm churning characters out as I go, so if you have any suggestions for characters, #Go4It! In the PMs or reviews or wherever you know I'll see your thoughts on the subject. Note that not all characters will be used for the story, but I will try to fit in any supporting characters wherever I can, I already have a few ideas on what I'm going to do and some later characters, so some roles may already be taken.
Alright, let's see where the story goes from here!