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    Clone Wars Geek
    Clone Wars Geek
    Most of my ideas, if not all, come from my creativity. I LOVE STAR Wars and Halo and I have an account on Inkitt, Quotev, SpaceBattles
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The sith


Captain Rex and Anakin Skywalker were not having a good night. They had been assigned to patrol the Jedi temple as a punishment for breaking a few rules. Anakin had been caught tee-peeing the temple, and Rex had been an accomplice by not reporting him. They had to walk around the temple grounds for hours, checking for any signs of trouble.

"Remind me again why we're doing this?" Anakin grumbled as he followed Rex.

"Because you decided to prank the Jedi masters with toilet paper," Rex said.

"It was just a joke. They need to lighten up a bit."

"They didn't find it funny, sir. Neither did I, to be honest."

"Oh, come on, Rex. It was harmless. Besides, you didn't stop me."

"I didn't know what you were doing until it was too late. And then you dragged me into it."

"Hey, you're my friend. I thought you'd have my back."

"I do, sir. But I also have a sense of duty. And respect."

Anakin sighed. He knew Rex was right, but he didn't want to admit it. He was bored and restless, and he hated being stuck in the temple. He wanted to be out there, fighting the Separatists, not wasting his time on this pointless task.

They continued their patrol, making small talk and trying to pass the time. They joked about some of their past missions, their fellow clones and Jedi, and their hopes for the future. They also complained about the cold, the dark, and the monotony of their duty.

They were about to finish their last round when they saw something that made them stop in their tracks. A hooded figure was standing near the temple entrance, holding a red lightsaber. He was wearing a black cloak that covered most of his body, but they could see his face for a split second. He had pale skin, yellow eyes, and a scarred mouth. He looked familiar, but they couldn't place him.

"Who's that?" Anakin whispered.

"I don't know, sir. But he doesn't look friendly."

They watched as the figure turned and walked away, disappearing into the shadows. They exchanged a glance, and then ran after him. They reached the temple entrance, but they couldn't see him anywhere. He had vanished.

"Where did he go?" Rex asked.

"I don't know. But we have to find him. He could be a threat to the temple."

They searched the area, but they found no trace of him. They decided to report what they saw to the Jedi Council. They hoped they would have some answers.

They entered the council chamber, where the Jedi masters were waiting for them. They bowed and greeted them respectfully.

"Master Yoda, Master Windu, we have something to report," Anakin said.

"What is it, Skywalker?" Mace Windu asked.

"We saw a suspicious figure near the temple entrance. He was wearing a black cloak and a red lightsaber. He looked like a Sith."

"A Sith? Here? Are you sure?" Windu asked.

"Yes, sir. We saw him clearly. He had a scarred face and yellow eyes. He looked like... like...

Anakin had seen people like him, but NEVER this person.

"Darth Voris” said Yoda

the rest of the council gasped. 

“No. Impossible. He died.” Said Ayla Secura 

“Who is Darth Voris?” Asked Rex.

”An ancient sith that was equal to Yoda and me.” Windu said.

”What? No. No one is as wise and skilled as Yoda.” Said Anakin

”Need a strike force, we do” said Yoda. 

“The information that Darth Voris is back is only known by everyone IN THIS ROOM.” Said Windu

“You got that, Anakin and Rex?” Said Obi Wan over a hologram. 

“Yes sir.” Said Cody who was in the room.

”When’d you get here?” Asked Bly.

”Bly?” Said Yoda. 

“Why are you two even here?” Asked PLO Koon.

”I was placed on patrol here.” Said Cody.

”I was placed on patrol WITH Cody.” Said Bly. 

“You three will be leading different strike teams.” Said Obi Wan.

”Cody will lead the team hunting Darth Voris. Rex will lead the team finding out HOW he came back. Bly will be leading the team finding clues on Darth Vorises whereabouts, mysterious sith sightings, try to spot him on cameras all over the galaxy. Skywalker won’t be on a team. Neither will he be THINKING about this matter. You need to stay FOCUSED. Don’t want the chosen one to die.” Said Windu.

”You can count on us.” Said Cody.

“yes sir.” Said Rex.

”I hear ya loud and clear” said Bly.

”Okayyyyyyyy.” Said Anakin. 

“Recruit and find the clones for your teams.” Said Plo.

They then all left to go to their rooms and plan they’re next moves.

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