"I mean...we could. But will your human DNA and my alien one be a problem?" Zara, the beautiful alien with blue skin replied.
Mel nodded. He was nervous. He was after all, a gay man. Yet this woman, this alien with the blue skin, has captivated him. It made him question everything that he was.
"Let's find out!" Mel exclaimed and almost jumped her bones. They both fell to the floor.
Mels hands went to touch Zara's body, but almost instantly, he pulled away and got back to his feet.
"Nope! Nope! I...I can't do this!" He spoke.
"I thought you said that we could make this work!" Zara cried.
"Yeah, I...look, you're obviously very beautiful, and any guy, alien or not, would be lucky to have you. But me...? I'm gay!" Mel exclaimed.
"But...I told you that I could fix it! No man, no matter his species or sexuality, has ever resisted me!"
"Well...then I'll be the first. Sorry Zara...this isn't going to work. Why don't you just go back to Krypton or wherever it is you're from," Mel replied.
Zara's jaw dropped before she composed herself.
"Well, it was nice trying anyways. See you, Mel."
Zara flew off and Mel watched her as she took flight.
"Glad I escaped from that," Mel muttered.