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    리 루카스 (Lee Lucas)
    리 루카스 (Lee Lucas)
    My Online Store for Books Merch: https://lee-lucas-merch.printify.me/products/1
    Email: kennejm@stu.npenn.org

    I literally hate it when marketing salespeople email me. Like... no.
    My English doesn't feel like Englishing sometimes so if something in a story doesn't make sense please let me know in a kind way. My native language is Korean so please, don't judge.

    I love your comments and likes. It literally makes me soooo happy. Please comment. I love you all.


    도서 상품을 위한 내 온라인 스토어: https://lee-lucas-merch.printify.me/products/1
    이메일: kennejm@stu.npenn.org

    나는 마케팅 영업사원이 나에게 이메일을 보내는 것을 문자 그대로 싫어한다. 마치... 아니.

    나는 여러분의 댓글과 좋아요를 좋아합니다. 그것은 말 그대로 나를 너무 행복하게 만듭니다. 댓글을 달아주세요. 나는 여러분 모두를 사랑합니다.

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The Lies of Love (Dummies Version Included)

Okay, so picture this - I'm just minding my own business when this incredibly attractive mystery man suddenly appears in my bedroom out of nowhere. And let me tell you, he doesn't waste any time in making his move. I mean, it's not just any ordinary kiss we're talking about here; it's intense, passionate, and quite frankly, mind-blowing. As I try to wrap my head around the sheer unexpectedness of this situation, my mind is racing with questions. Who is this man? What is his connection to me? And most importantly, how on earth did he end up in my bedroom, setting off a chain of events that I could have never anticipated? It's like a whirlwind of emotions and sensations colliding all at once, leaving me utterly bewildered yet undeniably intrigued by the exhilarating turn of events that have just unfolded before me. And amidst all the confusion and excitement, one thing is for certain - my world will never be the same again.

In addition to the original story, there exists a simplified version labeled as the "For Dummies" chapters. This alternate version provides a more deliberately avoiding the use of complex vocabulary seen in the original narrative. It employs a straightforward language style. This iteration aims to distill the essence of the tale, presenting it in a digestible and approachable manner for those seeking a more straightforward interpretation, offering a more user-friendly experience for readers looking to explore the narrative without the linguistic barriers often associated with complex literature.

Disclaimer: This is a B x B story

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