You text Alex the next morning, texting 'hi.'
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You get a swift response, he is pleased that you actually texted him already.
"Hi there, how are you today? It's nice to hear from you again."
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"Doing pretty well. How are you?" You text.
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He texts back, not wanting to wait too long to reply, and he smiles at this message.
"I'm doing quite well, I'm just relaxing on the couch, and thinking about some songs to write. Nothing too crazy I suppose, and I am happy to hear you're doing well."
Alex smiles to himself and thinks... Damn. Maybe I have a chance.
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He stumbled out of bed, and drafted another text to you. But then Matt caught him and wished him a good morning... And Alex nodded, following Matt to his own hotel room, carrying a bottle of Jack Daniels. He could tell that Matt wanted to talk... But Alex couldn't help it - He spilt everything, and Matt listened intently, like a good friend would. He smiled.
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"Wait, you're actually happy for me?" Alex mumbled, slamming down some whiskey.
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"Nah, mate, I think it is better to make more friends." Matt said to Alex as they sat on the settee in the hotel room.
Matt looked up at the ceiling as he took another drag of his cigarette.
"I'll be honest, you've been startin' to concern me, Al." Matt's ice-blue eyes darted to the glass of whiskey Alex was drinking.
Alex sighed and rolled his eyes, downing the rest of his glass sloppily, a few drops spilling onto the settee, which he quickly wiped.
"Al, look at me." Matt asked kindly.
Alex turned to face his best friend.
"Why?" He mumbled, putting his head in his hands.
Matt replied. "Because you... You can't move on, and you're coping in a way that deeply concerns me." He said slowly, choosing every word.
"I lost the love of my life, Matt!" Alex defended.
Matt sighed.
Matt thought for a second, his fingers brushing his chin.
"Alright, Alex. You're my best friend, so it's up to me to say this to you. I'm going to be real, can you promise to listen to me?"
Alex fixed his hair while nodding.
Matt took his bandmate and beat friends' hand in his own.
"Alex... I know saying that the breakup being almost two years ago isn't going to help you move on. But I want to ask you something. What if you never had a girlfriend - A partner again?"
Alex blinked slowly, that was the strongest thing he had heard in a while. His friend promised to be harsh, not deep... And that scared him. Alex didn't like confronting his feelings unless it was deep in his lyrics, his craft, so he never had to expand.
"Um... Why do you ask?" Was all Alex was able to mumble out.
"Just think. Just answer the question." Matt said.
Alex shrugged.
"Would you be comfortable, Al? Would you be able to live like that? Because I... I think you got too dependent on that relationship, and now that it's gone... Instead of looking inwards, you're coping with sex, drugs, etc. Me and the boys are here for you - Al, you don't have to live like this. Getting high, getting drunk, calling random girls for hookups and then wondering why it doesn't last. Alex... You need to be able to stand on your own - You need to be a whole, not just a half. Especially now that you don't have a relationship."
Alex sat with Matt's words for a second.
Matt spoke up once more.
"You have me, Mi, Mal, Cookie... We're here for you. We want you to have friends, and be fine without romance. Embrace the single-ness." "I'm sure that's the word, but there's a reason I'm not the lyricist." Matt chuckled.
"That's easy for you to say, Matthew. You have Breanna." Alex crossed his arms.
"Okay, and? Guess what, life can't revolve around romance. Now that we're not on tour, I've noticed the state you're in and how dire it is. I have to help you now."
Alex didn't doubt how serious Matt was being, and that scared him.
"So that girl's number you just got - Would it be so bad to have another friend? Even if you think she's pretty, there's no harm in healing yourself and going slow. The future is open to you, my friend - Getting a new friend or something more... Nothing will be lost there. Just... See where it goes, don't force anything."
"Oh, but you should see her, Matt! She's beyond belief! I... I..."
"Matthew, can I admit something to you?"
Matt nodded, brows knitting.
"I now believe in fate, Matt. I saw this year a year ago at a concert, and I wrote... Well, I'll admit, I wrote 'R U Mine?' and 'Electricity' 'bout her. That's how I banged 'em out so quickly. And then I saw her at that bar party... And then last night, and I finally made a move. It's like she's meant to be in my life!"
Matt slowly blinked.
"Holy shit."
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Everything about the past 48 hours felt like a fucken' dream. Waking up, and even seeing a 'Good Morning' text from fucking Alex Turner felt unreal. The fact that meeting him in that pale moonlight and getting his number - How was that not a dream?! Hell... He even suggested meeting up tonight. What the hell else were you supposed to do on a perfectly fine Saturday night? Honestly, even if you did have plans, you'd probably cancel them in a heartbeat to not let this chance slip through your fingers.
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Matt had helped Alex draft the text asking you to hang out tonight for... Too long, but Matt wanted to be a good friend. Alex was technologically illiterate and bad at reading social cues, so... Even a simple text could be a mountain climb for him.
"See? A new friend! God, I sound like your mum!" Matt sighed after the text was sent.
"God... What do I even talk about? It's been a while since I've talked to someone new where I couldn't just charm them with pick-up lines..." He muttered that last part.
"Well, she's a fan of yours, so there's already something built in there. Maybe she'll ask you something about how you wrote the songs! Ask her about her life!"
Alex nodded and tried not to overthink - It was just a new relationship, he wasn't going to force anything. If he was going to turn a new leaf and start healthy relationships... He had to not force things to go the way he wanted. A relationship was a mutual two-way street, or whatever metaphors Matt was using.
"Listen, Alex... You have charisma - Don't sell yourself short. If you need a wingman... Even if it's just for new friends, I'm here." Matt offered a warm smile and a pat on the back.
Alex got up to leave the hotel room, and Matt couldn't help but smile.
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Alex left the whiskey bottle on the side-table.