Hello my pen name is koolcatjay i am 25 year old and live with my family on a small farm. When im not working the farm or selling at our local market I enjoy reading, writting, shoping, and spend time with my nease and nephew. I am the publshed childrens author to the book The Sweet Theif.
I want to exspand my works to teen and young adult books as well as screenplays.
But you can also just look up my pen name koolcatjay and you will find my potery as well on another online platform along with my book.
you can as well look up my other pen name Jaylee River and
you well find my my lyrics under that name.
Hey everyone this is Koolcatjay now known as author Jaylee Rivers.
here is a sample preview of my book. if You like what you see, feel free to order my book as its available worldwide through Ingrim sparks on all online store platforms.
the book is $22.00 and is 40 pages long. also, the song I'll come home soon is on this website called kompoz and its beautiful song you should take a listen to it, if you like what you read. I will also list a few of the websites you can by my book on.