Azam was at a Newsplus, at Maluri Aeon Mall. He was waiting for his mother, Zainab, and his sister, Fira, to join him for tea time. Azam's wife, Ayu, was away in her hometown for her confinement period after giving birth to their healthy baby boy, Azam's first. Fira and Zainab were both widows, or "Jandas" as they were known in the Malay community. Fira had been a janda for a year, and Zainab for five, and these likely played a role in what transpired that day.840Please respect copyright.PENANA46LonzY6JR
As Azam stood there, he couldn't help but notice the way people were looking at him. He was dressed in a Kedah FC t-shirt, his favorite team, and grey sweatpants. Even when his cock wasn't hard, the bulge was always prominent at the front of his sweatpants. But Azam didn't mind the attention. He was a confident man, and he knew that his size was something to be proud of.840Please respect copyright.PENANA2rJSnI0w41
When Fira and Zainab arrived, Azam turned to greet them. As they approached, mother and daughter's eyes caught sight of a fat elongated bulge on Azam's sweatpants. Both Fira and Zainab were caught off guard by the sight, and their janda loins started to quiver. But they quickly composed themselves, not wanting to arouse suspicion in Azam.840Please respect copyright.PENANA3V91Qb29gU
As Azam stood in front of his sister and mother, and asked what they wanted to drink, his mother's and sisters eyes fell on the front of his sweatpants once more. From their vantage point, Azam's elongated fat bulging man-hood was protruding downward, resting on what seemed to be the outline of Azam's two plump testicles, the reason being, the outline of the wide mushroom tip drooping at that direction. This took both Fira and Zainab's breath away, and left them speechless at the sheer size of Azam's package.840Please respect copyright.PENANAA9iUsnG9sg
Meanwhile, Azam, being oblivious to it all, went to get their drinks. Fira asked her mom if she had seen it. Zainab answered, "Ye, Umi nampak tadi. Bertuah betul adik ipar kamu" Fira replied, "Umi, sedap nya kalau dapat hisap pelir, Angah" Zainab replied, "Orang lelaki macam adik kamu tu, mesti banyak air mani, gemuk betul bonjol Angah tadi. Lebih lebih lagi, sekarang, bila Ayu dalam pantang lepas bersalin. Agaknya, kalau masuk cipap, sah sah penuh dan ketat, payah jugak nak mengenjuttu. Umi pasti, tangki adik kamu tu dah penuh sangat"840Please respect copyright.PENANArL9dUJVMxD
After Azam returned with the drinks, Zainab asked Azam how he was holding up. Azam, catching what she meant, turned red in the face as his mother and sister chuckled. He attempted to play down his blue balls situation by telling them that it was normal for men whose wives were in confinement, he just needs to be a strong man. Both his mother and sister didn't believe a word of it, which made all three burst into laughter.
Zainab being cheeky, asked her handsome son how to resolve it. Azam, not realizing the Implications of his frankness, said that before Ayu left for her hometown, she would suck him dry, and only then would the pressure subside. Fira and Zainab stared desirously at Azam, and in their minds, they thought, 'Kenyang nya kalau dapat hisap pelir, Angah ni'
Being spontaneous, Zainab suggested for Azam to sleep over at the family house instead of his place, as it was just Zainab and Fira. Azam, who was unaware of their ulterior motives, innocently agreed.840Please respect copyright.PENANAZNszBpOanR
Later that evening, Azam found himself in Zainab's room, his Kedah FC t-shirt, sweatpants, and white Renoma bikini briefs lying in a heap on the floor. On Zainab's bed was Azam, eyes glazed over, staring at the ceiling of his mother's room. The slurping throaty wet sounds mingled with grunts and passionate moans echoed throughout the room. In between his athletic thighs was his mom, stuffing down her throat his cock with abandon, while his sister, Fira was going for both of Azam's fat bloated tender balls.840Please respect copyright.PENANAjJsXRw41Ti
Fira said, "Umi, bagi lah Along hisap, please" to which Zainab replied, "Sabar, Fira, bagi la Umi hisap pelir Angah ni lama sikit" Fira then responded, "Tapi, Along pun nak air Angah" Zainab replied, "Umi tahu, tapi tengok la saiz telur Angah ni, lebih dari cukup untuk kamu dengan Umi nak kongsi."840Please respect copyright.PENANAZpVQxq9dlX
Even though Fira was not satisfied with her mom's explanation, she went back to sucking her biological brother's big plump balls. Suddenly her tongue felt it twitching, and immediately warned her mother, "Umi! Along rasa Angah ni nak pancut!." Azam could be heard moaning, "Umi! Angah tak tahan!" This made Zainab double her effort in blowing her son, her head went bobbing up and down violently as Azam threw his head back and shot his load down her loving maternal throat. Fira watched in awe as her mother continued to suck her brother, and she could see Azam's ball's clenching at the same time, and hearing their mothers swallowing and gulping down her brothers seed, as he shivered and trembled on the bed.840Please respect copyright.PENANACAzniHXr8Q
As the three of them lay there, Zainab having her thirst for her own son's cum quenched, had a satisfied look on her face, Azam, exhausted and still trying to catch his breath, couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He had never expected to be in this situation with his own mother and sister, but he couldn't deny the pleasure he had just experienced, as well as a strange feeling of being responsible in taking care of their needs as a son and brother. And Zainab couldn't help but feel grateful for Azam's copious release of his thick cum down her throat. For Fira, she was all "geared up" for her turn on her brother's cock. Luckily, Azam's testicles had copious amount of cum to spare. 840Please respect copyright.PENANAnomT8zmWsW