The party was still going strong when I returned to the gardens, judging by the laughter and shouting. I walked toward the central fountain, where the festivities were in full swing, though I had no intention of staying for long.
“Still no Ivetta?” Leon asked.
I ignored him and located Belle, standing between Rio and Jin. Rio’s usually friendly blue eyes were cold and hard as he looked at Jin, who was getting more drunk and handsy by the minute.
“Belle, go help Ivetta get ready,” I ordered.
She smiled brightly and shoved her glass into Jin’s chest, which was unsurprisingly closer to her than Rio’s.
“Be right back!” she shouted, and then she took off running back into the palace.
“Have a drink, Chevalier!” Jin said, offering me the glass.
“Drink it yourself,” I said coolly.
“Don’t mind if I do,” he said happily, but Rio made a show of tripping and knocking the glass to the ground. Jin stared mournfully at the moisture on the paving stones, surrounded by shards of glass.
“Oops, how clumsy of me,” Rio said, his tone as cheerful and carefree as ever. “Guess nobody gets Belle’s drink.”
Jin sighed heavily. “Now that was cruel.”
“Hm, one may almost say intentionally so,” Nokto observed, his crimson eyes glittering as he smirked at Rio.
Rio shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, wearing an innocent smile.
Jin, meanwhile, had finished his own glass and was downing another in a single gulp. He threw his arm around Rio’s shoulder with drunken ignorance.
“You know, that Belle is a doll,” he slurred.
“Careful, Jin,” Nokto warned, although his smile widened. “Her watchdog has teeth.”
“Oh, goodie, is there going to be a fight?” Clavis interjected gleefully, swishing the grape juice in his glass.
There would be if Jin shifted his attention from Belle to Ivetta when she arrived. If he was even still standing by then, of course. From the looks of him, he’d already drained at least two bottles of champagne by himself. He needed to take a leaf from Clavis’ book and give up alcohol entirely.
I walked away, deeper into the gardens, far enough to be left alone by my increasingly obnoxious brothers, close enough to listen for Ivetta’s voice. This was my celebration, after all, and I wanted to spend it with her, not them. Just not in her room. I was running far too hot with anticipation for that to be a safe location, especially when she was still healing. But I had another place in mind, a place that offered just the right combination of privacy and structure to allow me to enjoy myself thoroughly while also keeping myself in check. A place where I’d often denied myself the pleasure of kissing her when she was little more to me than a frustratingly attractive little maid invading my personal space.
But she was my maid no more. Now she was my princess. Princess Ivetta.
That had a very nice ring to it.
As did her voice as it was carried through the air to me, almost immediately swallowed in a roar of, “To Princess Ivetta!” by my brothers toasting her newfound title. I changed course to return to the party, walking much faster than I had when I left. They’d had their moment with her. Now, it was my turn.
“It was just one glass, Evie. I’m sure King Highness will thank me later,” Nokto was saying, glancing at me as I walked past.
“Don’t worry, Chevalier,” Yves said, scowling at Nokto. “Leon took her away from the sleaze-bag and the drunken old pervert.”
“It’s too bad, really,” Clavis commented, sounding distinctly crestfallen. “I was looking forward to a good murder today.”
I was looking forward to something else entirely. Something of a much softer and warmer nature, revolving entirely around the enticing figure standing with her back to me in an isolated section of the courtyard. She was talking to Leon and Licht, her long black hair fluttering slightly in the breeze, sunlight glinting off of the gold belt cinched neatly around her slim waist. Leon saw me coming, and his grin widened.
“Looks like our time’s up,” he said.
I smirked at him as I took her arm from behind and pulled her away. “Come.”
“Pr - Chevalier,” she said, surprised. “Where are we going?”
I didn’t respond, careful to erase the smirk before she saw it, but amused by her first attempt at dropping my title. It would take some time for her to get used to speaking to me less formally. Maybe. But maybe not with what I had planned. My first order of business was to throw her off balance completely, with a severe disconnect between my attitude and my actions. Thus, no smirk, no smile, just my usual cold facade, paired with my hand sliding down her arm to wrap around hers. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her look down at our hands, startled, and then back up at me. Her cheeks flushed bright red, and she looked quickly away.
All was going according to plan. The best tease had always been the one she didn’t recognize as such.
“You weren’t mean to the doctor, were you?” she asked, already embarrassed and trying to fill the awkward silence, as I’d hoped.
Now, to maintain a cool, detached tone, luring her into an emotional response to counter my apparent lack thereof.
“I merely explained that he was being unreasonable.”
“He’s really sweet, to be so concerned for me.”
“You don’t need him,” I countered quickly, surprising myself by going off script. “And you don’t need Leon. You are mine now.”
That wasn’t planned. Nor was her reaction to my admittedly possessive outburst.
The way my name slipped so naturally from her lips as her wide green eyes stared up at me threatened to make me forget the rest of my plan. It was all I could do not to stop her right there in the hallway and pull her into a passionate embrace. I squeezed her hand involuntarily, promising myself more in just a few more feet. We were almost there.
“Sariel explained everything?” I asked, back on script.
She nodded. “Yes, he did.”
“Good. There is a matter we need to discuss,” I continued. “Do you remember?”
I knew she would. It was the second day after she regained consciousness, when I’d told her she thought too little of herself, confessed my love for her, and kissed her for the first time. She’d then panicked and ordered me out of her room. And I’d promised myself to kiss her smart mouth properly at a later time.
That time was only seconds away now.
“Have you repaired your opinion of yourself?”
“I guess I’m not a maid anymore,” she said uncertainly.
“That isn’t what I asked.” I closed the door behind us, enclosing us in my private library. She looked around in surprise, so distracted that she hadn’t even realized where I was taking her. I approached her, slowly and deliberately, backing her into the bookcases, removing my gloves as I neared. Her green eyes were nervous, her cheeks becoming more and more flushed every second. I stopped, my eyes inches from hers, my fingers lightly tracing up and down her neck. The plan was about to reach its end, as I knew full well that I’d be lucky to retain any train of thought after this point.
“Perhaps you need a demonstration of what I think of you,” I said with a smirk, and then I finally kissed her.
I was right. She tasted as sweet as I had hoped, more so, and it was all I could do to pull back, just for a second, to check her expression. If she wanted me to stop, I would, though it would physically pain me to do so. A single taste was not enough.
She looked up at me wonderingly, not a hint of fear or anxiety in her beautiful green eyes. “Chevalier-”
I cut her off with another kiss, longer and deeper. My fingers slid around her neck to cradle the back of her head, and my other hand slid around her waist, pulling her even closer to me. Her lips, her tongue, her teeth, all mine to explore, sweetened by her soft gasps of pleasure as I kiss her over and over again. She wrapped her arms around my neck; her heart pounded against my chest. I only stopped when I had to pause and catch my breath.
“Chevalier, I think you’ve had too much champagne,” she gasped, her eyes shining.
“I’ve had none,” I replied breathlessly. “You refused to run away from the Brutal Beast, and now you must suffer the consequences.” I leaned in to kiss her neck, tracing the pattern my fingers had taken. She tilted her head to the side, offering me more, the tantalizing scent of lilacs lingering in her hair only further intoxicating me. Every part of her was sweet. Every part of her was perfect.
“Stop,” she said suddenly. I pulled back, looking at her questioningly. There was a cloud over her green eyes, a hint of pain.
“I need to sit down.”
I sighed, frustrated, but I had known this was likely to happen. “Very well.” I led her out to a sofa in the main library, sitting close beside her. “You’re pale,” I observed, tucking a stray strand of silky black hair behind her ear.
“I just need a minute,” she said softly.
“Did I hurt you?” I asked, concerned. I’d abstained from champagne to maintain better control of myself, but it was easier to get drunk on her than any alcohol. Maybe I had been too eager.
“No, I’m just a bit sore, that’s all.” She gave me a small smile to try to reassure me, but she was still breathless when she should have sufficiently recovered from our intense kisses. I studied her face, noting the increasing pallor underneath and around her blush.
“I’ll take you back to your room.”
“Not yet,” she pleaded, putting her hand on my arm.
Her words and her touch sent a thrill up my spine and brought a smile back to my face. “You’re much less reserved than before.” I tilted my head slightly to the side and smirked. “Perhaps you are the one who has had too much champagne.”
“I only had one glass,” she said, giggling. “I think it’s more to do with the fact that I was just a maid before, and now I’m a princess.”
She was still as frustrating as ever, for an entirely different reason than before.
“You still don’t understand.” I leaned in and kissed her, much more gently than before. “Your social class means nothing to me. You’re a brave little dove, but you’re not as strong as you think. I’ve decided it’s safer for you to be here with me.”
If she kept saying my name that way, I was going to find it very hard to take her back to her room instead of mine, pain or no pain. I caressed her cheek, gently catching her chin.
“I told you I would handle it. I’m not letting you go again.”
“Even if I wasn’t a princess?” she asked, searching my face.
“The decision was made over a month ago, Ivetta. The journal merely provided a convenient opportunity.”
I needed her to understand, and if words weren’t enough, then I would find another way to explain it to her. A way that would also satisfy the craving I’d had for much longer than a month. I kissed her again, hungry for her lips, knowing that this would have to sate my appetite for now.
She pulled back, gratifying me with a shy smile. “I’m glad. I’m not cut out to be your mistress.” She reached up hesitantly, her fingers lightly brushing the hair out of my eyes. Her touch was light as a feather, but it sent a shock through me as powerful as a lightning bolt.
“I would never have asked you to do such a thing,” I said, smiling as her fingers ran through my hair.
“Maybe we should go outside and join the others,” she muttered, allowing her hand to trail down my cheek.
“Do you really want to?” I caught her wrist and pulled her fingers to my lips, kissing each one individually.
She shook her head. “Not really.”
For so long, she had evaded my eyes, but now, she couldn’t look away. She was mine. Willingly, happily mine. But the realization that she was trying to hide the truth from me again tempered my elation. There was a slight tension in her face, and the blush was fading and revealing an unnatural gray tint to her skin.
“You’re in pain.”
She nodded reluctantly.
We walked back to her room in silence, still holding hands. The guards looked politely away as we neared. She dropped her gaze to the floor, her cheeks bright red all over again with embarrassment. She loosened her grip on my hand, but I refused to let it go. I unlocked the door and held it open for her, mildly amused by how quickly she brushed past me, the way she stared fixedly at the ground until I closed the door behind me. Then, and only then, did she finally look back up at me, her green eyes shining and her smile shy.
“Chevalier?” she asked hesitantly.
“Yes?” I took her other hand gently in mine as we faced each other.
“I…I didn’t tell you before because…well, you know. But…I love you, too, Chevalier.”
That was not something she should confess to me in her bedroom. I leaned in and kissed her, long and soft, wishing I could be sure that the small moan that escaped her was a reaction to me and not the pain. But her hands were starting to tremble slightly, and I finally pulled back.
“Then I may say it again without the risk of you throwing me out?” I asked teasingly.
“Well, as long as you behave,” she replied, her cheeks bright red in her otherwise ashen face.
“Unfortunately, you’re in no condition for me to do otherwise, little dove.” I leaned in again to whisper into her ear. “And I love you too much to want to see you in any more pain. So come.”
I led her to the bed, where she sat down heavily, dropping her gaze to her lap.
“Do you need any help?”
“I don’t think so,” she said, closing her eyes. The hand in her lap was visibly shaking. I sighed and released her other hand, bending down to pick up her legs carefully and swing them onto the bed.
“I want you to ask me for help,” I said with mild irritation, ignoring her surprised protest and removing her shoes. She didn’t say a word as I pulled the blankets up over her and tucked her in, but her eyes didn’t leave mine. I rested my hands on the pillow on either side of her, staring down at her. “Do you need anything else?”
“Could you - could you stay here? Just until I fall asleep?” She blushed nervously at her own question, but I didn’t hesitate. I smiled and kissed her again, and then I lay down beside her, as I had that first day she woke up. Except this time, she had turned to face me, and there was no confusion in her eyes.
“So much has happened today,” she said quietly. “I don’t know what to think anymore.”
“Sometimes, little dove, you don’t need to be so clever.” I leaned in and kissed her forehead. “And you don’t need to take care of yourself anymore.” I took her hand in mine, and she closed her eyes.
“I’m not dreaming, am I?” she asked.
“Do you often dream about me?” I teased.
“Chevalier!” Her eyes were wide open again, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
I chuckled. “You’re blushing,” I said, smirking. My finger glided gently down her cheek, and she turned even redder. I kissed her again, softly, silently reminding myself that she needed to rest and I really needed to stop.
It was difficult, to say the least.
“I…I was going to leave,” she confessed.
“I know. You were trying very hard to distance yourself from me. Where were you going to go?”
“I hadn’t really thought about it. Maybe…maybe Obsidian. Prince Gilbert did invite me.”
My eyes narrowed at his name, but she smiled.
“He knew, Chevalier. But he told me it would be better coming from you.”
I relaxed again. “He is rising in my estimation.”
“And you’re going to be king.” Her smile faltered as she looked at me.
“You’re worrying again, Ivetta.”
“But…it’s even more important for you to choose the right partner, isn’t it?”
“You should get some rest, little dove.” I lightly touched her eyelids, and she closed them obediently. “There’s no point in worrying about something that will never change. Isn’t that what you said?” She nodded, and I moved my face closer to hers. “Things are changing, Ivetta,” I whispered. “But there’s still no point in worrying.” My lips brushed against hers one more time. “So go to sleep. I’ll stay here.”
She drifted off to sleep, my hand cupping her face, my thumb caressing her cheek. I closed my eyes and rested my forehead on hers. If I left this room and found myself faced with the choice to give up the throne or her, I knew which I’d choose. Leon could have the throne. It didn’t matter anymore. All I wanted was right here.
My Ivetta. My little dove.52Please respect copyright.PENANAcx22a5QFQ6