Hiroyuki's Splendid Forest is a story based on friendship and nature. It begins in the bustling and poverty-stricken city of Yoshi, where our main character, Nobu lives. He's a young thirteen year old boy with a drive to see what else is waiting for him outside Yoshi. With the help of his grandmother and a young orphan girl named Shig, he feels more determined than ever before. Will he accomplish his dreams or not?443Please respect copyright.PENANA4AP6A9mRNb
This story does contain mentions of abuse and animal death. If you are sensitive to those, please don't read.443Please respect copyright.PENANAKpjItYrKMh
I thought of Hiroyuki's Splendid Forest from watching Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli (Please do watch it. It's wonderful!) I loved the idea of preserving nature, so I decided to make up my own little story based off it. This is not made from the help of ChatGPT.443Please respect copyright.PENANA1we7myKjGS