Jessica and Rickon stared at one another; Laura, Matthias, and Maverick said nothing. Rickon was happy to see that Jessica was safe and unharmed; the thought of her being killed by Andrea would've been too much to bear. However, what made his fear even more was how she looked at him.
She was scared of him, and Rickon couldn't blame her. The werewolf noticed that his brother and Maverick glared at him; he knew what they wanted him to do. His lips trembled as he tried to speak; his throat felt dry, and his heart beat out of control. "J-J-Jessica..."
"What are you?" she asked in a faint whisper.
Rickon flinched. He expected Jessica to run away and scream, but she asked him a simple question. "I-I-I..." he cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "I'm Rickon, and I-I'm a werewolf."
Jessica slowly began to tremble as she looked at everyone else. "Y-You all knew this?"
Matthias was about to speak up, but Maverick motioned out his hand, looked at the Alpha, and shook his head; he stepped forward. "Yes, Jessica. We all are werewolves and before you react, I also want you to know that Iris knows about our identity."
The young woman's eyes widened. "Sh-She did? And she didn't tell me."
Maverick noticed that Jessica looked betrayed, but he didn't want her to get a misconception. "She found out not too long ago, and she was shocked. Matthias and I believed that it was not Iris's place to tell you of our identity since it was more of Rickon's responsibility."
"His responsibility? Why? Is it because we're seeing one another? Iris and I have been best friends for a while, I-"
Laura interrupted her and stepped forward but didn't get too close as she noticed Jessica walking back; she was still frightened. "The thing is Jessica, Rickon had more responsibility because not only are you guys hanging out more, it's because well..." she looked at Rickon and nodded at him.
Rickon took a deep breath. "It's because you're my mate, Jessica." There was a heavy silence, a feeling of dread between the werewolves. All eyes were on Jessica; she looked like a confused deer in a headlight. "A mate is a werewolf's companion and partner until the end of their days. A mate is a werewolf's reason for living every day."
Jessica's mind was trying to capture the information that she was told. She read a lot of books and online werewolf fictional stories. The word 'mate' came' through many times in the stories she read. Jessica thought it was romantic, but the more she read stories and the older she got, the more she realized that mates were chosen by another force rather than the individual. "I heard about mates in stories, but there is something of a goddess that chooses for you."
The werewolves were quiet and looked at one another. Jessica was slowly regaining her strength and her confidence. "At first, I thought it was romantic but something chooses for you rather than yourself. How can you be sure you really love each other if you didn't choose for yourself?"
"It's true, Jessica. However, the moon goddess matches you with someone who will complete you and who matches with you. Jessica, even with soulmates, sometimes we don't get to choose; life and fate can choose for you. I still would have liked you even if I weren't a werewolf. You have a bright and wonderful personality. You are kind and full of ambition and dreams. Never in my life have I felt in love and so much happiness. Without you, I feel that life would have no meaning."
The duo looked at one another, and Jessica put her arms around herself. "Who was the woman who attacked me?"
A feeling of dread was felt throughout the house. It was the moment of truth that Rickon never wanted to happen. All eyes were on him; he knew that he wouldn't be able to get out of his current predicament. "Sh-She..." His body was trembling and felt as if it was on fire.
"Rickon, tell her now," Matthias commanded as his eyes slowly changed color.
"She was my former friend with benefits!" Rickon took deep breaths, trying to calm his anxiety. "I didn't love her, but she thought differently and believed we had something special. When I met you, I broke it off with her; she didn't take it well! She was mentally unstable and wouldn't leave alone, so I told her many things to keep her away!" He scratched his head roughly, leaving his hair in disarray. "She went crazy and believed that you were to blame! The truth is, I'm to blame for everything! I was selfish and needed someone to take away the void I was feeling because I felt alone!"
Jessica's eyes widened, and she slowly shook her head; she felt disgusted by what she heard. "You truly are a monster." Rickon and everyone flinched as they noticed a hint of venom in Jessica's voice. Rickon trembled as her words hurt him deeply; a part of him knew that she was telling the truth. Yet, hearing that from his mate made his heart and soul break. "I could see it in her eyes; she was mentally unwell. She was probably that way when you first met, right?" When he didn't answer, she scoffed at him. "You selfish bastard. You used her until you found me all because you wanted to fill in a void? What's her name?"
"What is her name, Rickon!?"
Laura, Matthias, and Maverick believed the situation turned south and decided to intervene. "You know the truth, Jessica. I know you are confused, hurt, and frustrated. You went through something traumatic and you need time to process," said Laura.
"I told Rickon that he should give you time for yourself until you are ready to speak to him again. I don't want you to do and say things you might regret."
"I don't want to stay here. I want to go back to my apartment!"
Maverick stepped forward. "Look, Andrea escaped, and we don't know where she is. If you want, you can stay at my home with Iris. Once you've calmed down and spoken to her, you can decide. Does that sound fair?"
The young woman was silent but eventually nodded. She eyed Rickon, who looked shocked; she shook her head and returned to her room, closing the door behind her. Matthias sighed and was happy that the truth was told but felt terrible for his brother. It would have broken him if Laura had ever called him a monster. "Rickon, you finally did the right thing. What Maverick did was also right; he prevented her from rejecting you. Both of you need space and-" Matthias couldn't finish his statement. Rickon ran out of the house, immediately changed into his werewolf form, and ran off.
"He's hurt, my love. I know that these two will heal, but time is what they need. I hope that Iris will make Jessica see this," said Laura.
They went on to prepare for Jessica, but not before hearing a sorrowful howl from afar.
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