The beautiful summer day was somehow different this time. Climate change has been playing with us lately, making vine crops not produce same as last year. Craig was concerned, perhaps the crop was not delivering producing at least over last year's crop.
On my side, I had a reason to cruise down the road from where we lived. After many discussions and investigations found a car of my dreams, like a summer car to drive and visit the vineyard during production. I grabbed my sun hat, silk scarf, sunglasses and the picnic basket I set aside for 'emergency' scapes. I always made sure that basket to have a bottle of red wine, glazed, grapes, cheese snd crackers, so we would experience any delays to get it ready.
I looked like a Hollywood star in the movies when driving that car, the wind making my scarf dance with the wind, and feel the warm sun embracing me with its warm hug. Pretty much like a fatale French woman going to meet her lover at a secret location.
Well, we grabbed our stuff and drives away, scaling from the chaotic modern world.
After a couple of hours we arrived. A black huge gate guarded this special out of movies French look a like place. Craig pulled out the gate's key
and pulled out one of the gated doors and drove through. Then Craig hopped on and continued the driving where the mature trees where located. There, we had managed to have some Gravesteins and Gala apples to experiment. It was time to check their produce after 2 years of growing these apple tree species. We
Right in the middle of the tree forest was an abandoned barn. We drives down there to inspect it. Perhaps we could fix it to keep it as a summer house for summer visitors. We could use it for parties in the family. Craig had a long family, he is the fourth of 7 siblings the McMaster family had.
So when we arrived, I took the stuff out of the car snd set up a place where to sit down and enjoy the view as far as our eyes could see. The view from up the hill down the rows of planted vineyards, green in one side snd dark on the other looked so organized in line, it look like the farmers knew what they were doing.
I set up our little camping spot for celebrating our 8th year together, just us, the apple trees and the vineyards.
Craig pulled out his pipe, poured some tobacco in, tucked it and lighted up. A nice chocolate vanilla smell invaded the atmosphere.
What a beautiful scene isn't it?
Yes hun I replied
Nice place to relax
This time I brought some champagne to celebrate our years together.
Wonderful 8 years together.
8 years of unconditional true love.
We took a sip to enjoy the champagne's floral profile. A little hint of sweetness at the end made it more enjoyable.
After the second glass we decided to take a little break and enjoy the magnificent view.
Craig interrupted the little break we had enjoying the champagne and said, ok shall we go snd inspect the barn? It's getting late. The wind started to pick up, perhaps the storm on the forecast was quickly approaching. We packed the stuff snd put it side the trunk. We made sure the car protected since it was a convertible.
We went inside the barn to inspect.
Still some of the sunshine came through the skylight creating a mystical environment. Inside there was some hay spread all over the floor.
All of the sudden the sky turned dark, the clouds gathered hell broke loose. A strong loud thunder came across the sky like whip and the echo bounced in the far dying slowly until nothing else could be heard. Then without any premonition, it lashed across the sky. The found it made took us by surprise. I jumped and went to seek for cover under his arms. He wasn't expecting that either.
It was so unexpected, it made me shiver. By instinct, Craig hugged me stronger. His hug was so strong, my instinct was to push him away.
He grabbed my arm snd pulled closer to his body. I was so close to him. I felt I was getting overcome by his blue eyes. He hold my head and looked at my eyes. I froze at that moment. He kissed me. I kissed him back. All of the sudden an urge came over us to increase the speed of our doing. I started to find his belt to unzip his pants and at the same time we were kissing feel how his cock came to life. He took his jacket snd placed it on top of the hay.
Here - he goes, so nobody gets scratched. He hold me closer to his body, giving me the hint to lay on the floor were the hay and the jacket was.
Craig laid besides me. We continued kissing as he distracted me with his kisses, he positioned his body on top of mine and his hand started to feel my body. Found the zipper of my pants and opened. I kinda moaned anticipating his next move.
Once he found his way to my clitoris, he found something more pleasurable to play with. His middle finger made me moan of pleasure as he pushed it inside me. I started to moan and shiver. He was quick to move, he pulled his penis out and fucked me. I couldn't move. My pants test rained me from moving.
As he increased his speed, my heartbeat did. That restriction of movement snd him kissing my neck made me come faster.
As well as Craig, he came couple of seconds after. We tried the keep a good pace on the thrusting, none of us wanted to come. Not yet. The pleasure was increasing so fast, we did want it to stop.
One of us was about to climax, but wanted to continue. So we kept going until exhausted and satisfied.
The end of the storm came at the same time Craig came.
The sky opened up and the sun came out of its hiding.
We forgot to finish the new plan for rebuilding the barn. We will have to come back.
Hoping this time there won't be any storm in the forecast.