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    A 17 year old writer from Pakistan with a collection of poetry and short stories. Currently immersed in crafting my debut book, blending creativity with passion for storytelling.
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Entangled Hearts


Entangled hearts- Uswa Ahmed

Main characters:

Evany and Steve

(Parallel: Evelina and Stephen)


Speculative fiction, magical realism and phycological thriller.

Evany: a kind hearted and creative person who believes in living in the moment and cherishes relationships about all.

Steve: a passionate and ambitious individual who value love but is also deeply focused on their career.

Plot structure: the story alternate between two parallel words. Each chapter or section could shift between these world with small visual or stylistic cues to indicate the change.

World one: together, but struggling

World two: separate lives, but longing

The story starts with: 

Steve and Evany were standing under a small shelter, avoiding the rain. The conversation is tense, and the atmosphere is heavy with unresolved emotions.

Steve: [running his hands through his wet hair]

“You’ve been distant lately, Evany. Are you even listening to me anymore?”

Evany: [arms crossed, her voice tight]

“I’m here, Steve. I’m always here, but it feels like I’m the only one trying.”


“Trying? Trying to what? We’re both busy, we both have our own lives, and you make it sound like I’m not even part of yours anymore.”

Evany: [sighs, looking away]

“Maybe because it feels like we’re living in different worlds. I can’t reach you, Steve. And I’m tired of pretending that everything’s okay.”

Steve: [pauses, hurt flashing across his face]

“You think I don’t feel the same? You think I’m just ignoring it? You’re always so quick to blame me when—”

Evany: [cutting him off, frustration bubbling up]

“I’m not blaming you. I’m trying to tell you that I need… I need us to be real again. I need you to see me, Steve.”

Steve: [quietly, the weight of his words heavy]

“I do see you, Evany. But maybe… maybe it’s you who stopped seeing me.” And then Steve went to a bench and sit there.

Evany stood on the corner of the crowded street, the rain a relentless downpour that soaked through her thin coat. She watched as people hurried past, heads down, umbrellas clutched tightly, but all she could think about was the argument they'd had right now. Steve's words echoed in her mind, each one a sharp reminder of the distance that has grown between them. As she closed her eyes, trying to block out the noise of the city, she imagined herself somewhere else anywhere but here. And when she opened them again, she was. Warmth enveloped her, the scent of coffee and baked goods filling in the air. She blinked, disoriented as she found herself sitting at a small table in a cozy café, a cup of steaming tea before her but Stephen in the face of Steve was calling her Evelina. Across from her, Stephen was talking, his eyes sparkling with the ease of their conversation. For a moment, she felt at peace, as if the cold, wet street outside didn't exist. 

Evelina and Stephen share light conversation, but there’s an underlying tension, as if they both feel something more but aren’t saying it yet.

Stephen: [smiling, leaning forward slightly]

“You always pick the most complicated drinks. What is this again? Lavender vanilla tea?”

Evelina: [laughs softly, taking a sip of her tea]

“Don’t knock it till you try it. It’s the little things, Stephen. Simple pleasures, right?”

Stephen: [teasingly]

“Right. But you’re anything but simple, Evelina. Always have been a mystery.”

Evelina: [raises an eyebrow, amused]

“A mystery? That’s new. What happened to ‘just Evelina, the girl who can’t decide between tea and coffee’?”

Stephen: [chuckles, looking at her closely]

“I mean, there’s more to you. I’ve always thought so. But you keep people at arm’s length. I’ve never figured out why.”

Evelina: [a flicker of sadness crosses her face as she looks out the window]

“Maybe I just haven’t found anyone worth letting in.”

Stephen: [softly, his voice full of sincerity]

“Or maybe you’re scared of what happens when you do.”

Evelina: [turns to look at him, their eyes meeting]


Back to the rainy street. Steve is pacing now, frustration bubbling under the surface. Evany stands still, arms wrapped around herself, unsure of what to say next.

Steve: [in a frustrated tone, hands clenched]

“You always make everything about emotions. You think I don’t care? You think I’m not doing my best here?”

Evany: [voice softer, but hurt]

“It’s not about doing your best, Steve. It’s about us, what we’ve lost. We don’t talk anymore. Not really.”


“And what do you want me to say? That I’m scared too? That I don’t know if this is going to work anymore?”

Evany: [her breath catches, surprised by his admission]

“So… that’s it? You’ve already given up?”

Steve: [his voice softens, conflicted]

“I don’t know. I just… I don’t know if we can fix this.”

In the warm café, their conversation turns more serious. There’s a moment of quiet between them as they both realize something deeper is happening.

Stephen: [his voice lowering, leaning slightly closer]

“You know, sometimes I feel like we’ve been having this same conversation for years. Like we keep circling around something but never really say it.”

Evelina: [nervously fidgeting with her cup, glancing up at him]

“Maybe we’re scared of what it means if we actually say it.”

Stephen: [gazing at her intently, his voice sincere]

“Scared, or just waiting for the right time?”

Evelina: [her voice almost a whisper]

“And when is the right time, Stephen?”

Stephen: [a small smile tugs at his lips]

“Maybe it’s now. Or maybe… it’s always been.”

 After the argument with Steve, Evany retreats to her room, emotionally exhausted. She lies down, closing her eyes, letting the echoes of their argument replay in her mind. The sound of rain continues outside, mirroring her inner turmoil.

Evany's Thoughts:

“I’m tired of this. Every conversation feels like we’re breaking apart a little more. Why does it always end like this?”

Suddenly, the rain fades, and she finds herself somewhere else—a café, filled with warmth and laughter. In this world, Stephen sits across from Evelina. There’s no tension, only calm conversation and soft smiles. Evany can see Stephen’s eyes on Evelina, full of admiration, and Evelina responds with kindness and ease, even if they’re not together.

Evany (to herself):

“Why can’t it be like that? Why can’t we be like them?”

Stephen’s Voice:

“You deserve to be seen, Evelina. Truly seen.”

Evany watches this interaction, and when she opens her eyes, she realizes something—Steve was her world, but maybe she was too focused on the arguments to see him for what he was trying to be. She knows their love is worth saving, so she goes to find him.

Evany rushes to Steve’s apartment. The rain is still pouring as she knocks on his door, soaked, but determined.

Steve: [opens the door, surprised to see her]

“Evany? What are you doing here? You’re drenched!”

Evany: [breathing heavily, looking straight into his eyes]

“I’m sorry, Steve. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want us to drift apart. I see you now. I see what you’ve been trying to do for us, and I was too caught up in my own fears.”

Steve: [pauses, his expression softening]

“Evany, it’s not just you. I’ve been distant too, focusing on everything else but us.”

Evany: [steps closer, voice soft]

“Then let’s stop pushing each other away. I need you, Steve. We need to figure this out… together.”

Steve: [sighs, pulling her into a hug]

“We will, Evany. We will.”

They reconcile and share a few weeks of peace, but as life gets back to normal, Steve starts spending more time with his friends and focusing on his career. The strain returns, and so do the arguments.

This time, they argue about Steve’s lack of attention toward Evany, as he’s constantly away, distracted by his career and social life.

Evany: [frustrated, voice raised]

“You’re always out with your friends, or you’re working late. Where do I even fit into your life anymore, Steve?”

Steve: [defensive]

“I’m trying to build something for us! You know that! But it’s like nothing I do is ever enough for you.”

Evany: [shakes her head, upset]

“It’s not about how much you’re doing. It’s about how little you’re here. I feel like I’m losing you again, Steve.”

Steve: [angrily]

“Maybe it’s because you’re always waiting for me to mess up. You never trust me!”

Evany: [hurt, quiet]

“I want to trust you. But how can I when you’re never really here?”

Some other day, the had an argument again.

Steve and Evany are hosting an anniversary party, surrounded by friends, family, and even social media attention. Everyone praises their relationship, seeing them as the “perfect couple” from the outside. There’s laughter, photos being taken, and a lot of attention on them as a power couple. Steve is charming and affectionate in public, making it seem like their relationship is rock-solid.

While they’re getting all this positive attention, Evany feels a growing sense of unease. She knows the public adoration doesn’t reflect their private reality. Steve is sweet and attentive in front of others, but when they’re alone, he’s distant and uninterested in their relationship. This scene can showcase the contrast between public perception and private truth.

During the party, Steve makes a grand toast, praising Evany in front of everyone. He talks about how much he loves her and how lucky he is to have her. The crowd claps and cheers, but Evany knows the words are hollow. The public facade masks their underlying issues, and this moment deepens her internal conflict.

Steve (raising a glass): "To Evany, the love of my life, who makes every day brighter. I couldn’t ask for anyone better."

Evany (thinking): "If only you could feel this way when we’re alone."

After the toast, people gather around, asking how they keep their relationship so strong. Steve smiles and gives vague answers, while Evany feels the pressure of living up to the image they’ve created.

Friend 1: "You two are like relationship goals!"

Friend 2: "What’s your secret, Steve? How do you make it work?"

Steve: "It’s all about love and patience." (Evany forces a smile)

Evany (thinking): "I wish it were that simple."

Once the guests leave, Steve goes back to his usual self, absorbed in his work or phone, barely acknowledging Evany. She confronts him about the disconnect between their public image and their private life.

Evany: "You’re so good at putting on a show for everyone. Why can’t you be that person with me when we’re alone?"

Steve: "I’m tired, Evany. It’s been a long night. Let’s talk about this later."

Evany: "Later never comes, Steve. That’s the problem."

Meanwhile, in World 2, Stephen has decided to keep his distance from Evelina, convinced that she would never reciprocate his feelings. He has moved away, focusing on his life, but his heart still lingers with thoughts of Evelina.

Stephen's Thoughts:

“She deserves more than someone who’s too scared to confess. She deserves everything.”

Evelina is walking home late from a study session or work in her town, which is far from where Stephen lives. She sends Stephen regular texts about her day, and he knows her routine well. During the walk, Evelina texts Stephen casually, unaware that danger is around the corner.

Evelina (texting): "Finally heading home, can’t believe how long today was. Wish you were here, it’s so quiet."

Stephen (replying instantly): "Be careful, it’s late. Do you need a ride?"

Evelina (texting back): "Nah, it’s fine. Just a short walk. See you tomorrow!"

Stephen has always been overprotective, so even though Evelina says she’s fine, he has a bad feeling. He knows Evelina is stubborn and won’t ask for help unless it’s serious, so he checks a local rideshare app and sees that no cars are available in her area. Determined not to leave her safety to chance, Stephen quickly uses his connections to ensure her safety.

Stephen knows a friend or acquaintance who lives near Evelina. He quickly messages them, asking for help.

Stephen (texting a local friend): "Hey, are you near brisbane CBD? She’s walking home, it’s late, and I’m worried. Can you check on her?"

Friend: "Yeah, I’m nearby. I’ll go see if I can find her."

As Evelina walks, she encounters a group of guys loitering near the street. They start catcalling her, making her feel uncomfortable, but she keeps walking, pretending not to hear them.

Guy 1: "Hey, pretty lady, where you headed?"

Guy 2: "Why don’t you stop and chat with us?"

Evelina (nervously texting Stephen): "There are some creeps on the street... trying to ignore them."

Meanwhile, Stephen is anxiously waiting for an update from his friend, feeling helpless because he’s far away.

Stephen (texting): "Stay calm. Help’s on the way."

Evelina (texting back): "What do you mean, help?"

Just as the situation is escalating, Stephen’s friend arrives and calls out to Evelina.

Friend: "Hey, Evelina! There you are, let’s get going."

Evelina is surprised but relieved. She thanks Stephen’s friend and quickly walks away with them, not fully understanding how Stephen orchestrated her rescue from miles away.

Evelina (to Stephen’s friend): "Hi Aiden, you're here? Did Steve send you?"

Later, when Evelina gets home, she calls Stephen. She playfully scolds him for being overprotective, but deep down, she’s grateful that he cares so much. Stephen, however, brushes it off, not wanting to reveal just how much effort he’s putting in to keep her safe.

Evelina (on the phone): "I don’t know how you manage it, but you always seem to have eyes on me. I’m starting to think you’re psychic."

Stephen (laughing): "I just know you too well."

Evelina (smiling): "Thanks for watching out for me. I guess I’m lucky to have a friend like you."

Stephen listens to her words, content but still hiding his true feelings. He doesn’t say anything about his love, but his actions continue to speak for him.

This shows Stephen protecting Evelina from afar, emphasizing his dedication and care even though they are miles apart.

Evelina doesn’t realize the full extent of his efforts, allowing for a slow burn in their relationship.

Stephen’s protective nature shines, and this could be a buildup to when he finally confesses his feelings.

One night, Stephen has a dream—a vision of the first world. He sees Evany and Steve fighting, their relationship fraying at the edges. The intensity of the fight jolts him awake, his heart racing.

Stephen (to himself):

“They’re falling apart. But what does it mean? Why did I see that?”

Shaken by the dream, Stephen realizes that running away from his feelings won’t make them disappear. He still loves Evelina. And in seeing that other version of himself fighting with Evany, he’s reminded that time is precious, and the more he hesitates, the further away Evelina slips.

After Stephen witnesses Evany and Steve's argument in their world through a dream or vision, he feels compelled to act in his own world. This is when he and Evany have their interaction, almost as if the parallel worlds are speaking to each other directly.

Stephen wakes from the vision of Evany and Steve's argument. He is startled, feeling the weight of both worlds on his shoulders. Evany, sensing the same turmoil, speaks to him across the parallel divide.

Evany: "How is it that i see you when i closed my eyes, Stephen? You don't belong here."

Stephen: "Maybe we're meant to see each other, Evany. To understand what our lives could have been... Or still might be."

After this, Stephen realizes he can't wait any longer and rushes to confess his love to Evelina. 

Early morning, Stephen rushes to Evelina’s place, breathless from his revelation. He sees her at her door, and she’s surprised to see him, her usual calm demeanor softening.

Evelina: [smiling slightly]

“Stephen? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Stephen: [nervous but determined, catching his breath]

“I saw something. A dream. Or maybe… a warning. I don’t know, but it made me realize that I can’t keep living like this.”

Evelina: [concerned]

“Living like what?”

Stephen: [voice trembling slightly, stepping closer]

“Like someone who’s afraid of what could happen if I just say how I feel. Evelina… I still love you. I never stopped.”

Evelina: [caught off guard, her expression softening]



“I don’t know what you’ll say, but I can’t keep pretending I’m okay without you. I’m not. I should’ve told you this sooner, but—"

Evelina: [softly]

“I never knew you felt that way. I thought we were just… friends.”

Stephen: [heart pounding]

“We were, but it became so much more for me. I was just too scared to lose you, so I thought staying away was better than being rejected.”

Evelina: [pauses, then reaches out and takes his hand]

“You never had to be scared. I’m still here, aren’t I?”

Meanwhile in world 1: Steve sat on the bleachers, watching the school basketball game. His attention was split between the game and his phone, where notifications from social media and texts continued to ping. The cheer of the crowd and the clattering of the scoreboard were drowned out by his preoccupation with his phone.

Across the gym, Evany sat alone in the stands, her usual cheerfulness replaced by a distant look. She scanned the crowd, hoping to catch Steve’s eye, but he seemed oblivious to her presence.

The game ended, and the crowd began to disperse. Evany stood up, her shoulders slumped. As she turned to leave, she heard a familiar voice calling out to her. It was one of her old friends, but instead of a warm reunion, it was a cold remark. "Looks like someone’s been ditched again. Must be tough, huh?"

Evany forced a smile and walked away, her heart sinking further with each step. She wanted to talk to Steve, to share her feelings, but it felt like he was always somewhere else—caught up in his world, leaving her to face her struggles alone.

Later that night, Steve was at a party with friends, still scrolling through his phone. He noticed a series of messages from mutual friends about Evany’s absence from social gatherings and the whispers of her being left out. His phone buzzed with a message from his friend, Samuel: "Evany’s been getting a lot of flak lately. She really needs you right now."

Steve felt a pang of guilt. He hadn’t realized how much his absence had affected her. He glanced around at the lively party, the laughter, and the camaraderie, and then at his own phone. He saw pictures of Evany at the last game, sitting alone, her face a mix of hurt and resignation.

His heart sank as he understood the gravity of his actions. He had been so absorbed in his own world, so dismissive of her feelings, that he hadn't noticed how lonely she had become. The realization hit hard—he had been neglecting the one person who needed him most.

After her mysterious interaction with Stephen, Evany feels a strange sense of clarity. The conversation between them lingers in her mind, as though she's gained a glimpse of what could be if things were different. The realization that her life with Steve is spiraling in a way she can't fix becomes more evident to her.

Evany's thoughts: "Maybe I am holding onto something that was never meant to last. What if I'm missing out on something better, something I can't yet see?"

This line reflects her internal struggle. She begins questioning her relationship with Steve, wondering if the vision of Stephen signifies that there's another path she should consider.

Evany decides to confront Steve one last time, but instead of trying to fix things, she speaks with more resolve. This interaction with Stephen gave her strength to realize her worth and the possibilities of a life beyond Steve.

The next evening Steve stood at the edge of the park where they had spent countless afternoons together, the golden light of the setting sun casting long shadows across the grass. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched Evany sitting alone on their favorite bench, her gaze distant, her shoulders slightly slumped. She looked beautiful, even now, but there was something different in the air—an unspoken finality.

"Evany," Steve called softly as he approached her. His voice trembled with a hint of desperation, a tone she had rarely heard from him before.

Evany didn’t look up. She kept her eyes on the horizon, her fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on the bench. Silence stretched between them, thick and heavy.

He sat down beside her, careful to keep some space between them, as if that would bridge the chasm that had grown over time. "I know I messed up," Steve began, swallowing hard. "I didn't treat you right. I was... toxic, I pushed you away when all you wanted was to be close."

Her silence tore at him, but he pressed on. "But, Evany, I love you. I never said it enough, I never showed it enough, but it’s true. I was scared, I didn’t know how to handle—"

"Stop." Evany's voice was calm, but the weight of it felt like a punch to his chest. She finally turned to look at him, her eyes no longer soft with affection but steady and firm. "Steve, it's too late."

He flinched, his breath catching. "No, it’s not—"

"Yes, it is," she interrupted, shaking her head. "I’ve spent too long trying to save something that was slowly destroying me. I tried to hold on, to believe that you’d change, that you’d start caring, but you never did." Her voice cracked just slightly, but she steadied herself.

The words shattered whatever hope Steve had clung to. He reached out, his hand hovering just inches from hers. "Evany, I’m sorry," he whispered. "I can be better. I want to be better… for you."

But Evany stood, slipping out of his reach. She gave him one last glance, her eyes filled not with anger but with the bittersweet acceptance of a love that had run its course. "I wish you'd realized that sooner," she said softly. "But I can't wait for you anymore."

Evany: "I've been trying to hold us together, Steve, but maybe we were never meant to be. I see that now."

Steve: "What are you saying?"

Evany: "I'm saying goodbye."

After her confrontation, Evany makes the hard decision to walk away from Steve. She knows deep down that this is her chance to move on, though she still wonders about the strange connection to Stephen and what could it mean.

Evany's mysterious exchange with Stephen acts as the catalyst for her to let go of Steve, giving her the strength to realize that the relationship isn't fulfilling her anymore. 

Steve stood in the dimly lit room, staring at his reflection. The silence around him was deafening, and for the first time, he truly saw himself—the arrogance, the control, the dismissive way he treated Evany. Her words echoed in his mind, the ones he ignored for so long: "You don't see me. You never have."

His hands trembled as he recalled the countless arguments, the moments he pushed her away, convincing himself it was her fault. But it wasn’t. It never was.

"I’m sorry," he whispered, the words choking in his throat. "Why didn’t I see it sooner?"

He picked up his phone, typing and deleting countless messages. He wanted to explain, to apologize, to tell her he’d change. But as his fingers hovered over the screen, he realized—he was too late.

Evany had moved on. She wasn’t the girl who would wait anymore. She had found her strength, her independence. And it had nothing to do with him.

Steve felt the weight of his choices crashing down, the unbearable weight of regret.

On the other hand, Evelina arrives at the cabin, guided by a handwritten note from Stephen that simply reads, "Meet me by the lake at dusk." She’s curious and excited, wondering what Stephen has planned.

As she steps inside, the soft strains of a melody drift through the air. Stephen is seated at a small, rustic piano near the window, the soft glow of a nearby lamp illuminating his focused expression. The room is filled with the comforting scent of burning candles and fresh flowers.

Evelina’s eyes widen in surprise as she takes in the scene. Stephen looks up, his face lighting up with a warm, nervous smile. “I wanted to do something special for you,” he says, his voice tinged with emotion.

He continues playing the piano, the melody growing more heartfelt with each note. Evelina moves closer, captivated by the music and the intensity of Stephen’s gaze. The lyrics of the song, which Stephen sings softly, are about the journey they’ve shared, the distance that couldn’t diminish his love, and the joy of finally being together. Evelina listens, tears welling up in her eyes. The song is both tender and powerful, perfectly capturing the essence of their relationship. As the final notes fade away, Stephen stands and takes Evelina’s hands in his.

“I composed this for you, for everything we’ve been through,” he says, his voice breaking slightly. “I know words can’t always express what’s in my heart, but I hope this song shows how much you mean to me.”

Evelina, deeply moved, hugs him tightly. “It’s beautiful, Stephen. Thank you for putting your heart into this. It means more to me than you can imagine.”

They embrace, the song’s lingering notes echoing in the background as they share a moment of deep connection and understanding. The cabin, with its warm and intimate setting, becomes the perfect backdrop for their renewed love.

For the last time, Evany saw stephen and said to him, "I lost him." Whereas Stephen replied, "I got her."

Evany: "I can't keep living like this. Good bye, Steve."

Evelina: "I've been waiting for this moment for so long, Stephen."

Steve: "It's not about the apology; it's about the time wasted."

Stephen: "In the shadows of distance, I played my part. My greatest achievement? Winning her heart."


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