I know my purpose is greater118Please respect copyright.PENANAMDd41bXepS
than Earth's surface, Only God I worship, Christ is the advocate, Their price118Please respect copyright.PENANAeADErWMjka
is out of date, The sacrifice is out of fate, I don't resemble you, Don't let118Please respect copyright.PENANALlUQKLPbwI
them make an example out of you, Don't let them make a gamble of you.
Fulfilling prophecy, Healing in118Please respect copyright.PENANAxZfhAF4Q4M
my odyssey, The real is odd to see. Focus on repentance, The locust is the118Please respect copyright.PENANA7F6w3zwyMx
pre-sentence, How many cried. How many lied, How many tried, How many died, The118Please respect copyright.PENANAJyHSxdG5F4
way is narrow, Pray against the arrow, Today is here, Live in no fear.
I deliver the flow, By the river118Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9spWt89oh
I know, I got silver and gold, Talking in the spirit, Walking in faith I don't118Please respect copyright.PENANAYjMfcHR3gX
fear it, Last days the Lord gon clear it, Step out on God's Word, I felt left118Please respect copyright.PENANAoEOCHMxsIa
out on when it was hard in the blur, But now I see. Now I'm free.
I won't sell my soul, Don't118Please respect copyright.PENANAu8bDicsg3w
believe that hell is cold, Don't buy when they sell gold, You playing the wrong118Please respect copyright.PENANAac6lRxMErT
hand, Praying with strong hands, My life is in God's plans, Love is in all118Please respect copyright.PENANAN0b9wVrnqE
lands, Wheat and tares, Greet the stares, I ain't switching on this mission.
This ain't a movie reel, Been a118Please respect copyright.PENANAhVlKuwQvFB
saint you can't move the real, Give thanks you don't know how it feels, I ain't118Please respect copyright.PENANAZLLMEmIWjk
signing no deals, Perfect timing to make your soul heal, Only to God I kneel,118Please respect copyright.PENANAyTdhGuBS3h
Humble your ways before you fumble your days, To God all the praise.
Every level it's deep how I118Please respect copyright.PENANAaYiJF0cHXf
thunder, The devil can't keep me under, Only God made me, Only God paid me, Any118Please respect copyright.PENANAFmN2PgRuHY
day is heads or tails, Many times I prayed instead of accepting to fail,118Please respect copyright.PENANAmyyO7M92mW
Conquer the war within, No hunger in the war with sin, Stronger in the win.
I don't move off the clock, I'm118Please respect copyright.PENANAcTNZB8GtW7
proof you can unlock your heart, They act like you the enemy, Don't react to118Please respect copyright.PENANADFbO9HveDT
the flu energy Society wants you bruised, There's a variety of tea to respect118Please respect copyright.PENANACzeORjBp4v
the blues, I seen they plans that's why I walk with clean hands.
We came from God, The game is118Please respect copyright.PENANAxo5A0ZMpwA
odd, Can't play with sorcery, I pray with the force in me, Call it The Most118Please respect copyright.PENANAzpKjNrottu
High, They ball with a closed eye, I won't take no pledge to masonry, I got the118Please respect copyright.PENANACExip8s2S4
edge they ain't facing me, Clean plate, Clean slate.
I'm flying at top speed, I'm118Please respect copyright.PENANAEqpCPeIDEd
crying cause my heart bleed, But I have peace beyond comprehension, The beast118Please respect copyright.PENANA0LTP41r8Y4
is on some new invention, What did you expect, You can't bid the respect, They118Please respect copyright.PENANA3ZP9CEtmaO
haunting you, They taunting you, Build your faith, Sealed to be saved.
Calculated my steps, Accurated118Please respect copyright.PENANAZ0NgSpEh2h
my debts, We can't play with sin, We can pray within, They be acting odd when118Please respect copyright.PENANAJFNOpWRKDv
you claiming God, Stay pure them spells we got to dodge, But I ain't running,118Please respect copyright.PENANALwmd6RMChQ
Been a saint even when they fronting.
I feel the fire burning up, I118Please respect copyright.PENANATyirvx8bcV
feel the choir sermon up, I feel the liar vermin up, Money in the pockets,118Please respect copyright.PENANAI8pCiOC3aD
Money in the sockets, Money in the rockets, Individual basis, In visual spaces.118Please respect copyright.PENANAvhfoTTj7KF
Face your fears, Days of tears, Let your heart rest in the harvest.
Steady evolving. Ready solving,118Please respect copyright.PENANAP9AOvjP2hw
This ain't a movie scene, You can't move what's unseen, I'm protected, I'm118Please respect copyright.PENANAejfqjAXuTz
corrected. New me, Now they acting like they knew me, We ain't got time to118Please respect copyright.PENANA3ixFpDZpCU
play, I'm in my prime when I pray, Elevation of mind, Revelation of the sign.
Birds of the same feather, Words118Please respect copyright.PENANADY1qiyv88A
of the same letter, What's it gon to take to change, Unlock her heart to118Please respect copyright.PENANAV4lpjEvmcE
engage, Married to the wisdom, They tryna bury me in the system, Free my mind.118Please respect copyright.PENANAXCtlIIidgn
Tree in my vine, I ain't talking no divination, Welcome to the invitation.
Daily nutrition. Daily118Please respect copyright.PENANAAwsytM3vCc
intuition, Get proper rest, Let the copper bless, No pain no gain, No rain no118Please respect copyright.PENANAJNYe7fPp5a
grain, The game is cold, The same is told, Pick up your cross, They sick off118Please respect copyright.PENANALAe335iXdA
the sauce, See you thru those tinted windows, See you thru those minted symbols.
They treated me like an outcast,118Please respect copyright.PENANAhKdcaJNXtP
Now my heart is heard like a podcast, Rise and grind, Lies of the blind,118Please respect copyright.PENANAtZf9N95Kvv
Praying to God now they playing odd, The game is makeup, We the same if you118Please respect copyright.PENANA7mXT2cmhFl
wake up, Who cares, New stares, Mediocre is not real, Tea and okra to heal.
I don't need your endorsement,118Please respect copyright.PENANAtHvBZ24uqt
Be on point with the seed of the four horsemen, Last days apocalypse, Past days118Please respect copyright.PENANAR8DLLcEpc8
of soccer kicks, This am not the world cup, The saints got the Word up, My foes118Please respect copyright.PENANAvHukyUpMy9
witness my light, The glow's fitness to the night, Always live right.
I collide with giants, I don't118Please respect copyright.PENANAj8OUEpVK7s
hide from tyrants, The tide is in the hydrants, Almost died in the islands,118Please respect copyright.PENANAbwZEqLIuxL
Gave her the rose when I cried in silence, The grave is full of souls who lied118Please respect copyright.PENANAroSStZDgHv
in violence, Saved the dose of talents, Feel the wave of balance.
They playing on emotion, I'm118Please respect copyright.PENANAxWEPgPKdRW
praying for the sun to hit the ocean, I'm done with the fake notion, See a118Please respect copyright.PENANAb3qs4wVyIL
different perspective, I'm gifted respective, They shifted the method, Any deal118Please respect copyright.PENANArdCZW5mO5Z
I won't accept it, The meal for breakfast, Be real and be selfless.
Society fake to the wire, You118Please respect copyright.PENANAUVLIhELOCd
don't want to taste the lake of fire, Why play on this earth, Why play with118Please respect copyright.PENANA9gL742Z3m9
your worth, Seeing people's true intentions, I ain't freeing evil's true118Please respect copyright.PENANAOTEFBHgP45
inventions, The real ones are selfless, Thank God I ain't felt less.
I know they capping in, I know118Please respect copyright.PENANAMOSVFsdzhW
I'm tapping in, What's happening, Meek as a dove, Speak with all love, Every118Please respect copyright.PENANAIxww1VcHv1
breath could be your last chance, Every wealth could be your past plans, Focus118Please respect copyright.PENANARBhwGBe5Ji
on the grind, The locust is for the blind, Refusal of a free soul.
They're tomb raiders looking for118Please respect copyright.PENANAo6SmVGDNYK
giants, The room full of haters cause my soul defiant, Lion roaring within me,118Please respect copyright.PENANApyPIHebind
The world dying within the sea, Keep saving, Peep the raven, No images of118Please respect copyright.PENANAurjlhOaoDi
graven, Bengal flow. Angel glow, Been a warrior, Jesus is my lawyer.
Faith and courage, Saved and118Please respect copyright.PENANAzmPnp0KYSP
nourished, Prayed for the porridge, Whatever they say poor or rich, Still the118Please respect copyright.PENANA80JMretQ2l
same me, They can't tame me, They can't fame me, They can't game me, Got to go118Please respect copyright.PENANAwASUVbUmMd
through the simulation, Got to go through the tribulation.
I defy science, I fly in118Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2hgTIw7ir
silence, My heart triggers them out, My heart figures them out, Different mind118Please respect copyright.PENANAmYanXxny1o
frame, Shifted the grind game, Not affiliated, Been humiliated, But I118Please respect copyright.PENANALTp6vT3wyI
accumulated, Talking spiritual gems, Unlocking spiritual stems.
Guide me in the battle, Hide me118Please respect copyright.PENANAV27UIp5mpp
God in your shadow, You ain't got to tell me more than once, The truth is hell118Please respect copyright.PENANAoH3Ufwofjl
like the core of the sun, Plead the blood of Jesus, We all need the love of118Please respect copyright.PENANABQPGTlwmSR
Jesus, Surrounded by sharks, Still grounded got the devil shocked.
The days I felt down God lifted118Please respect copyright.PENANAbMvoRK06fK
me off the ground, Now my foes don't make a sound, You can act tough but I118Please respect copyright.PENANAOwNq3X0u6F
don't fear no bluff, Built with warrior power, That filth of the New World118Please respect copyright.PENANAaVacxSvIC8
Order won't last an hour, Stop trying to impress and start trying to invest.
My energy expose the room, My118Please respect copyright.PENANAgYZfgZ8WA4
enemy wants me in a tomb, I shall live and not die, I shall forgive and not118Please respect copyright.PENANAigoh9urN5Z
lie, We need atonement, I can read the opponent, Have a pure intent, The cure118Please respect copyright.PENANAhGYU5TfLbj
is to repent, Subliminals in camouflage, Criminals in the camel lodge.
My heart is like a musical118Please respect copyright.PENANAbIXr4fCW86
score, They call Babylon a beautiful whore, I ain't switching rich or poor, God118Please respect copyright.PENANAYtPMwguNEl
is with me whether I have less or more, The truth shall set you free, Reading118Please respect copyright.PENANAHdJ21GFPMA
about Ruth will get you the key, Redemption through the exemption.
We must do the inner work to get118Please respect copyright.PENANAldGkafnqid
the winner's work, Know that peace is special, Know that the beast wants to118Please respect copyright.PENANAXGXePLALub
wrestle, Royal rumble, I'm loyal not to fumble, The tea of salvation will118Please respect copyright.PENANASJGyOkgnY1
soothe, The key of revelation is truth, Past earnings, Cast my burdens.
Can't blame the past, Can't flame118Please respect copyright.PENANAMFag7KTqFL
the last, In their eyes they see prey, In the skies they see grey, You can't118Please respect copyright.PENANAcryBtS7mM1
play both sides, Pray for growth that guides, Don't bow down to corporate or118Please respect copyright.PENANAeT0Ap21T0E
the streets, They can't act now as you orbit the peace.
The peace is my catalyst, The118Please respect copyright.PENANAIIIUo5nHA2
beast is the analyst, The streets is battling this, Hold yourself accountable,118Please respect copyright.PENANAsz111RbQX5
The soul of wealth is bountiful, What am I doing to advance the world for118Please respect copyright.PENANAJ0MLjOvI7B
better, What am I doing to enhance the world for the weather.
I give my pain to God, I live in118Please respect copyright.PENANAuL5S4KVvJ1
the rain kinda odd, The game is signed frauds, The flame will bind your heart,118Please respect copyright.PENANAmCfhD5OrNy
The name is where it starts, The same in different parts, The feeling ain't118Please respect copyright.PENANA34e5nay7ez
mutual, The healing is residual. I'm revealing what's biblical.
It's automatic in the field,118Please respect copyright.PENANAum0CbzlomM
They act dogmatic when it's real, Stay in your heart, Pray in your heart, No118Please respect copyright.PENANAH2KoO75ioX
code of silence, No mode of violence, You ain't got to tell me my power, You118Please respect copyright.PENANArbXjAdhOGu
ain't got to sell me your hour, Slowly but surely the world is unruly.
I ain't bragging, It's the118Please respect copyright.PENANAxzfLDTp6n3
saints verse the dragon, Don't faint when the matrix is lagging, Digital118Please respect copyright.PENANArwjFf3SKup
currency, Critical urgency, Protected by the holy spirit. Corrected by God so I118Please respect copyright.PENANA5e6g4VegNN
don't fear it, Subliminals of the starter, Minerals of the water.
A different sequence. The earth118Please respect copyright.PENANABHZXenYrcq
shifting on them legions, Enemy frustrated, The energy is lust hated, I don't118Please respect copyright.PENANAmuZK66OSmy
want your pleasure, They taunt what you measure, One teaspoon, The sun is the118Please respect copyright.PENANA6zqoIMwjPr
sea moon, I rebuke all devils, Can't be lukewarm on all levels.
Sitting with the angels, Getting118Please respect copyright.PENANAHnv6tcBlJF
grit from the bengals, Lion in my veins, I ain't dying in my pain, Been crying118Please respect copyright.PENANALrwiTTILGf
in the rain, Hollywood is filthy, The cross on the wood is not guilty, See the118Please respect copyright.PENANAyuVD4ia7ce
hate is real, The key of fate is the deal, Smile through every mile.
I'm tapping in they napping in,118Please respect copyright.PENANAvyAklpm4rS
What's happening, Momentary pause, Legendary cross, Back to the topic, I'mma118Please respect copyright.PENANAF1g8pwnfEy
threat to the target, Not bread alone, Can't forget my own, They dripping with118Please respect copyright.PENANAGpzcB7zhAr
evil, I'm ripping their ego, Fruits and grains, Truth remains.
Lifted up, Gifted up, Energy on118Please respect copyright.PENANA1DVFjupYaj
gold mode, Enemy on sold mode, Known to the ancient, Shown to be patient, The118Please respect copyright.PENANANjBPcADQim
game is dirty, The flame is thirty, All we gon get is the sign of Jonah, I118Please respect copyright.PENANAlhxGjPoHf7
can't forget I was blind and now I know now.
Weeping last a moment, They118Please respect copyright.PENANARkBdtqrjDk
keeping the past to own it, Joy in the rising, They put soy in the icing, Don't118Please respect copyright.PENANAHMQOTOTCgo
grow weary, Don't flow scary. We know the detriment of do what thou wilt, The118Please respect copyright.PENANA8shiBRhi2w
glow is heaven sent that's just how I was built, Hollow tips or politics.
Pending danger, Trending118Please respect copyright.PENANACfOMsRCvY0
stranger, Who knows what will happen, The truth glows even when they capping, I118Please respect copyright.PENANAogaYyTXh8T
don't dabble in witchcraft, There's an apple in the wish draft, Stick to the118Please respect copyright.PENANAhY2GxaoBGe
basics, Tryna glitch the matrix, Salvation is available to all prayerful.
Victory in love, Mystery in118Please respect copyright.PENANAWZa7hqhyDw
dove, Opinions and theories, They claim dominion in series, Get to the root,118Please respect copyright.PENANAS2LFsLAO2q
How can you forget the truth, Self care is health care, Release the trauma, The118Please respect copyright.PENANAjHrxG5Op29
streets is pharma, Bind the enemy, I ain't blind to the energy.
If God provide my heart won't118Please respect copyright.PENANA1Km7K9TS89
hide, Masons everywhere, I be facing every stare, Menacing or heaven sent,118Please respect copyright.PENANA8Il8iHVKuq
Can't fear flesh, Thank my tears I'm blessed, Devil got miracle germs, Every118Please respect copyright.PENANATYHspI0s76
level is biblical terms, Nehemiah and Jeremiah, We need the Lord's fire.
I won't back down, I don't act118Please respect copyright.PENANAfoxZDl40gT
like a clown, Citizen of heaven don't care if you run the town, The realest sin118Please respect copyright.PENANAl4spTi4NS9
is there if you lose your ground, Got to be real no matter who around, How you118Please respect copyright.PENANAi6To5cRJwg
gon heal when the devil surround, You feel peace when love is found.
Spiritually evolving cause I'm118Please respect copyright.PENANAhOOVPSlUNK
biblically involving, I was lost in the wilderness, The cost is to build the118Please respect copyright.PENANAwlQK1MA2as
rest, Words to plant a seed, The birds grant the deeds, Transforming to a118Please respect copyright.PENANAjGJ9VLpI9E
higher vibration, I was in the storm in my hibernation, Now I'm ancient.
I keep a low profile, It's deep118Please respect copyright.PENANAQT0H0QkzEU
when you know the x-files, Feel like I'm in exile, I'm healed with a blessed118Please respect copyright.PENANA0En9vP9nIB
smile, It's real in the next mile, The feds who my foes dial, The blood is118Please respect copyright.PENANAdPoNoekJM9
potent like souls in the Nile, In the moment my love grows in the wild.
Loyalty in God, Royalty I ain't118Please respect copyright.PENANAxeFGdjsbYV
a fraud, Only the angels applaud, It's lonely when you got the joker card, They118Please respect copyright.PENANAj8hNfP3LsD
phony when you eat that okra star, I speak in code. I'm not in freak mode, Stay118Please respect copyright.PENANA6FwvksA2li
correct, Pray to connect, Devil running wild, Every level I smile.
Laser vision, Razor mission, On118Please respect copyright.PENANAPHAWsj8Zp0
point with the accuracy, What's the point if there's no advocacy, Injustice is118Please respect copyright.PENANAB9s6tBX63O
inevitable, There's substance cause the Word is edible, Eat the scroll, Defeat118Please respect copyright.PENANAayavlEC7EX
the troll, Delete the goal, Can't deplete my soul.
Menacing look of the idol,118Please respect copyright.PENANA7bimU8yNnZ
Medicine book is the Bible, No copycat, Law of Christ they won't lobby that,118Please respect copyright.PENANASSa9pdiXiI
Been through hard situations, See the truth of God in simulations, Ain't118Please respect copyright.PENANA59mVTAJA2g
nothing new about the heart of tribulations, Christ genesis, The price is exodus.
Many crying for pain, Many dying118Please respect copyright.PENANAdgZywTi5gG
for rain, The light is becoming electrifying, The night is becoming terrifying,118Please respect copyright.PENANAtbJqGie7KY
Only God do I fear, It's odd every year, Do a new thing. Do a true thing, Final118Please respect copyright.PENANABUX2khoFTD
arrival, Vinyl revival, Not affiliated cause they really hate it.
Digital interface, It's critical118Please respect copyright.PENANA82Xfkg3vf0
you enter a new space, It's biblical not about race, It's a miracle to have118Please respect copyright.PENANArEDYGJkBjC
grace, Cup of suffering, It ain't made up what I'm wondering, Vibration is118Please respect copyright.PENANAoqR3KnJrff
ether, In hibernation I meet her, She knows every rose.
I was supposed to be a118Please respect copyright.PENANAEzIMy1lHzX
scapegoat, I rose from the taped note, Said dear failure, They fear prayer, I118Please respect copyright.PENANAKQbuCjG0sY
know what they did, I glow in the grid, My light is known, The night is grown,118Please respect copyright.PENANArDos2ucIaV
Spiritual heart is the biblical start, Truth is grace in any space.
Silence is my medicine, Violence118Please respect copyright.PENANAOAliJbuLNB
is dead in sin. It's not my fault, I unlocked the vault, Don't lose your salt,118Please respect copyright.PENANAhe38yhocsg
Spiritually vibrating, Biblically hydrating, Society wants me to rest in peace118Please respect copyright.PENANA7sKPh7nULS
cause I have the nerve to test the beast.
Spiritually vibrating,118Please respect copyright.PENANACpkco1MP4a
Biblically hydrating, Verses salted me, Those curses halted me, I kept going, I118Please respect copyright.PENANAokwDSLOEBP
kept growing, I kept glowing, They can't stop my heart, It ain't stop the118Please respect copyright.PENANA2VGHlLsPHL
start, Birthed the disciple, Earth is not the idol, Prophecy. Obviously.
They tried to diminish mine, I'm118Please respect copyright.PENANAq3Uf3fJtns
headed to the finish line, The more you elevate, The more you got to handle118Please respect copyright.PENANAycXXNIQLWu
hate, Don't blow away in the candle's fate, They try to disturb you, They don't118Please respect copyright.PENANANMdwG2I0jB
deserve you, The light within destroys the night in sin.
Hold your peace, It's cold in118Please respect copyright.PENANA4pv8DJM6oR
the streets, Came up with the lions and pumas, The same lying and rumors,118Please respect copyright.PENANAjst2l8fzC1
Energy vampires, The enemy is the same liar, Royal bloodline, I ain't loyal to118Please respect copyright.PENANAmb9WAuDWae
the gun line, Instruction booming, Destruction looming.
Put it on the wax, They try to118Please respect copyright.PENANAwdu5oxsqo7
loot the fax, Trying to reboot you with the vaxx, The truth to the max, The118Please respect copyright.PENANAkhWmaWipkB
youth getting taxed, We're inspiring, They're expiring, Cup of suffering, Love118Please respect copyright.PENANARL5LTylTnS
is thundering, Money laundering, Honey in the dawn of me.
We know who lying, My glow ain't118Please respect copyright.PENANAK8mGaqFQZC
dying, Noise pollution, Voice solution, Make a change, Don't make it strange,118Please respect copyright.PENANABw1WdIvY5u
They outcast you, They can't outlast you, Still don't get it, Sealed by the118Please respect copyright.PENANAB4CAjQvs0U
medic, Healing through it all, Feeling the truth in it all.
Keep your heart in peace, It's118Please respect copyright.PENANAwI7hGCSlnM
deep cause they start with the beast, Church lying to people, Search for the118Please respect copyright.PENANAirggfxDYSx
dying people, No one's saved yet in regards to heaven, The sun shaved the check118Please respect copyright.PENANAralAX5mnx2
in the heart of leaven, Feast of dedication, Increase the education.
Seeker of divinity, They get118Please respect copyright.PENANAlKTopbLD6u
weaker in infinity, That's goes for the wicked, I know we can't kick it, My118Please respect copyright.PENANAtcv5OwL4kU
foes is closer, The woes in all culture, What are you saying, Forgot their118Please respect copyright.PENANAu3v09gQGXv
heart was decaying, Knew the energy is frail, The new enemy will fail.
Leveled up now they devil'd up,118Please respect copyright.PENANAhYbdrfWUM6
Keep it Christian, Peep the ignition, Perfect peace, The verdict is the beast,118Please respect copyright.PENANAPlzjPXN3Pd
Free of all charges, Trees fall in august, Piper playing the flute, Viper118Please respect copyright.PENANAdA8s5ow8cl
preying for salute, That fiber got them on mute, Cyber won't stop truth.
The closest ones to you will118Please respect copyright.PENANAbXhuIAkvok
snake you out, The closest ones to you will fake you out, The closest ones to118Please respect copyright.PENANAZnhHzTgLsu
you will take you out, Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, Rise in a new118Please respect copyright.PENANAtb8HPv0COO
version cause I'm heaven sent by love, First fruits of the truth.
Can't wait for the verdict, Been118Please respect copyright.PENANAuxUs2oh5uM
a saint before the earth shift, Labeled a target and a threat, I'm able to118Please respect copyright.PENANA9RM8dYYjvW
unlock the plan with a thread, Digital identity. See the code with serenity,118Please respect copyright.PENANARhCDACNFsT
The key to the element, The fee for the settlement, Plead the creed.
I knew you before the womb, They118Please respect copyright.PENANAXaWylWBfda
put vodou on my tomb, Your hexing won't work on me at this stage, Your vexing118Please respect copyright.PENANA7quSt3RUMk
won't work on me on this page, If God is for me who can be against me, I know118Please respect copyright.PENANA4Q3S69dPUO
it's hard to be free when you take a118Please respect copyright.PENANA2HJGox9bJV
chance with my key.
Eyelids won't slumber, I live118Please respect copyright.PENANACEdyBJxN7C
not for the number, I did it with my jumper, Why you livid in the summer, Cold118Please respect copyright.PENANAxLw3iQfeXc
weather is the soul feather, As long as you six feet up then cast your burdens118Please respect copyright.PENANA6Qv1FDqSb4
when you're beat up, Absorb the pain, Transform in the rain.
I can't give you clout, I can't118Please respect copyright.PENANAk6s8y7wkiF
live for the doubt, Heard the beast rage, Words of a feast on the page, Reading118Please respect copyright.PENANAaU0hdwQRe8
the verses cause they misleading with curses, Arrogant pride, Arrows again I118Please respect copyright.PENANA6P7kuNAQIx
won't hide, Cast away fear, The past was clear, Blast the gear.
Not even in my prime, They be118Please respect copyright.PENANA1rFIl8pEEW
grieving cause they running out of time, Sipping that heavenly water with that118Please respect copyright.PENANA5NjbtIWcDh
lime, It's dripping the New World Order is a crime, They all over dropping the118Please respect copyright.PENANAm71JCGl7H8
dime, Not affiliated with the grime, Ain't humiliated with the slime.
See past the coding. See the118Please respect copyright.PENANANnt0PaTXB9
cash loading, Ozone layer, Can't clone my prayer, Contagious hatred, The sun is118Please respect copyright.PENANAq2A4740vAq
ageless and sacred, I don't run when it's flagrant, The gun in your hand is118Please respect copyright.PENANAD9h5LiJiMm
pagan, The tongue of the wicked is baking, The lungs of satan is breaking.
Pastors supposed to lead to you118Please respect copyright.PENANAHESpNwdRTn
pastures, To lie down in safety, They cry now lately, The glow is unreal, I118Please respect copyright.PENANA6V4W0De1y8
know the sun heal, The earth being warned, My worth being sworn, But no oath or118Please respect copyright.PENANALDTZoff0bN
promise, The glow is why the car miss, Her love is like star kiss.
I know they watching, Can't put118Please respect copyright.PENANAIr4odEzbk8
my soul on the auction, The glow got them in caution, Out of world flow like a118Please respect copyright.PENANAN27EsHyKVJ
martian, It took a toll I'm still marching, Clothes clean I'm still starching,118Please respect copyright.PENANAsKMGrt4o86
Foes mean I ain't dodging, Woes seen I ain't lodging.
I'm dreaded cause where I'm118Please respect copyright.PENANAaB8FwBFRtJ
headed, I know it's true if God said it, The glow within is embedded, They118Please respect copyright.PENANArm97T5itUa
trying me I wouldn't let it, Scriptures all over they still don't get it, Mark118Please respect copyright.PENANAAectjKgCmB
of the beast don't get it, Immune free cause of the medic, I wouldn't bet it.
I had the worst past now I'm118Please respect copyright.PENANASY2vD7wKnD
living in first class, The serpent on the cursed brass, They working on the118Please respect copyright.PENANAX25bHYXScd
earth blast, My true worth will always last, They got the nerve to enslave for118Please respect copyright.PENANAdF37Iliblc
cash, I don't serve for the stash, See the swerve when you reject the mash.
Serpent lips, Merchant ships,118Please respect copyright.PENANAIGXG7eSLRK
The past of Babylon, The cash of Ashkelon, It won't last they acting wrong,118Please respect copyright.PENANAEbcawDSTef
What's the war about, What's the door of doubt, Can't focus on failures, Saints118Please respect copyright.PENANAPTIQlH5CdA
don't fear the locust of sailors, Fables wired in cables.
The glow is all light, The flow118Please respect copyright.PENANAYEwKI9kqhz
is all might, They know it's all night, Day approaching, Pray for the coaching,118Please respect copyright.PENANAwCOmuFRa6x
Rookie of the year, Now they looking for the fear, No initiation, Know the118Please respect copyright.PENANAknTWPwiP4K
situation, No I ain't wishing, No I ain't switching.
Clock in. I ain't heavy metal118Please respect copyright.PENANAA7d6BOQuaY
rocking, My soul petal is still charging, I won't sign no deal, They can't118Please respect copyright.PENANApsNxienbBE
blind the real, The saint is kind to feel, Peep behind the reel, My mind is118Please respect copyright.PENANAHmY6RhQcb9
sealed, The grind is in the field, Working hard, Churching hard.
The feeling is over, The healing118Please respect copyright.PENANA7UJCZhiq1P
is sober, They dealing with cobra, Keep your tone clean, They on the phone118Please respect copyright.PENANAe4bQepMRTu
screen, I'm on my own team, I got my own dream, It's been known it's a scheme,118Please respect copyright.PENANAkwzYmxrCt7
The water is grown call it a stream, Unknown to the triple beam.
Mesmerized by nature, Memorized118Please respect copyright.PENANArRE8UK7YJH
my nature, I know the hurt real, I know the dirt heal, Took a different road,118Please respect copyright.PENANA7nUWNV9LeG
Look for the gifted code, Reverend of poetry, Heaven you know it's loyalty,118Please respect copyright.PENANA6pRHCtOdRd
Unleavened bread cause it's royalty.
Free the truth of the paper. See118Please respect copyright.PENANABTwTgHz8An
the fruit of my labor, Watch how I reboot love's favor, I don't rebuke my118Please respect copyright.PENANAZZJHVZtKrt
neighbor, I see you looking through the mirror, I got them shook cause I was118Please respect copyright.PENANA7JVWkqEScj
baptized in the river, It's all biblical It's all a miracle.
Been humble from the start118Please respect copyright.PENANABRrbmJhpdD
that's why I didn't fumble my heart, All they got is fake love, All they want118Please respect copyright.PENANArlmbtJhmZz
do is to take love, Moving differently. Truth is shifting me, Higher vibration,118Please respect copyright.PENANANtqupXRsmv
The fire is hydration, God requires hibernation.
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118Please respect copyright.PENANASFAZumAQvN
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118Please respect copyright.PENANAni3xS2FNxD
118Please respect copyright.PENANAsglEDMSulb
118Please respect copyright.PENANAbOwLAZLAxi
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118Please respect copyright.PENANAJEEv8ruuTX
118Please respect copyright.PENANAiflW9X0gHq
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118Please respect copyright.PENANAVHsvfrW8Oi
118Please respect copyright.PENANAoF3oD4oUIk
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118Please respect copyright.PENANAm4Bfx5Dmjn
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118Please respect copyright.PENANAmXk7nxwOsm
My cup is overflowing, It ain't118Please respect copyright.PENANAs3i8PSuGKG
made up I'm forever glowing, Salvation is my portion, Revelation is their118Please respect copyright.PENANAe9MpwethpN
extortion Not talking biblical, Walking in a miracle, Something looming, Wings118Please respect copyright.PENANAOS3ZgFu4w2
rose from my human, Now the world fuming, Straight facts just blooming.