Michael who was heading home after work stopped at a traffic light, he looked around to see if he could cross the street, until something caught his attention, on the bridge on the other side of the street he saw something, but the traffic light turned green. Now that he was closer he decided to turn his attention to the bridge again, he saw a woman with clothes half torn and full of bruises as if she had just finished fighting with someone, Michael simply thought; 'No thanks.' and walked in the other direction until he heard she fell. He sighed and decided to help her, taking her to his apartment, treating her wounds, changing her clothes, and laying her down on his bed.
At night, Gaby woke up in pain but bandaged with clothes that were too big for her and in a place she didn't know, she got up and left the room supporting herself on the wall, in the living room she saw a boy sleeping, she was relief it wasn’t someone she knew and went back to sleep.
The next morning.
A rich smell of food made Gaby wake up and leave the room when she got to the living room she saw the same boy from the previous night sitting at the table waiting for her to eat, she immediately sat down and began to eat, he simply looked at her while eating. “My name is Michael, what is yours?” “I’m Gaby. Thank you for… helping me.” She gave him a smile with her mouth full of food.
The next morning.
There wasn’t enough food in the fridge for both of them and Gaby didn’t have any clothes, so Michael decided to go shopping, but when he was putting on his shoes. “Can I go with you? My wounds are better.” Gaby asked coming out of the room with a big shirt on and a belt around her waist. “You can barely walk, when you get better we’ll go out. If you’re hungry breakfast is on the table, I’ll be back in an hour.” He left.
An hour later.
Michael arrives with his hands full of bags, leaving them at the entrance. It was a hot afternoon so the living room fan was on and the terrace door was open, there she was, Michael stared at her for a moment until she noticed him; “I thought you would take longer.”
x time later.
After cleaning the dishes Michael called Gaby to check her wounds, he saw that she was already better so he decided to take her to the university with him. When they arrived; “You can't go to classes with me but you can see the campus, take some money in case you want something. We’ll meet here in an hour.” Having said this they separated.
x time later.
Gaby got a call from Kristin, her mother; “GABY! MY BABY! How have you been? Your mother has been very worried about you! But what happened to you? My calls weren't going through.” “Sorry Mom, my phone broke and I had to buy a new one.” “Oh! I almost forgot to tell you that I already paid all my debts, well more like m—” The debt collectors from last time showed up and took Gaby’s phone away, this time they wanted revenge for last time, Gaby who was in a bad mood gave them the beating of their lives.
Michael was lying on the couch and was falling asleep until the door opened. It was Gaby. She had some bruises and blood on her clothes. Michael decided it was time to ask. She told him everything and after treating the wounds, they went to sleep.
x days later.
Michael estaba saliendo de su trabajo, se detuvo en el minimarket a comprar algunas cosas, mientras pagaba unos hombres entran, ellos concuerdan con la descripción que Gaby le había dado; “Insertar insultos hacia ella.” “Más insultos hacia ella.” Michael salió de la tienda y entró en un callejón, sacó su bate y simplemente espero a que ellos salieran.
Michael was leaving work, and he stopped at a convenience store to buy some things, while he was paying some men came in, they matched the description Gaby had given him; “Insert insults towards her.” “More insults towards her.” Michael left the store and entered an alley, he took out his bat and simply waited for them to leave