Ember is a fifteen year old who recently came out as nonbinary, their family disowned them for it. Right after Ember’s announcement, queen Saranya died, the patriarchy crashed into tyranny and chaos. Her husband Mrithun became the sole leader and made everyone pledge allegiance to him and those who didn’t were named traitors. He moved everyone who pledged their allegiance in to Golool. Which Ember has nicknamed Broury, the broken city. When Ember stumbles upon a boy that’s near death they stops and takes care of him, the boy is about their age maybe a year older than them. But, she might have just sealed her death warrant, they have no idea who they just saved and it might kill her because someone wanted him dead and now they’ve intervened and messed up ,whoever did it, their plan. But most importantly they don’t know the thing that might save them is buried deep inside them.
Quick note: When I refere to Ember I will use they/them. Ember did not try to kill the boy.